
I’m not leaving yet

After getting kicked out of his old school he moves to New York and finds something.. or someone.

Arrianna_0632 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
12 Chs

|The second date??|

•1 month later•

(They are dating)

After dating for nearly a whole month London was still trying to figure himself out. He knew he like Charlie, no doubt about that he just didn't know what he was and was scared on what to say if people asked. He had already had 4 dates with Charlie and enjoyed spending time with him everything was going just fine for him.

*knock on the door*

"hey London"

"Hey Joseph what's up"

"I just had a question.."

"Ok yeah what is it?"

"Well I don't wanna come off to forward but

I would like to take you on that coffee date. If that's ok with you of course."

*London's mind: OH SHIT*

"Oh yeah sure how's tonight?"


"Great ill text you a spot I found down town."

"Sounds like a Date."

Joseph walked back to his door while pjs on closed his.






All of the above.

He was so shocked that he said that. I mean he didn't want to say no but he didn't want to say yes because he is happy with Charlie even though he's confused.

But there was no backing down he he go get ready.

He got dressed semi fancy so he wouldn't feel like a show off and when he finished he received a text from Joseph. "Hey!! Excited for tonight ;) here's the address 246 beach bay ave"

Oh jeez what was he going to do

"Cant wait :)"

He replied and begun to leave