
Chapter 10: Questions answered

Questions answered

I'm going to find a way to kill spirits, I'm going to kill my dad, I'm going to kill Sirius, I know they're up their laughing at me right now...

The weekend passed relatively quietly. Hermione had sent him an owl, ostensibly about when he might come to the Burrow, but was in reality her own brand of interrogation. Harry had sat with Bellatrix in the study and together they answered each question. Bellatrix had music playing while Harry wrote down an answer, "Have you ever been to France? Hermiones mom and dad are there now at a conference for dentists.."

"Once, when I was six. My father took me to meet a friend of his in the French Ministry..I wouldn't write that part though, just tell her that I went once as a child but haven't been back." came the answer as Bellatrix sat behind him on the couch, tapping her hand gently to the beat. This was one of the muggle rock albums, Bellatrix, as well as Sirius it seemed, had been a fan of the Beatles. This album was 'Lady Madonna', it wasn't her favorite of the collection she currently had, but it was still one of her treasures.

"Alright, next up..." Harry said to her, "Hermione wants to know if we go into muggle London to the cinemas..I've actually never been to see any, the Dursleys didn't take the 'freak' with them when they wanted to watch something. Did you and Sirius ever sneak off to see anything?"

"No, but we should probably say that we are open to the possibility, we just haven't had the chance plus nothing has been out that we were particularly interested in.." That will make it sound like we spend all day cooped up here snogging, that should make for an interesting conversation later...

Bellatrix thought as Harry wrote their response. She wasn't opposed to Granger or the Weasley's thinking that she and Harry were physically active, after all in two days they would all know that Harry was a legal adult.

Once they know that he's the Lord of both houses and a legal adult, that should keep them from complaining too much if we are together...after all we are both adults..they think I'm some kind of tramp now, wait until there's nothing stopping me..

She was still a Black, she knew how to survive. For now, if she played her cards right and helped Harry end this war, she would walk away with two hundred and fifty thousand galleons. Josephine Reed would mutually end her relationship with Harry and leave the country. Bellatrix could start over...Provided I can find a way to break this dependence on him..

Bellatrix didn't like the idea of needing anyone, let alone someone as young as Harry was. She kept trying to separate from him, but each time the whispers would get too loud and she would find herself creeping back beside him. She had woke up in his bed that morning, her arms around him and her head on his chest. One of his arms was around her waist, it had felt nice...and that terrified her.

I've got to find a solution to this..I can't be at his side for my entire life. What if he dies first? I'll end up as crazy as I was before..

"I've got it!" She cried hopping up, not noticing when Harry jumped snapping his quill tip on the parchment. She raced to the library, Harry followed her.

"Bellatrix! What are you doing?" She looked to Harry then back to the books. "I'm looking for a book my uncle Orion had...wait...there it is!" She pulled a large book from the shelf and set it on the table. "Harry, I know Sirius promised Granger the library, but I need this book."

"Why this book, Bellatrix what are you looking for?"

"Compulsion charms. I think..I'm sure that Walburga put at least one of me, contact with you has only partially lifted it...when I denounced Voldemort that should have killed me..ah! Here it is! 'Compulsion charms can override free will, but they cannot be used as a substitute in magical contracts. If someone has been put under the imperious curse, that person would not be responsible for any contract or binding ritual undertaken during that curses duration.' The mark is still there, but it seems inert. I haven't felt it burn or seen it move since I broke that vow. So I'm mostly free of the compulsion, but its not totally gone..that's why I have to be near you. Contact with you, for whatever reason, gives me enough strength to break free temporarily."

Bellatrix pulled her sleeve up and showed Harry the mark. Sure enough it didn't seem like anything except a normal non-magical tattoo.

Harry looked at her arm and then back up to her eyes, "So, as long as we're together you're safe?"

"For now...until I can find a way to fully break this charm.", Bellatrix sighed softly. "I promise, I'll find a way to break this charms hold...you won't be stuck with me for any longer than you have to be.."

"Bellatrix..I'm not stuck with you..you need my help to be free of Voldemorte...we're partners, you've already helped me hurt his cause more than I could have done on my own." He took her hand squeezing it softly. Bellatrix took a calming breath and looked to him smiling softly. "Thanks Harry..for everything.."

Harry smiled to her, "The will reading is tomorrow, do you want to go with me or would you prefer to stay here and study the book?" Bellatrix thought about it then looked down at the book, "I'll stay here after all...there has to be something in here we can use to fight this."

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