Having been called an evil queen by the people she failed. Savina was struck down by the Hero of Justice, Vesh. Given a second chance, Savina is reborn as the Champion of the Goddess of Wisdom. Can Savina make amends for her failings? Can she reclaim her throne and prevent a war that threatens to tear apart the continent of Olozia? Or will she only repeat the mistakes she made in her previous life? Well, there's only one way to find out...
Sat crooked across her throne, the evil queen Savina coughed blood into her palm.
Clenching her fist. She looked down at the hero, Savina's eye's narrowed. "You. You really believe that you can do better than I have. You and your cohort. Not only that, but you came into my court, slew all of my generals, all of my advisors that did not bend the knee and imprisoned those who did."
Raising her blade, the hero Vesh slammed it into the throne room floor. "The people are tired of your misdeeds, they call for change."
"Change, you think you and your party will be able to change this kingdom. I have been trying to change what the old men before me put in place. We are in the middle of a crisis, the Beasts to the west of us, the kingdoms that will take advantage of our weakness when I am gone to the east." Savina howled at the thought. "You may be the chosen hero of Tirela. But you are just a child..."
"They will listen to me. I've made powerful friends on my journey to bring you to justice. I will make this work, anything I can do will be better than what you have done."
"You know nothing of politics girl, they will, you use, make you their puppet. This kingdom hates me, but, in time. It will come to hate you too… but." Dropping back into her blood-stained throne. Savina rested against it. "By the ways of old, I wish you luck. The chosen hero of Tirela…"
Her eyes closing, Savina died from her mortal wound.
Opening her eyes, Savina blinked.
"This isn't the land of the dead." She stumbled over her words.
Sat in a small cosy living room, a large fire roared in the fireplace. She was sitting on a couch full of cushions.
"Not quite, Savina, you're not that lucky, I'm afraid."
Whipping her head around, Savina brought her hand up, attempting to summon her magic, but nothing happened as she stared at the women behind her.
The woman held two cups of what looked like tea. "Would you like one? I promise it's not poisoned."
Not moving, Savina stood up, looking around the room. "Where is this? And who are you?"
"Well." Walking around the couch, the lady sat down, putting Savina's cup of tea next to her. "My name is Nama. I'm a huge fan of yours."
"You're a what?" Savina asked, increasingly confused.
"I'm a fan, of yours. I've been watching your escapades for decades. You caught my eye when you first entered into the world of politics. Your, what some may call. Outrageous policies that many disagreed with."
Taking a few more steps back, Savina eyed the woman. "Are you some kind of stalker?"
"Me?" Pointing to herself, Nama laughed. "No no no, I'm the Goddess of Wisdom, it's kind of my job to know these kinds of things."
"You can't be… Her. I've prayed to you."
"Ever since you entered the world of politics, I know. That's why I noticed you."
Hearing this, Savina dropped onto the couch. "So it's true, the hero truly killed me…"
"Oh there, there Savina, it's not all bad." Nama comforted, patting her on the back. "I'm going to give you a second chance."
Covering her face, Savina felt a sorrow she had never felt before. Was she mourning herself? "How could it be worse? I've been hated by the people I served, those I used to call friends have been slaughtered trying to defend me from the hero…" Stopping, Savina looked at Nama through her fingers. "What was that last part?"
Smiling, Nama put her cup of tea down. "I told you. I want to give you a second chance to achieve your dreams. I want you to become my champion."
"You want me to be your champion?" The words felt fake in her mouth. "Just like Vesh is Tirela's champion, you want me to be yours?"
Enthusiastically nodding, Nama continued. "Yup yup yup. I couldn't have said it better myself. I'm going to give you a second chance in the world. You'll have all the skills a champion would have, plus the benefit of having the Goddess of Wisdom as your benefactor."
Wanting to say something, Savina felt her mouth had become dry. Reaching out for the cup of tea left for her. She quickly picked it up, putting it to her lips.
Seeing this, Nama reached forwards. "Savina careful-"
Drinking the tea, Savina quickly spat it out as the hot liquid burnt her mouth.
"It might still be too hot… Sorry."
Putting the cup back down, Savina cleared her throat. "It's, it's fine. I don't. How can I thank you?" Savina asked, looking up to her Goddess.
"Live your life, achieve your dreams. Show the world that you aren't the evil queen everyone believed you to be."
Putting out her hand, Nama winked. "That will be all."
Taking her hand, Savina shook it. "Thank you, Nama. I will do right by you."
"I know you will, my dear. Now, when you land, remember to say system."
As the room began to fade around her, Savina felt raindrops fall into her head. Looking up, the roof had been replaced with city streets. Looking around her, she was no longer in the cosy room with a nice warm campfire. Instead, putting her hands above her head. Savina scowled, realizing Nama had put her back into the human world, under heavy rainfall.
Running through the streets, Savina spotted an inn. Without thinking, she threw the door open, falling inside.
The loud voices inside stopped as she fell on the floor. Feeling everyone looking at her, Savina froze.
Savina's thoughts raced in the silence. "They've recognized me, everyone knows my face, they're going to lynch me-"
"Miss." Holding out a hand, the owner of the inn held a hand out for Savina. "Are you ok?"
"Wh…" Shakily taking his hand, the man helped her to her feet, putting a hand on Savina's shoulder to support her when Savina's legs started shaking. "I- I'm fine. Thank you." Seeing her hand, Savina noticed how smooth her hand was.
Curtly nodding, the man smiled in return. "Not a worry, Miss, that storm came on suddenly. Find a seat, I'll get you something warm." He added leaving to Savina drink.
As the voices in the inn started up again. Savina managed to find a small spot away from the crowd.
Now, taking a moment to look at her hand further, Savina flexed them. They weren't her hands, these hands looked like they belonged to someone in their twenties. Suddenly remembered what Nama told her. Savina cleared her throat.
In a blue flash, a transparent screen appeared before Savina.
Displaying many things, Savina wasn't able to take it all in before three notifications appeared in front of her.
- Second life package
- Fallen Queen package
- Champion of Nama package
Staring at the screen, Savina could think of only one thing to say.