1 [Prologue] My Ice Cream :(

"We will now be enforcing a stay-at-home order, you cannot leave your house except for essential outings such as going to the grocery store and to the doctor." The Governor announced on TV two weeks ago

It's been four weeks since school was put online, and only two since quarantine was instated.

Most people are on edge, while others are claiming "iTs jUsT LiKE THe fLU". Others are remorsing their last year of high school and how they can't physically get their diploma. 2020 has been interesting so far, that's for sure.

All in all, not much has changed for me. I'm usually inside and I don't hang out with my friends outside of school anyway.

I've been trying otome games to have romantic interactions for once, but the first game I tried made me sick. The guys were hot, but the options for the heroine made no sense.

"Seriously? You first meet and the three options are: kiss, stare at his crotch, and tell him that he's handsome!?" I muttered. My face was red either way, but I hate feeling embarrassed or looking stupid, even if it's not me. The second hand embarrassment is real.

I chose the "stare at his crotch" option just to see what would happen, but I didn't expect for the male character to unzip his pants!

"Yaaaay- oh wait I mean oh no." I thought and my face got redder.

As I continued through the game, I started disliking it even more.

The only options for the heroine against the villainous was "tremble in fear, call for [random male protagonist], or say sorry." If I were the heroine, the villainous would've been thrown into the window by now! I would become the villainous against the villainous!

Now at the present, I'm bored. I want to go outside, but I don't want corona.

"I've been cooped up for two weeks now, I think I can go outside and be fine. Besides, we ran out of ice cream." I thought.

I sat up, grabbed the keys, and went outside on my mission for ice cream. I walked to the grocery store, begged the worker to find the ice cream I wanted, paid, and left.

Looking both ways, I started walking.

*Screech of tires*

*Sound of ice cream being ripped apart*

Maybe I should've stayed in quarantine...

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