
Recommendation Students Appears!

After dinner, Nyx and Apollo came to the training grounds, where several students were already gathered and talking among themselves.

Just before entering the crowd, the red-haired boy heard someone screaming his name. "Nyx! Over here!"

Looking over, he wasn't surprised to see it was Violet. 'This girl… wants to make our relationship known.' Nyx frowned after noticing all the students' gaze on him.

"Ah, isn't that Nyx the school Hero?"

"It's him, I didn't know he and Violet were that close."

"Tsk, don't mind her, now that Nyx has the status of a Hero, she wants to get close to him."

Many boys expressed envious looks after seeing the way Violet was smiling and waving at Nyx, and the worst part was that the red-haired boy seemed to be ignoring her. How can someone ignore one of the most beautiful girls in the academy?

"Hey, shouldn't we go over? She's calling us," Apollo said, resisting the urge to run towards Violet.

"No, she'd come over to us," Nyx said. He didn't know if it was his old ego at play yet. Violet calling him over seemed like disrespect on his side.

"Hey, why didn't you come over?" Violet said as she came up to the two boys.

"Have you forgotten who is the boss?" Nyx said while patting Violet's head, but he quickly pulled back his hands when he heard a moan. That was meant to make her feel small. Who would have thought this insane girl would let out a moan?

Nyx was now having the feeling that Violet was the type to moan in pleasure even if he was beating her.

Meanwhile, on the side, Ikor soon entered the gathering of students, but no one even noticed his presence because everyone was focused on the display going on between Nyx and Violet.

A glint of envy appeared in Ikor's eyes. 'She didn't even allow me to touch her head like that, but she allowed this stranger? How did she even get close to him?'

Dalton Daze and the Blackstar family were very close friends, despite the hidden competition between the two strongest Heroes. When Ikor and Violet were young, their parents had engaged them together to marry when they grew up, but since they were children, Violet had always been distant and kept her emotions guarded against her.

Naturally, seeing her acting and smiling comfortably with someone else didn't settle well with him.

At that moment, a man with brown, scruffy hair walked in. He was lean and tall with sleep bags underneath his eyes. He looked like someone who needed to sleep for a week straight without waking up.

"My name is Danny, and I'll be your practical instructor for today," the man said and yawned. "We would be doing a series of training, so hope you don't get tired quickly."

Hearing him, all the students wanted to roll their eyes because of everyone standing here, the one that looked tired was him. Most students even thought that he'd end his class quickly to go and rest.

"For our first training session, it would be the strength calculation!" Mr. Danny said as he led the students to another section of the field where there was a square-shaped machine with a protruding pad.

"This machine would count your total strength scores. Oh, and before I forget, students, I am supposed to introduce a couple of recommended students to y'all," Mr. Danny said, leaving the students doubting if he was a reliable teacher or not.

Staring around, the first-year students could indeed see some faces among them. There were a total of 5 different new faces, and they didn't seem ordinary in any way because they were emitting a profound aura that was comparable to Ikor or even higher.

Looking at them, Nyx was getting the same feeling he'd get from Ikor, which wasn't a good thing.

The first was a spiky blond-haired boy with a scar running through his cheeks.

His lean athletic physique bore signs of intense training, and on his back, there was a great sword.

"The boy with the great sword is Asher Vancouver!" Mr. Danny announced, and there was a pin-drop silence everywhere when the students realized the surname of the students.

"Elite clan!" A student shouted in shock. "We have someone from an elite clan in our class!"

"And not just any elite clan but the no. 1 elite clan in the world, the Vancouver clan!"

"Oh my god!" Students were endlessly shocked. People from elite clans were treated with respect. Their standings were even more than the presidents of countries, and all this was because of their strength. They were so strong that even the World powers think twice before going against them.

This was just the icing on the cake. What even left the students more stunned was the Vancouver clan! Just like the prestigious clans ranking which was based on their resources and army, even the 5 Elite clans had official ranking.

And in this ranking, the Vancouver clan was ranked no. 1, and it was rumored that they possess over a thousand tier 1 existence. That army alone was enough to bring down an entire continent in ruin within an hour!

The Vancouver clan was the prominent clan in South and North America.

"To think that someone of such caliber would be in our class. No second year or third year would be able to intimidate us," a student said with a smug smile on his face.

Everyone was happy that they'll have such powerful students in their class except Nyx. As he stared at Asher Vancouver, he wasn't seeing the kid; instead, he was seeing Jason Vancouver, the man who dealt the finishing blow to his father and the man he'd gone against several times in his lifetime but ended up being miserably defeated!

"What a nice surprise," the red-haired boy thought with a smile on his face.

Perhaps knowing that Mr. Danny was bad at introductions, the recommended students took matters into their own hands.

"My name is Nathalia Nightshade," a girl said with a light smile, her black hair cascading down her shoulders, and her fascinating big-black eyes were mesmerizing to behold. She too was from another elite clan just like Asher. The Nightshade territory was Europe.

After knowing Asher's identity and seeing that the recommended students were five, the students already had an idea of who the rest of the students were. It would be an underestimation to say they were over the moon.

The next person was a short bald boy with Asian features, and his name was Bai Long, a member of the Long clan, the most prominent clan in Asia.

"My name is Simon Iron Clad," a boy with light skin and dreadlocks that cascaded down his forehead spoke. He was from the Ironclad clan, the most prominent clan in Africa. After introducing himself, he briefly glanced at Apollo before looking ahead.

The last but not the least was an average-height girl with sun-tanned skin. Her mesmerizing green eyes held determined glints, and her prominent cheekbones gave her a unique seductive look, and she was Thalia Thorn, a member of the Thorn Clan that resided in Australia.

After all the introductions, Danny gestured to the punching machine, and the official testing began. Everyone present was aware that the competition was very high because the scion of elite families was present in the midst.

Most students already anticipated them to score the highest in this test. Even Nyx was curious to see how strong these new kids were. But most importantly, he wanted to test how strong he was and compare it to these young masters.

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