
How the Stars bring us Together

A story originally set within a castle of the Medieval Era, though it's like paradise on Earth(and in slight ruins), the Zodiacs find themselves caught up in trouble when Ophiuchus starts to stir it. They seem to part ways, although the God of Stars seems to think otherwise. The lot are soon sent to recreate their relationships in modern times, whether this plan seems to play or not is another matter... Having already been reincarnated into the thirteen respective Zodiac signs, you can imagine how confusing yet another time period would be. To most of them, at least. A cautionary reminder that this book shall contain some graphic, mature scenes. Viewer discretion is advised. There is also alot of profound language, such as swearing.

markiee · Fantasi
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26 Chs

Chapter 24.

•Aries POV•

As I comforted the dejected Zodiac representing 'Balance', I couldn't help but feel a sense of self-assurance and pride. I didn't normally know what to say, how to make someone feel better, without being all sappy and over-dramatic. Sure, the others would probably tell you I'm the perfect one when it comes to emotions and people, out of the others it might well be true, but my own confidence had begun to deteriorate the more useless I'd felt recently.

To have this bolster of my deflated-ego, it was enough to lift my spirits, and fortunately, Libra's too.

As unbiased as I wanted to remain regarding the Crab, he had hurt so many of us Zodiacs with his impulsive nature and toxic masculinity, and what happened to Pisces especially.. was unforgivable. Knowing Libra, she most likely felt pity for the man, and as forced to stay out of it being a requirement. To make him happy, as if she's some sort of lapdog.. submissive, sure, but a man doesn't treat his partner as a punching bag, ever.

My thoughts were interrupted by the loud sigh that Aquarius let escape her lips.

"Are we going to go shopping, or what? Us ladies, and you gay boys, should head out and find a cute outfit." Her winks were directed mostly at Gemini and I, as if she just knew we were the bottoms.. how humiliating!

"And we are to remain here, doing what exactly..?" Pisces grumbled out, clearly in protest about Gemini being stuck with me and the girls. It seemed like a good opportunity to learn more about him and their relationship.. I have always been wondering how they do it. The concept is easy enough, but the whole procedure... Capri and I have tried a couple times before, but I was.. too much of a crybaby. I felt bad everytime, still do, but I haven't been ready yet, and I'm lucky enough to have someone so thoughtful and accepting of this situation.

Though, perhaps buying something alluring shall bring me the confidence I needed to jump that hurdle...

"Earth to Aries." Aquarius was waving her hand infront of my face, my spacing out was becoming more frequent and irritating.. I couldn't help but notice Capri's inquisitive stare directed at me. Worried, even. He was always worrying about me.. it was adorable..

"Yes, I will." I finally answered-

"You'll... what, exactly?" Virgo chipped in, a brow raising confusedly.

"I'll come... provided that you still want me there." I smiled, soon returned by energetic nods from a few, including Libra, who was still sat right infront of me...

"I'll pass. Already been out today." The Snake remarked, and nobody bothered to argue. No doubt she'd ruin the mood if we had tried to force her to attend with us.

"We should get to work on finding something to eat around here! Maybe.. hummus was provided?!" Taurus yelled loudly, filled with excitement, as he raced into the kitchen - tailed by Sagi, I never knew he was a fan of such an atrocity of human creation.

Glancing back over to the ladies and Gemini, he almost looked nervous, afraid, even. I could see that Pisces' infatuated stare was boring into his back a little too strongly, so I soon stepped over to the Twin and patted his shoulder.

"Shall we get going then?" Aquarius smiled down at Libra, actually looking excited for once. All of us, just awaiting her response, this was both to cheer her up and explore the area, afterall.


She gave a nod! She went against Cancer for one damn time, and she looked happier than ever! I'm not sure what that meant for their relationship, but they were sure to have a serious talk in the future, at some point soon. A time drawing near.

As soon as that green light was given, we were all grabbed, I was quick to glance back at a bemused Capri and smiled. "See you later, love!"