
How to Survive Isekai

Yes, Going to Isekai is fun, BUT WHERE IS THE SYSTEM, TALENT, I'M NO DIFFERENT THAN NORMAL PEOPLE. So, let's try become OP by little bit of my understanding and MORE hard work. Before that, let's find food first.... I'm may not going premium~ You can support me: https://ko-fi.com/wimpandnoobegg

Noobegg · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
15 Chs

Peace at LAST! and Qilin (Kirin same, right?)

After drinking a clear water and wash my face, I looked at the sky which the standing sun already fall a bit. I nodded to my self, looks like it's already afternoon. I should go find some woods and probably food too, blackcurrant is not enough for dinner. After taking a long breath, I push my body up before stretching, I still could feel the ache on my body. ignoring this pain, I went out to find food and firewood.

As I was walking in the forest, I noticed there was a group of monkeys with vine mixing and greenish fur and eyes like jade. Other than that, there isn't anything different. If my guess is true, with this world full of magic, this monkey may yield a power of nature (plants) based on element colour. I lowered my body as I tried to detour from it.

While I was almost away from them, i heard the monkey was shouting in anger, causing me to shudder before turning my head to see a majestic deer... Screw that, that's Qilin you know!? Gulping in nervous, I moved faster than before but because of my luck suddenly turn shitty, Well, as you can guess...

All those savage creature looking at me with hostile. My eyes was twitching when saw these beasts were not kidding when they are glaring at me. Sh*t, I gotta run!!! Throw away pretense, I run away with all my might, but I could feel my breath bit lighter than before although I just rest a while before run like this.

The beasts were chasing me as if seeing food. My face turned horrified after turning to see pure anger look they showed to me.

"COME ON, why the heck you chasing me!!! I'm thin already!"

But noticing the Qilin somehow became faster and shorten its distance with me. I know this time I'm dead but....!

"Don't come near!!"

gambit by shouting while swaying around the metal, the green monkeys seemed threatened by this but the qilin seemed unfazed and understand moved back a bit before waiting for my response. I then moved my head to the monkeys to scare them.

"I'm gonna kill you!!!"

I shouted while started chasing the monkeys, which easily scattered away not leaving me any chance to kill them for real. After a while, I turned my head to see the qilin still there. I knitted my brows when saw this majestic myth animal still there looking at me. I closed my eyes a moment before bow my head to the animal.

"Thank you for not attacking me."

As soon I said my gratitude, I went away ignore the qilin to find some food and firewood. I then went around to find dried wood since I have no idea what is firewood. While looking around and picked the dried wood, I glanced toward this animal. Is this thing is still observing me?

"Hey, qilin, how about you go around your work. I won't disturb you."

I said but it gave me dead eyes, and.... That's all? frowning but didn't know what to do, I returned to the lake with this qilin. I then tried to do something weird which is, staring at this qilin while putting the dried woods on a place not far from the lake.

"I'll be finding food, so... You will stay here, Capiche?"

The qilin lower its leg before looking at me. Move back step by step, I went out to hunt food. Of course that's what I hope to happen but reality beg differ. I didn't get any prey to kill for dinner, which make me sighing.

While thinking that I'll be vegan until I can catch animal somehow agitating me. Sun already turned red, while sulking like spoiled brat, I saw that the same qilin on same position. BUT with a few preys in front of it.

"Wow! You got preys easily! Damn, why you didn't tell me, I could try to whip up some simple roasted meat. Can I hav-"


"Uuaahh!! S-sorry. Sheesh, no need to be harsh."

Shrugging, I sighed before tried to make fire which is....

I don't know but, I just need to create a spark of heat and try to burn from smallest dried woods, may lady of luck on my justice. Wait a minute.... I GOT This metal! pulling the sharp metal from my pocket, I nodded before finding another stone around here.

taking a few long breath before sliding these both this metallic thing and stone, a spark could be seen, making me smiling. My hand moved faster aiming dried woods, a small fire appeared on where the spark touch on the dried wood.

"Haa~ hard work is done. Let's cut the meat."

I then turned my head to see the place where qilin was supposed to be changed to a beauty sitting on her knees looking at me. My mind turned blank a few moment, is my mind already turned crazy? A blue long haired girl with those beautiful horns plus emotionless face. A big pair plot and slender body to boot. I'm scared, that I need to use this question.

"W-who are you?"

I asked those cliche line that every cliffhanger anime producer made.


[White haired goddess POV]

While waiting my summoned creature finish its bidding. Suddenly I felt my beast life dwindled and die, which made me frown. This shouldn't happen at all, that human didn't get any special attribute but only his memory.

"I guessed I should check it out."

I muttered before moving out from god domain to this world which under of my care, Crevia. A world where magic is advanced and mixed with technologywhich giving a mythical presence at same time giving cutting edge design. But so does the pollution these people cause which mutated all nature being around these believers of mine.

As soon I arrived, I only saw a corpse of big tiger lied there with its' broken teeth and missing fang. By twist a little bit of time I could see that this otherworlder could still be alive, which made me surprised but just that.

"Just a bug being lucky."

I couldn't help but snort before glare at the corpse of big tiger. With a wave of my hand, the big tiger disappear without trace because I erase it's existence.

"Looks like I need to warn my believers."

I muttered before disappeared from there.

[White haired goddess POV ended]


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