
Birth of a Champion

<<Welcome to Aurinium>>

<<Checking stars...>>>

<<Congratulations! ??? is born under the star of the Orc Champion!>>

'Wha? Where am I... who... who am I? Shit what is this pain?!'

<<Opening starter package>>

'Gah! Shit! My head!! AARGH!'

<<Information transfer complete>>

'I... I survived? No.. I died... the.. the skill! It worked! Oh thank Adam! Yes!'


<<Opening Status>>

Name : ???

Level : 1 [0/1]

Race : Orc - baby

Class : None

Skills : None

Ability : Madness Resistance, Growth Up+

'What th- Woah!'

Someone lifted my body up and my view rapidly changed.

"HO! HO! HO! HA! HA! HA!"

Loud collective shouts chanted around me as the one carrying me brought me to a basin of red liquid that smelled like iron.

'Shit is that blood?!'

The orc dunked me into the basin of blood and my body burned.


The orc lifted me up only to dunk me back in a few more times, each time the chanting shouts around me thundered louder and louder.

Finally, the orc lifted me above his head and turned to the crowd.


The crowd became silent immediately, as I looked on I realized we were in a great hall with hundreds of orcs kneeling at me.

The orcs were split into three by the armor and clothes they wore, on the left the orcs wore a dark almost dirty green full armor from shoulder to toe with their helmets in their hands.

On the right, the orcs wore no shirts, their exposed upper body were extremely muscular. Skins of various high level monsters, some even he himself had never seen before covered their lower bodies.

In the middle, the smallest group of the three had more diverse clothing, some wore robes that covered all their skin while others exposed much of their arms exposing the tattoos they had. They all held staffs with different ornaments decorating them.



The war cry from the hundreds of orc almost knocked me out but I held on, an urge to return the cry came from deep within me and I surrendered to the feeling.


A cute voice came from his body, but none of the orcs laughed. Instead an even louder, longer and stronger cry came from the crowd.


The deep cry shook the hall like never before, dust fell from the ceiling as the cry went on.

I tried to hold on, but it was too much and I lost consciousness.


"Hahahahaha, the young one is truly born under the star. Dismissed!"

Slowly the orcs left the hall. The orc carrying the baby brought him deeper into the building, eventually entering a throne room.

An orc larger than any of the hundreds in the hall before sat at the throne, a crown decorated his head, an intricate tattoo decorated his exposed chest.

"So this is the one?"

The orc carrying the baby then explained what happened.

"Hahaha as expected of one born under the star. Return him to his parents and allow them a day. Afterward send him to the training camp."

"Yes sir, which one should we send him to?"

"Send him to the Demon Front"

The orc bowed and left with the baby, and as he left the room two other orcs walked out from behind the throne. Their left and right arms had intricate tattoos similar to the one sitting on the throne.

"What do you think?"

"He gave in to his desire to respond to the cry, I doubt he would make a good shaman."

"Yes, he would make a great warrior a Berserker maybe."

"Hmph we will see in a year."


When I awoke I found myself in a dark cave, when my eyes adapted to the darkness I saw countless other adolescent orcs around me sleeping and that my body had already grown.

In a day I grew from a baby to a ten year old, simple lines of tattoo ran over my body.

'Shit am I in a training camp? I've heard of this... shit. Status.'


Name : Tima

Level : 1 [0/1]

Race : Orc - child

Class : None

Skills : War Cry

Abilities : Madness Resistance, Growth Up+ , Bravery Up

'Is this the result of Growth Up+? War Cry on the first try... and with that cute voice too? Bravery too? As expected the ability is strong, sadly it downgrades when I reach adulthood. Thankfully I'm in a training camp, I just hope it's the hardest one they have...'


A voice boomed from the front of the cave, the other orc children around me started to stir and make their way to the entrance.

At the entrance stood a two meter tall orc, half naked with simple tattoos around his shoulders. The monster skin he wore around his waist was unknown to me.


The orc then moved to the side, leaning against the wall. A giant cauldron appeared behind him, a bland stench came drifted from the cauldron but despite so the children fought to be first to eat.

I wasn't sure what the food was, so I didn't hurry but it seemed to be the wrong choice. Before it was even my turn the soup had already ran out, there was no extras and no one asked for more.

'They won't deny me a meal right...?'

I walked up to the orc by the entrance and asked, "Is there more food? I haven't gotten mine."

"What? Then you should've fought for it, you can still fight for it." The orc lifted his heavy arms and pointed at the children still eating the soup.

'Seriously?' I frowned but I didn't start the fight.

"Humph." Seeing that I had no intention of fighting for the food the orc scoffed at me.

Following the crowd, we arrived at the field. A 2.5 meter orc stood in the middle, various weapons stabbed into the ground around him.

"Let's start, I don't have all day." The orc spoke lazily.

The children around me didn't hesitate, picking up the weapons near themselves and charged towards the towering orc.

The orc easily took care of the charging children, not moving from his spot. Looking around I can see the weapons still on the ground, all the bigger weapons were taken and all that was left were short swords, daggers and throwing axes.

I moved to pick up two short swords and a dagger, I had no experience with axes.

Before my rebirth, I worked as a knight and so had some experience with blades.

I watched for an opening but despite the crowd having thinned into less than 10 other children the orc showed no sign of exhaustion.

At this point I waited for the other ten to act, they seemed confident with themselves. I didn't notice and perhaps one of them had shown a signal, the ten charged forward at once.

Each held a different weapon they attacked the orc in sync. Seeing this I started to circle them, the ten worked together to attack and defend, they didn't take damage but they were tiring fast.

Despite the exhausting exchange the children were able to hold up, and I was able to see their formations and where I could fit myself in.

When I saw the attackers start stacking together, trying to overwhelm the orc with overlaying attacks, I held up the dagger, my concentration spiked and the dagger in my hand flew at speeds I never knew I could throw.

As their attacks pressed down, between their bodies a gap formed and a silent dagger flew in. Suddenly, before the children could land the hit, a cry rang out.

The force threw the children away, maybe because I was further away I held my ground.

The orc didn't give the children a glance and immediately turned towards me. A grin on his face, the dagger by his feet. The dagger had not injured him.

I didn't care for it, the mere fact that it landed was enough. Orcs were a race with varying heights depending on their jobs, a 2.5 meter orc dressed half naked with tattoos around his shoulders was a sign of an extremely strong orc.

The orc didn't speak and jumped towards me, his fist curled up ready to give me a punch. I could feel the killing intent that rushed out his body, but I didn't let it move me.

With a great sword dropped by one of the children flung my way nearby, I threw the short swords I had at the orc, but he ignored them and the swords bounced off his body.

I dived for the great sword, lifting it with almost no effort I swung it behind me as the orc pushed out his fist.

The blade and fist met and I was thrown back by the force. I could feel my body burning even more, strength coming up from within me I stood back up wielding the great sword easily.

I hadn't used the great sword in my past life, but I had witnessed a battle between a dragonewt and a diamond golem.

I lowered my stance and held the great sword behind me, I flexed all the strength I could muster. The orc, maybe seeing this, smiled and adopted a stance of his own. His legs slightly larger than shoulder length, his left arm stretched out and the palm facing diagonally downward, his fist coiled to his hip, his body sideways with his shoulder facing me.

My concentration spiked yet again as I tried my best to recreate the move I saw cleave diamond in half.

'Draconic art - Dragon's Descent!'

My mind and body both screamed as I swung the blade down, and the orc matched my timing and his fist flashed forward to meet the blade.

I was unable to see the result as my vision faded and my mind shortly after it, all I knew was the sound that came from it.


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