
Hulk vs DC

The Hulk is drawn into a portal that transports him into the DC Universe. (Hey there! I'm new to writing, so if you have any feedback, please be gentle and offer constructive criticism. Thanks!) (English is my first language lol) (If the wording and paragraphs sound like AI, it's because I used Grammarly to revise a lot of the content.) (It will not be a harem story. I'm sorry, I also enjoy a harem story like any other person. But I'm not comfortable and don't have the experience to write that) (image is not mine)

Berserker84 · Komik
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16 Chs

Chapter 11

A few days later, the Hulk is summoned to the Watchtower's briefing room alongside Black Canary. He lumbers in, already tense from having to work with the beautiful blonde 

(gruffly) "Alright, what's the stupid mission this time? Hulk ready to smash!" Hulk yelled

(smirking) "Confident as always, I see. Let's just wait for the others before we--" Black Canary said

She's cut off as Superman, Wonder Woman, and Batman enter the room, all eyes going to the larger-than-life monitor screen

"Sorry to keep you waiting. We've got a developing situation that requires both of your...particular skillsets" Superman said

He nods to Batman, who begins pulling up a series of images - a high-tech paramilitary compound deep in the forests outside Metropolis

"This is the secret headquarters of the mercenary group known as Scorpion Syndicate. Our intel suggests they've gotten their hands on a new piece of arsenal - a sonic resonance weapon with the potential to level entire city blocks" Batman said

"And of course, a group of extremists attaining such destructive power would be... unwise. Which is where you two come in" Wonder Woman said

Blueprints and security schematics appear on the monitor as Batman continues the brief

"We'll create a diversion to draw their forces out from the front entrance. Then the two of you will infiltrate from the rear access tunnel, locate and secure the weapon before they have a chance to arm it" Batman said

(snorting dismissively) "So it's just a stupid fetch quest? Hulk got this no prob--" Hulk said before getting interupted

(shooting him a look) "Not quite. This is a stealth infiltration op, which requires a... delicate touch. Something I excel at" Black Canary said

She arches an eyebrow pointedly at the towering emerald giant, letting the implication hang in the air

(furrowing his brow)"So... what? Hulk just there for muscle then?" Hulk questioned

"Precisely, Black Canary has proven herself time and again as one of the finest covert operatives in the League. She'll lead the infiltration and get you directly to the target." Superman said

The Hulk looks less than thrilled at the idea of being sidelined, puffing out his chest obstinately

"Hnngh, fine... but Hulk no follow any dumb "quiet rules". That weapon so much as blinks wrong and Hulk--" Hulk said

(rolling her eyes)" --And Hulk will smash accordingly, yes, we all know, big guy. But hopefully my skills and your... enthusiasm... will be enough to get the job done cleanly" Black Canary said

With a curt nod, the briefing wraps up and the two unlikely partners head off to suit up - Canary donning her iconic black leather field outfit and the Hulk... remaining shirtless as ever

(shrugging) "What? Not like Hulk gonna blend in anyway..." Hulk said

A few hours later, the pair arrive outside the fortified Scorpion Syndicate compound on the Watchtower's cloaked Javelain jet. Canary peers through the scope, analyzing the patrols

"Looks like they've got fairly standard personnel rotations - two guards on each sector, relieved every six hours. Not surprising for an ex-military outfit" Black Canary said

She turns to regard the fidgeting Hulk, barely able to contain his restlessness

"You about ready to show me you've got more in that utility belt than just "smash" and "clobbering"? Last chance to back out before things get... quiet" Black Canary questioned

(sneering) "Just try and keep up, Loud Girl" Hulk said

Under Canary's expert guidance, they infiltrate the exterior defenses and sneak in through the rear tunnel access as planned. Moving methodically through the compound's interior, Canary deploys various tools and gadgets to disable cameras and sensors

The Hulk surprises her, hanging back dutifully and avoiding any undue noise or collateral despite his immense size. Canary motions for him to hang tight in an abandoned corridor junction

(whispering) "Wait here. I'm going to recon ahead. If things go sideways, I'll give the signal" Black Canary said

She disappears down the left hall, leaving the Hulk to fume impatiently until several tense minutes later her voice crackles through his comm

(staticky) "...struck... heavily armed... need backup!"

(eyes going wide) "Loud Girl? What's going on" Hulk said

The unmistakable sound of her Canary Cry splits the air as the Hulk springs into action, pounding down the corridor

He rounds the corner to find Canary locked in combat with over a dozen mercenary footsoldiers, their armor, and gear shrugging off her martial arts prowess! One brute gets a hand around her throat, pinning her to the floor!

(roaring) "GET OFF HER!!" Hulk yelled

With a thunderclap of shockwaves, the Hulk explodes forward, sending mercs ragdolling in every direction! Canary sucks in a ragged breath as her attacker goes soaring in a sickening crunch of shattered bone

Now it's the Hulk's turned to dominate, fists and feet blurring in a dervish of blistering strikes that reduce the hardened soldiers to battered piles! Canary can only gape at the raw power on display

Finally, the discarded soldiers lie groaning and unconscious in the trashed hallway. The Hulk stands panting, fists clenched... his eyes immediately going to Canary

(growling) "You okay, Loud Girl? Talk to Hulk!" Hulk yelled

(coughing) "I'm... I'm fine, just... damn. I've never seen you cut loose like that before" Black Canary said

She eyes the trail of destruction and broken bodies surrounding them, slowly rising back to her feet

"Guess those weren't just stories about how strong you really are..." Black Canary said

The Hulk seems to settle at her reassurance, though his guard remains up as they continue pushing further into the base

(muttering) "Stupid plan went sideways as usual... just another day for Hulk having to smash his way out" Hulk said

(cracking a grin) "Maybe. But I gotta admit - having you in my corner definitely makes those "sideways" moments a little easier" Black Canary said

 (snorting loudly) "Yeah, yeah... Hulk's just happy you didn't end up a stain on the floor back there" Hulk said

He looks away quickly, but not before Canary catches the faintest tinge of green blush coloring his cheeks. She bumps his arm affectionately as they press on

"Aww, you really do care under all that bluster, don't you? It's almost.... cute" Black Canary said with the lightest blush you'll ever see

(bristling) "Hulk ain't cute!! Hulk is--" Hulk yelled

Their banter is cut short as they finally reach the central armory chamber, the imposing resonance weapon humming ominously from within...


(Part 2 tomorrow)

(1068 words)