
Hua lin

starnita · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs


Driving through the vibrant city of country B with the strong wind blowing in my face giving me a refreshing feeling that I'm alive.

Thinking back to when I was only seventeen and realizing that men are hedonistic when it comes to ladies I started training myself to be manipulative and corny always showing out my vulnerability so as I can give them this false hope of wanting to be protected (laughs internally).Ever since then till now I have never fallen in love with a man I milk them till they can't be milked anymore.

I am hua Lían which means lotus flower just like my name I I became a lotus flower to men. I wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth so I took upon myself to become a Cinderella but without a prince.

I met my first victim when I was eighteen a freshman in college studying business administration at b university the best in country B, I met him at a party organized by my roommate father.

Jian father ,mr Qian was a successful business man in country B.

"she was a spoilt princess" but that I took advantage of (smiles), her father was celebrating a successful collaboration for his business and never miss an opportunity to flaunt his daughter so he ask Jian to come back home and as her very good friend (maid) she took me along.

I was dawned with a white strappy and long dress that fits the occasion and shows the best of me and leaves little to the imagination with a silver rhinestone shoe that fits so perfectly like it was cobbled just for me. I strode around confidently that you did think I belonged there, jian introduce me to her father and her fiancé Mr cheng who her father wants her to marry," there all I thought was how to seduce him".

Hi Mr qian I stretched out my hands my hands were molded so perfectly that it did pass for a hand model and gave a smile not to wide but enough to show the best of me , he was enchanted by me, "i could tell by the shining looks in his eyes".

I knew he was going to be useful to me but unfortunately he not my aim for tonight (chuckles internally), I turned slight to the left facing my target there stood none other than mr cheng then I heard jian say to me softly with a smile on her face, lían meet my fiancé "Cheng qi".

With that same smile on my face I shook his hands not forgetting to give it a little rub before letting go .

"Come let me introduce you to other people said jian excitedly, if only she knew I had other plans with her man ( chuckles).

All through the party I kept making eye contact that were not noticeable to other but enough to let mr Cheng know I want him just as much as he wants me.

Lian' I can't take you home.

I turned to see jian behind with our man (chuckles ) supporting her , "oh that why I couldn't find him". What's wrong jian are you okay, I asked her with so much worry on my face

Oh, Lian I'm fine just a bit tipsy so i wouldn't be going back we should probably sleep over together and tomorrow I would drop you off.

"No jian it's fine I could just book a ride back".

What do you mean book a ride it dangerous at night what if something happens to you

Just before I could reassure her I was fine I heard him speak up with the voice so calm just like I imagined it to sound.

" miss hua, jia jia is right it dangerous at night if you want to go back Tonight I could take you back ".

No no, "I said " with a bit of a panic to my voice that to much trouble to drive back and forth.

"It's not much trouble beside I also need to return back tonight". He said with serenity In his eyes I could not figure out what he was thinking, I would be lying if I say it didn't bother me.

I am a bit nervous on this one cause I have a beautiful story but I don’t know if I can write down hua Lian character properly

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