
Chapter 1

A red haired girl with green skin is in a white padded room with three cots in it. Her red eyes scanned the room nervously. There wasn't a clock in the room but at this point she had a sense for how long each of them should be gone. After all she may have been the latest addition to this room but she has been here for 12 years now. She knows when it's time for her 'roommates' to be back and for her to be taken. She doesn't like this. Just as she was about to assume the worse the door open letting a little bit of light in the otherwise dark room. Her two 'roommates' were thrown in. S-1 was thrown in first. Her eyes scanned him for any major injuries. He didn't seem to have any just some scraps, bruises and minor stitches but she could tell from the blood on his claws that her other 'roommate' S-2 wouldn't be the so lucky. Both of them stayed quiet. She knows S-1 isn't going to want to talk about it for a while. So they sat there in that dark room listening to nothing but each other breathing. It reminded them that they were alive. S-1 then moved to sit next to her. She gave him a quick hug. Not long enough to remind him of the bad thing but long enough to give him some comfort and let him know that she was there. They stayed there for a little while longer before S-1 spoke up. "S-3?" He asked quietly as though making sure it was her he was with. "Yes?" The red head asked looking at his glowing pinkish purple eyes. He had quite a few parts of him that glowed that color. The tips of his fingers, the tips of his pointed ears, the end of his wings that were like those of a bat but without any webbing between them, and the very tip of his tail that was shaped like a heart. S-3 found it quite pretty on her friend. S-1 then requested something she didn't expect. "Can you sing me to sleep?" S-3 was surprised he trusted her with that. Her voice could make anyone that hears her sing do anything she wants. "Are you sure you want me to?" He answered almost immediately "Yes I have had enough of today." S-3 sighed but brought him to lie down in his cot. After singing to him one of the few songs she knows that's not used in 'training' with the intention to have him sleep for the rest of the day he falls asleep. She was now alone again. She doesn't like being alone but she understands why S-1 didn't want to stay. She watches both S-1's sleeping form and the door for any sign of danger. They have to watch out for each other after all. That's the only way to survive in a place like this. S-3 wasn't left alone for long though as the door opened again and her other 'roommate' was quite literally thrown in. He was bandaged up his side having seemed to have been ripped. He had had one of his blood bags but now it was spilt all over the floor. She walked over to him and helped him up. "Thanks." He said quietly. S-2 walked to his cot. His yellow and orange angry glowing eyes being the only proof he was there. She herself was mentally preparing herself to offer him her blood. She knew they didn't give them food till absolutely necessary so if he was had a blood bag when he came in, he must be absolutely starving now. As she got closer she could see that he was biting into his pillow ripping the fabric and letting the little bit of fluff it had onto the floor and mattress. S-3 wordlessly sat down in front of him. She showed her neck to him. S-2's fangs touched her neck as he bite down. It only hurt for a second before the venom kicked in and she couldn't feel anything anymore. After a few minutes S-2 was full and S-3 was too tired and both joined S-1 in sleep.

So this is my first contest entry and this is a side story in a series that I am working on. Feel free to send any constructive criticism!

Timber_Pencreators' thoughts