
I'll never leave

Alice a beauty falls in love with Shawn a very handsome guy.Alice and Shawn have their hidden identities from the dark world but they still managed to be together

Jiyoonssi · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
36 Chs

Give me an answer

After the confession Shawn made to Alice, he seized her lips into another passionate kiss and this time she was caught off guard. Her body already reacted and next,he pinned her on a large almond tree where they were standing."Alice.. Do you feel the same way? Like do you love me?"he asked this time locking gaze with her."it's getting late Shawn "she diverted the topic" give me an answer Alice "he demanded but with soft voice." Shawn... To be honest,you are the type of guy every girl would love to be with."she paused taking his hands and entwining their fingers she met his serious yet tender gaze"I'm sorry Shawn I..I can't be with you "she said with a heavy sigh.he bumped his head with hers before engaging in another kiss." So easy for you to deny silent ghost. Believe me I truly love you "he said still looking her in the eyes." Shawn I can't be with you cuz we are different. Our background, status. And you are famous. If we should be together, your reputation can be ruined "she reasoned" shhh...little ghost.... I don't care at all.if it's my wealth, I'll give it up for your sake"he said and somehow she felt he was not lying."so little ghost give me an answer"he requested. "Shawn..the thing is that I'm a jealous type and the way girls flirt around with you makes me sick.so it's better if you are not mine at least I'll know I can't claim you" she confessed "phew....is that al?.look, stop making an issue out of nothing ok.bear in mind that I'm all yours and don't worry I'll announce it to the whole university so every other bitch would back off" he bragged.she reached for his face and her smooth palm landed softly on his cheeks and she caressed it lovingly. "Should I kiss you again" he asked his voice almost a whisper. And she just nodded. After the kiss,he offered to drive her home because she refused to stay in hostel.


please I need your cheers dear readers.this novel is my 1st and I need your comments to know if it's good or not. lot of love

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