


When she found him, he was gravely injured, unconscious, and defenseless. She knew what she needs to do, they're enemies after all, but looking at his deathly pale face, her hands hesitated. Instead of the volatile Chaos Assault, what came out of her hand was a gentle energy that heals, bringing the Undead knight back to the land of the living.

She saved him not because of compassion, no, she saved him because he needs to pay for his sins. Despite what Lunox tells herself, she did not turn over the knight to the empire but hid him in a place no one has ever been before, her secret hideout.


Bringing the powerless undead knight to the center of the Moniyan Empire requires skills that Lunox never knew she had. And after a day of sneaking around, she finally manage to smuggle Leomord her territory.

It's nothing much, outside it looks like a normal vacant house, and in a street full of empty houses, it doesn't stands out. What makes it different is the walls full of runes powered by light energy and a little bit of dark energy, and who else can make the two opposing energy work together and create a harmony like no other, excluding herself, only her parents are left.

Despite her missing memories, Lunox still feels immense familiarity in this place, as if she lived here before, probably her childhood home.

Being one of the relics her parents left behind, Lunox never wanted to share this place to anybody, but it seems like she thought wrong.

Looking at the unconscious undead knight on the floor, she wonders what makes him special.

(She ignored the slight trembling of her soul when she first saw the knight in the battlefield.)

3. When Leomord woke up, he feels.. strange.

He expected that he would have died...(again)... in that last battle, even his queen, Vexana, thought so, as she decisively retreated together with their remaining troops to salvage their loses.

Despite being abandoned, Leomord feels nothing. He no longer feels anything other than despair ever since he was resurrected, despair that soon turned into numbness.

An unfeeling undead knight is what he should be.

(No... you're wrong.)

Knowing that he's still alive (sort of), he readied himself to being capture by the empire and to be tortured for information.

It's just now that he noticed... instead of lying in a cold, damp floor, he seems to be lying on a soft bedding..

(How long has it been? That he has a chance to lay down on an actual bed and not on the cold ground on their camp?)

Is this how the empire treats their prisoners? He thought in dark amusement.

Opening his eyes he saw.... a normal wood ceiling.

Leomord blinks his eyes in surprise. The room he's in is pretty open, with plenty of sunlight passing through the white curtain of the window on his right. the walls is painted in mint green, giving the room a refreshing feeling. There's a bedside table on his left, where a glass of water is placed, next to it is a mahogany wardrobe.

Sitting up, Leomord noticed that he's not even tied, with complete mobility in his limbs. He got off the bed, curling his toes at the feeling of the soft carpet underneath him.

Is this really how the empire treats their prisoners?

"No." A soft voice snapped him out of his thoughts.

Alarmed, he turned towards the sound, finding a petite girl standing by the opened door.

'I never heard her coming!' Leomord thought, greatly disturbed. As the right hand of the Necromancer Queen Vexana, nobody can doubt the ability of Leomord. From his powerful momentum to his amazing combat power, it also includes his inhuman like senses and instincts.

The fact that he never noticed anybody approaching is an abnormality Leomord never encountered.

Studying the girl, Leomord immediately identified her, Lunox, the Twilight Goddess...

What is she doing here?


When her guest woke up, Lunox immediately knew. Not because she placed an alarm on him or anything, she just... knew...

She walked towards the room she placed him in, her steps going faster unconsciously. Now she stood in front of the door and for a moment she hesitated...

Why? She doesn't know...

Pushing down those strange feelings, she opened the door.

And there he stood, bathed in the sunlight shining from the window. His armor was tattered before and Lunox undress the man herself.

(She denied the sudden hotness on her cheeks and the quickening of her heartbeat as nothing but the mortification of taking care of her enemy.)

Now, the undead knight was dressed in a commoners clothes, a brown pants that's too short for his long legs, a white shirt that doesn't hide his fit body. Despite the cheapness of what he wears, it can never hide his temperament, attracting people's gazes.

Lunox can't deny that even she isn't immune to his charm.

Clearing her mind of all the messy thoughts, she looked at the man directly in the eyes.

"This is not the prison but my home." She answered him softly.

The undead knight is still alert, he never even once lowered his guard, except when he was unconscious, and Lunox never expects him to. He's in the enemy territory after all.

After a long silence, the undead knight, Leomord, finally spoke...


Why? Why indeed. Even Lunox herself doesn't understand her own actions, so she just stayed silent.


Leomord doesn't understand the motives of the girl, only watching her intently.

He have long noticed that the infamous Twilight Goddess is really... young, compared to her great reputation.

He wonders if how much of her reputation is actually true, after all, they are currently in a troubled times. People needs something to believe in to continue their faith and keep fighting a war that has really gone for too long.

He inwardly pitied the girl, for having to fight in a war in her young age, for carrying a heavy reputation on her thin shoulders. Even if they are on a different camp, Leomard will never disrespects those who are worthy and the girl in front of him is worth his respect.

Her actions confuses him and her silence left him with more questions.

Maybe she felt... compassion to him, his enemy. He wouldn't be surprise, she is pretty young, naive, and is probably full of hope towards this world.

Leomord pressed down a sneer growing on his face, those who are innocent doesn't live long in this world. He knew this truth a long, long time ago, during a time when he was still... living.

Yet despite this, he can't help but want to protect them, like desperate man keeping a tiny flame alive during a harsh winter.

Countless times he had failed, until he can no longer carry the burden and choose to end it all.

In the end, he still rose in his eternal sleep, once again protecting what his supposed to protect, forever wondering when will it all end.

edited: fix some major typos

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