
HP: The Achiever

Reborn into the world of Harry Potter, the MC uses his knowledge and power to explore the unsung mysteries of the world. He discovers that the world is quite different than he had seen in the movies and read in the books. He goes into many magical exploration. Some Information: 1. Yes, the MC would have a system but it will be passive. 2. The MC won't be a Harry Potter fanatic, following Harry Potter around everywhere or getting involved with him. 3. MC will be older than Harry 4. Although he will take part in some of the plots and change them. 5. MC will be manipulative. 6. The world is an Alternate Universe, so some of the timeline and plot might be changed my me -------- ------- Disclaimer: I do not own the Harry Potter series or any of its characters, it is completely owned by J.K Rowling ------ If you want to support this fanfic and help me improve my writing and your reading experience, kindly provide your comments through reviews and comments.

FT_Rhino · Derivasi dari karya
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17 Chs

Chapter 7: A letter and History of Magic

Author's Note:

Had a horrible exam on Saturday.

 So update was late.


Chapter 7: A letter and History of Magic

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

September 1st, 1984

The castle buzzed with energy as young wizards and witches from across Britain took their first steps toward becoming full-fledged wizards. The air crackled with anticipation as the new students made their way to the Great Hall, while the returning students eagerly awaited their arrival. The welcoming feast was about to begin.

Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, the Greatest Wizard of the Era, sat at the head of the staff table, his twinkling eyes sweeping over the sea of young faces. He wore his customary purple robes, adorned with silver stars, his long white beard flowing over his chest like a river of snow. His presence exuded a warm, grandfatherly charm, yet a formidable aura that commanded attention.

The Sorting Hat had just finished its song, and the new students were being sorted into their respective houses. As the last child sat down, Dumbledore rose, his eyes sparkling with mischief and wisdom.

"Welcome, welcome, to another year at Hogwarts!" His voice resonated through the hall. "To our new students, welcome! To our returning students, welcome back! This year, I hope you all will immerse yourselves in the wonders of learning and the magic of companionship."

He went on to share a few updates about the school and some humorous anecdotes that had the students laughing, easing them into the new environment. The feast commenced, and the hall filled with the clatter of cutlery and the hum of excited chatter.

After the banquet, a weary Dumbledore retired to his quarters. He sighed, unbuttoning his robes, when he felt a distinct fluctuation in magic. A letter materialized out of thin air with a pop. He extended his hand towards the letter, which landed right into it. His eyes widened in disbelief as he read the single line written on it.

Without hesitation, he sent his Corporeal Patronus 'a silver phoenix' speeding off to summon the Deputy Headmistress and his trusted Potions Master and Professor, Severus Snape.

Within minutes, Minerva McGonagall and Severus Snape arrived, concern etched on their faces.

"Albus, what's the emergency?" McGonagall demanded. She had just returned to her quarters after a tiresome day and was about to retire for the night. She was quite annoyed.

"I must leave for Austria immediately. I may be gone for a week or more," Dumbledore stated, his tone leaving no room for argument.

"Why, Albus?" Snape inquired, his voice sharp and probing.

Dumbledore shook his head. "It's an urgent matter that needs my attention. Please, take care of the school in my absence."

"But—" McGonagall began.

"Trust me, Minerva," Dumbledore interrupted gently. "I will return as soon as I can."

With that, he moved swiftly, his eyes betraying the urgency of the situation. As he picked up the letter again, he read the words one more time:

"For the Greater Good"

He vanished, leaving behind a sense of mystery and unease.



 Shelby Household, London

The next morning in London, the Shelby household stirred lazily. The family had just returned from vacation, and the day started late. Leo woke at 10 AM, a stark contrast to his usual routine of rising at 4 AM. He freshened up, the cold water splashing on his face bringing clarity to his thoughts.

He reflected on his experiences: dying under a hail of bullets, waking up as a child, discovering this wasn't an ordinary reincarnation but a world of magic. Yesterday, after nearly three years, he finally awakened as a wizard, only to learn his parents were already wizards.

"Life sure is unpredictable," he muttered.

Descending to the dining room, he greeted his parents and siblings. "Morning, everyone," he said, before starting a tickle fight with Emma and Ethan.

"Leo! Stop it!" Emma giggled.

"Tickle fight!" Ethan was up for another battle.

"Leo, join us for breakfast," Lisa called from the kitchen, ending their little battle.

Breakfast was a simple affair, but the atmosphere felt different. It was as if a huge stone had been removed from his parents' hearts, and Leo noticed the radiant emotions of his parents. Maybe they had been burdened by his inability to use magic, he thought.

After breakfast, Robert called Leo to his study. "Leo, come with me," he said, extending his hand. They Apparated to their mansion, the sudden jolt making Leo's stomach lurch.

"Isn't there another way to travel?" Leo asked after he took a few deep breaths, stabilizing himself.

Robert smirked. "There are, but this is the fastest. Don't worry, you will get used to it in no time."

"I hope so," Leo said, following behind his father.

"This is where your real education begins," Robert announced, leading him to a vast library. He pulled six books from the shelves and handed them to Leo. "Before you start practicing magic, you need to understand magical society, its laws, and magic itself."

Leo glanced at the titles: "Ancient Magical History," "Advancements in Magic," "Establishing Magical Standards," "The Witch Hunts and Modern Magic," "Laws of the Magical World," and "Introduction to Magic for Youngbloods."

"These books will give you a better understanding of magic and you can come to me if you don't understand anything."

"Eva!" Robert called.

A house-elf with bat-like ears and bulging green eyes appeared. "Master Robert, young Master Leo," Eva greeted, bowing low.

"Show Leo to his room," Robert instructed.

Eva led Leo to a spacious room with a large bed, a study table, and a shelf that was empty, at least for now. The room felt ancient yet cozy, the furniture exuding a sense of history.

Leo sat at the study table, examining the books. Each had a cover that reflected its era: "Ancient Magical History" was bound in aged leather, its corners worn and the spine cracked from use. The pages inside were yellowed and brittle, smelling faintly of old parchment and ink. "Advancements in Magic" was bound in polished oak, with silver inlay that gleamed under the light. "Establishing Magical Standards" had a sturdy, utilitarian cover made of dark green cloth, with gold lettering embossed on the front.

He started with the first book, diving into the world of ancient shamans and the spread of magic. The narrative described how early magical practices were intertwined with nature, the rituals and spells primitive yet powerful.

Hours passed as he devoured the first four books.

The first book, "Ancient Magical History," stated that magic originated from time immemorial when humans became active. The earliest documented uses of magic were by the shamans of different human tribes that started in Africa. It explained how some among the tribes could perceive magic, and the knowledge was transferred to successive generations by the previous generation shamans. The book also detailed the further development of magic by the ancient Egyptians, Indians, and Greeks in their respective paths.

The second book, "Advancements in Magic," described how wizards and witches from different origins came together to build their own society as non-magical people became wary of their presence. During this time, the human society of magic came in direct contact with other magical species and started to learn from them.

The third book, "Establishing Magical Standards," covered the period when the magical communities established many standards and practiced magic with proper methods unlike previous generations. Many new talented wizards and witches left their mark on history, fought wars that made them famous, or made significant discoveries. The use of wands became prominent among wizards, with wand lore spreading. Different branches of magic started to appear, and the non-magical society became more and more wary and distant from them.

The fourth book, "The Witch Hunts and Modern Magic," started with a time when the magical community had separated themselves from non-magical folks and established a proper guidance system for the younger generation. Powerful families with long successive generations of wizards and witches started to appear. The wizarding kind became secluded from the non-magical side of the world along with all the magical species. It also marked the start of non-magical communities hunting wizards and witches and wars among other magical species. But it led to the establishment of the modern magical society as wizards around the world came together to decide on important topics.

{Achievement Unlocked:

World Historian

Description: You have gained knowledge about a form of history that has been hidden from the masses.

Reward: Historical Insight (Skill)}

Historical Insight; a skill that could invoke a rare state of insight when diving in historical places or objects

Leo felt a rush of satisfaction at this new achievement. He knew it would come in handy. Moving on, he tackled the fifth book, "Laws of the Magical World," absorbing the complex laws and punishments of the magical world. It started off mentioning how the laws were formed, under what circumstances, and some major violators and their punishments.

Finally, he opened the sixth book, "Introduction to Magic for Youngbloods,."


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