
Chapter 69


I was walking to washroom when I heard some noises from the last classroom. I looked around and it seemed like no one noticed the noises or they are ignoring it. I looked back at the classroom's door. Who could be there? No classes being held there and only few people go there so it's abandoned most of the time. Maybe some people are hanging out there, I shouldn't interfere but my curiosity took the best of me and I slowly walked towards it and to my luck the door was not locked. I peeped inside and saw two boys beating a short, fragile boy. My blood boiled at the sight and I quickly went inside without any fear. At that both the boys stopped their activity and turned to look at me. "Hey kid! You shouldn't have come here" One of the boy with black jacket spoke. "You still have time. Run away and forget what you saw. And if you try to tell anyone you will end up like this ." Another with green hoodie and blonde hairs threatened but I only ended up smirking "Come on guys don't be like this. I also want to join your party." "Don't be smart kid. Just run before you can" I folded my sleeves till my elbows. And stepped towards the boy who was shaking on the floor but before I could reach him both his bullies blocked my way making me raise my eyebrow. "So you won't leave before ending up in hospital." "We will see who really will end up in hospital." They both looked at each other and started laughing. "Kid these days are getting bold." The black jacket one commented making me irritated by the nick name by now. They fisted their hands and both came towards me to attack but before they could even touch me I dodged one's attack and kicked the other in stomach making him fall on the ground on his rear. The other one whose punch I dodged looked at his partner then back at me before punching me on face. I fell on the ground but as soon as I touched the ground I kicked his leg making him fall too. The previous one, I didn't realize already got up and before I could stand too he sat on my stomach making me groan from weight and he grabbed that opportunity to gave a good punch to my face and almost breaking my jaw. He started giving me more punches but I blocked most of them and flipped him with him being under him and me sitting on his stomach now. I gave him many punches to his face ending up making his face red and swollen. Someone from behind circled my neck and dragged me back making me got up from the person's stomach I was sitting before. I elbowed him in ribs pretty hard making him loosing his grip and I turned around and kicked between his legs on his main point making him scream and soon falling on the ground. I felt a kick on my ankle making me stumble forward but I grabbed a bench for support to prevent myself from falling. I turned around and saw the black jacket guy standing there and practically glaring at me. He came running to me and I dodged his attack. He tried to give me another punch but before that I punched his stomach at the same place making him stumble back. When he collected himself I gave him final kick on his chest making him falling back. The both guys stumbled out of the class giving me last warning that next time they will kill me making me scoff. When they finally left I felt all the pain in different part of my body making me groan. My eyes fell on the boy curled up on the ground and I rushed to him and I found that he lost his consciousness making me worried. Then I realized that he is the same boy who proposed me on my birthday. His body was badly beaten. I carried him in my arms and left the classroom and start walking to the clinic room. Many people stared at us and start whispering but I ignored them all.


"Hyung what happened to you!?" Ggukie screamed making me cover my ears with my palms "Gguk I am fine this is nothing." "You call it nothing!? Yo are practically covering with lots of bandages and you are saying it's noting!? Who did this to you Jimin? Tell me so that I can show that motherer who he dared to touch." "Ggukie relax! I have already bitten up them enough. You don't need to do anything now." "Them?" "Yeah they were two boys." "They were trying to beat some innocent guy I don't know about and I don't know exactly why but I couldn't let that happen so I fought them." "Never do that again. I can't see you like this." He hugged me tightly making me wince in pain and he quickly let me go mumbling 'sorry' "It's OK. I will probably be fine by tomorrow" He roamed his raged eyes over the group of students coming out of the gate like he is searching someone "I will kill them." "Gguk. I told you that you won't do anything. Now lets go home." "Ji!!" I heard a familiar voice from behind and when I turned I saw Tae standing few steps away from me with his wide eyes and mouth hanged open. My eyes fell on the figure standing beside him with a shocked face. "What happened!?" "Nothing Tae just fought with few kids bullying another innocent kid." "Are you crazy! What if something happened to you?" "But nothing happened Tae stop worrying." I gave him a smile. "I heard few people saying that they saw you carrying another boy" Tae said "Yeah it was the same boy I saved. He passed out from so much beatings" "Poor boy" "Hyung we should go home soon. You need rest." Gguk said and I nodded. "Take care Ji and please call me at night." I nodded smiling at Tae then a give a last glance at Yunki hyung and left with Gguk. On the way I kept wincing due to the sprain I got from the kick before so Gguk offered me to ride his back. "It's fine Gguk. It's not too far also you will probably get tired." "Why you always say that? I told you that you are as light as feather. I will barely feel you." I glared at him but eventually agreed. He lowered his body while I hopped over his back. He rose again and I tighten my grip on his shoulder to not get fell. His hands go back grabbing my thighs and he squeezed one making me yelp and I hit his shoulder. He started walking. "You have some y meat here hyung. I think now I have thigh kink." I hit him again but ended up blushing furiously "Shut up" "Only if you were not in pain, I would have shown you what I want to do with them." My thoughts went wild making me tomato "Shut up before I kick your " "How many times I have to tell you that I would prefer spanking but I will do that to you instead. I kicked his leg making him yelp and stumble slightly. "Ouch!!" "Now shut up before I do worse." "Don't forget that you will end up falling too." "I don't care as long as you get punished." "Mmm so you have that kink. I get it now." "JEON JEONGGUK!!!" He laughed and I thought that I could compete a tomato by then.

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