
9. Phase-2 Continue.

Most of the participants started to simply roast the pig on the grills. They just wanted to get this phase over with. Some were taking the wait and see approached, I mean our group.

After watching few participants submitting their food and horribly failed, Kurapika came to a conclusion that the presentation is important not the taste. I just sighed at this, I know what's wrong in their conclusion but didn't wanted to change that because they will pass anyway and I wanted to eat the dream eggs.

As for correcting others they are roasting away the pig like primitive people who just wants to fill their stomach. As a food addict myself in my previous life I simply can't accept it.

Cooking food is a type of art you can't just roast pig and expect to pass test set by a gourmet hunter.

Anyway comming to my sense after a long monologue, I start to prepare my dish for the presentation.

I started to cut the pork into the shape of cubes and prepared some vegetables by cutting them into squares then I took a big bowl , added corn starch, chillie powder, Oregano, tomato sause, mayonnaise, liquid butter and some water and started to mix them and added pork pieces into them and started to mix them. After I took some skewers and skewered pork pieces into them and vegetables in between the pork pieces and grilled them in the grill. After they were roasted I took them out and removed the grilled pieces into a pan with alredy fried onion pieces in it. added some tomato sause, mayonnaise and cheese and garnished them into the plate for seven, one big and six small plates.

(A/N: I'm a vegetarian and It took lot of effort to write this. I'm not going to write cooking process again. thank you)

Just as I finished my dish Kurapika comes back with his head down while mumbling something about "Same as no.403". I just smiled at his antics.

I was ready with my presentation and I gave four plates to Gon, Kullua, Kurapika and Leorio and kept one seperately for me and carried the one big and one small plates for Menchi and Buhara to taste.

Buhara looked at my dish with some expectations and Menchi lost her interest previously after tasting Kurapika's disk and didn't hold any expectation.

Buhara immideately ate everything in the plate in one single go and gave me an 'O'.

Menchi unenthusiastically took a bite out of it.

After taking a bite she open her eyes widely and said "Finally something worth eating, Although it doesn't meet my requirements, it can be considered pass" and gave me a 'O' at the end returning to her usual self.

"Yes, how can my ameture and hasty cooking be worthy enough to meet a gourmet hunter's requirements" I replied to her while nodding my head because I completely agree with her comment about my food not meeting her requirements, a gourmet hunter who eats marvellous food cooked with the ingredients I can only dream about, I even expected her to fail me.

~3rd POV~ (for the first time)

As Deep returened to his place and started to eat the food he kept seperately for him and his friends he didn't see the expression on Menchi and Buhara's face.

They both have this expression because during the process of cooking he has unknowingly infused some of his aura into the food making it worthy enough to be considered one the top dish in some mitchelin resturants.

His friends had an astonishing expression on them tasting the dish.

Even Killua who has personal cooks in his home does not eat Nen* enfused food on a regular basis.

~End 3rd POV~

I wanted to taste the food I made after a long time because after I started to do my training I didn't have time to cook food and simply went to resturant at the village to eat food.

As I tasted the food I made, my eyes were opened wide and thought 'did I make this food, I don't remember having this much amount of talent in cooking' I took few more bites to recheck my taste buds again and the taste was real.

"Wow, this is really good" Gon, Killua, Kurapika and Leorio exclaimed at the same time.

'Is this my golden finger, even if it is why did it appear this late after my transmigration' I was thinking.

'This must be Nen* doing it's work. I unknowingly infused Nen* during the cooking process' soon I came to a realization.

I didn't think too much about it.

'I mean even a person like Zepile can unknowingly imbude Nen* into his work why can't I'. I thought ignorantly.

what I fail to realise was not every person is gifted or talanted enough to imbude Nen* into food while cooking.

Soon Hisoka came over to check on my dish which was good enough to make the expression on the gourmet hunter change after eating my food.

He walked towards me, I got a little nervous seeing Hisoka is approaching me. he stands infront of me and took a bite out of the food in my plate and closed his eyes and savoured the taste for a few seconds.

" Ahaaa, Good taste and keep it up" Hisoka complemented me while moaning a little at the beginning, which sends me a shiver down my spine. I'm getting noted by him even though I don't want to.

"Haha.., thanks I guess" I replied while sweating bullets down my forehead not knowing how to reply.

Back to the exam, Menchi announced that everyone has failed to pass the second phase except no. 406. That only his dish was worth enough to pass. And explains about how cooking is an art and every gourmet hunter is proficient in a type of martial arts.

Some of the participants were real angry. each and everyone of them worked hard tirelessly day and night to become hunter even without eating some tasty food and now a gourmet hunter decides to fail them.

Some were even ready to kill her, more noticibly Hisoka and Illumi who were really intend on killing her if they really failed the exam. Though, Hisoka was little less than Illumi because he just discovered that Nen* imbuded food.

Just as they were about to make a move. everyone heard a voice comming from the sky.

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