
Chapter 30



Everything is fine. Mr. and Mrs. Han already bought a small apartment and moved out of Namjoon's. Hyunki is finally discharged and is staying with Han family. I still didn't stop doing part time job as I have to pay Namjoon back of course but this time I am only doing one as two or three jobs make me quite tired. We all have been practicing hard for the upcoming competition along with attending our usual boring classes. Something is weird though. It's Taehyung. I have a feeling that after our ice-cream night he started trying to ignore me like he stopped eating his meals with me and Hoseok and just eats in his room. He insisted to walk to uni. and back home saying he likes to do a little exercise but I think the reason is something else. During cafeteria he never gives a glance to me and always stays busy with Jimin and at home he pretends like I don't exist and for some reason that hurts a little. I wonder what must have suddenly happened to make him behave like this. Did I do something? But as long as I can remember I haven't done anything to hurt him after our fight in beginning for which I have already apologized and he said he forgave me already. If I get an opportunity I will make sure to ask him. We all are sitting in cafeteria right now doing what we always do but something seems off about Namjoon. He is too quiet today for his personality. Yeah sure he is not among those who are loud and always have something to talk like Hoseok or Taehyung but he is also not among the silent ones so him being sitting quietly and lost in his own thoughts is doubtful. "Hey Joon what happened bro? Are you ok?" Hoseok asked and rest of the boys shifted their attention to Namjoon waiting for him to speak as I think they all have also noticed the change in his behavior. He sighed and rubbed his face a little violently. When he removed his hands and started looking at his hands on the table I noticed that his eyes got teary. I got worried. "Hyung what happen tell us. Are you ok? Why are you crying?" It was Jeongguk who asked. "Jin" He whispered and the tears started flowing down on his cheeks. "Jin hyung? What happened to him? Is he ok?" Hoseok asked while rubbing his back to calm him down. "I-I don't know" He spoke between his sobs and his outburst was making me worried second by second. "Joon calm down and tell us clearly what really happened and Hoseok give him some water." I said. Hoseok gave him a glass of water and after taking few sips he put the glass back on the table. "Now tell us what really happened ok?" Hoseok spoke in a calm voice. "We talked this saturday and he was crying a lot. I asked him the reason but he only told me that he was missing me. I felt something was off but I didn't pressured him because he sounded so vulnerable. I was hoping that he will tell me the real reason some other day but he never called me after that even though he promised me to call every night. I tried to call him but his phone was switched off all that time. I send him tons of messages but he replied to none. I know something has happened there I can feel it." he said and there was a tense silence among us. Jimin immediately hugged him as soon as he started crying again and started whispering consoling words to him which really calmed him down a bit. Actually I did realize that Jin hyung is missing among us. He was absent from so many days but I knew he was at his father's mansion so I never questioned it but after hearing Namjoon I really got worried now. It is really unusual of Jin hyung to not call Namjoon as they can't stay without talking to each other even for a day. "Maybe you are overthinking hyung and he is really busy and cannot contact you" Taehyung spoke and my eyes immediately travelled to him. Is he looking more beautiful today or have I never noticed him this closely before? Whatever may the reason is but I couldn't help but stare at him longer. Maybe he felt that as he looked up and I found myself staring into his big dark brown eyes. I didn't want to look away so I stared right back in his eyes in hope that maybe I will find the answer for his behavior during past few days or...maybe....I just want to...….look into them. After some moments of staring he himself averted his gaze and did I saw a blush on his cheeks? "I hope you are right but I am feeling that something is off, something is going to happen." Namjoon's voice snapped me back and I turned my attention to him. "Ok Joon relax and tell me did you call someone at his home?" I asked. he shook his head and said "I don't have any of theirs number" I cursed under my breath. "Hey you have their main telephone number right? Why don't you try that?" Hoseok asked excitedly "What if they will think me as nuisance?" I rolled my eyes "Come on Namjoon. It's not about them it's about Jin hyung now. Don't you wanna know about him?" I asked and he nodded "Then call them now hyung." Jeongguk encouraged him. He nodded and dialed their number and while we all were waiting. Jimin was still rubbing his back to keep him relaxed. "No one is answering" He said. "Call again" I said and he did after nodding. His eyes slightly widened indicating that someone has picked up. "Hello? Is this Kim...Kim Taewoo's mansion?" He was silent for some seconds probably listening to other side. "Can I talk to Kim Seokjin? I am his friend Kim Namjoon." After some seconds of silence his face dropped and I got worried again. "Okay thank you. And can you please tell him to call me whenever he will return back?" "Thank you" "What happen?" Hoseok asked as soon as he ended the call. "He was not there. He went on a meeting along with his father." "See hyung he is alright. You were getting worried for no reason" Jimin spoke "I don't know why but I am still not satisfied." he mumbled. "Just say you are already missing ing him." Hoseok said while nudging him in his ribs lightly. " off Hoseok!" Namjoon pushed him while scowling. "Seriously hyung he is fine and you already heard that he is busy in meetings. That must be the reason he couldn't contact you past few days and maybe he is going to call you after this so don't worry anymore." Taehyung said and he nodded but he was still looking worried and I could understand him.



Our classes were over and as soon and waited for Yunki hyung and Hoseok hyung to leave for home first and then walk home with Jimin. After bidding him goodbye I went my own apartment and quickly went to my room to avoid any interactions with Yunki hyung. Don't take me wrong it's not like I am afraid of him or I have any feelings for him but after that night I thought a lot and realized that since when we came here me and Jimin are spending much less time together than we used to and it was frustrating me so I am unknowingly started to seek attention from others or you can say...Yunki hyung. So I found a solution. I started to avoid hyung as much as possible to keep my mind clear and spend all those time with my baby and I like it that we again got closer like before but there is a weird feeling that something is missing. Whenever I see hyung I want to talk to him or go closer to him. It's not because of whatever you guys are thinking now. Definitely not but it's because he is a nice friend and I am just missing to talk to one of my friend. That's it and nothing else. Yes.


I hope you didn't get bore of my book already. Here is the new chapter and I hope you enjoyed it. Thank you and have a good day/night. I purple you all!!!


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