6 All for nothing

"Father! Look, I managed to make a complete wind spell!" A young elf celebrated while pointing at a nearby tree, looking closely, you could see a small cut made on one of the branches of the tree.

"Good job Nurfel, you've managed to bond with the elemental spirits at such a young age. I'm proud of you son." The middle aged elf replied with a smile.

'I'm glad I retired at a younger age, all the war got to my head and made me lose some emotions.' The elf thought looking at the child in front of him.

"Q'rith, can you go get us some vegetables? I need some to make dinner." The elf's wife called.

"I forgot to buy them earlier, I'll go get them now." He replied sighing.

After that Q'rith made his way to the city as he was now living with his family of 4 in the countryside of the Elven Empire. His family was him, his wife, his son Nurfel, and his newborn daughter Garnea.

Soon, he reached the city where he was greeted with bows as he was one of the veteran elf commanders.

While he was on his way to the market, he felt a strong shockwave which made him fly up to check the situation. What he saw was a giant meteor dropping inside the walls of the capital which was only a few miles away from the city he was in.

He decided not to interfere as he was no longer a member of the army and has his family to live for.

On his way back, he felt a chill down his spine. It was like he was being watched. He eventually dismissed it as nothing since he couldn't feel a presence around him.

Arriving at the lakeside house, he greeted his family and sat down next to the door to watch his son play in the front yard.

"Q'rith, darling, come, dinner is ready" his wife called.

"You should really start calling him by his name, he'll eventually think his name is Darling!" The elf pouted.

"Ooooh~ so you're getting jealous, you could've always asked me to call you darling as well! No need to be so blunt about it!"She said with a smile.

Walking in and sitting at the dining table, the family seemed as happy as they could be.

"I gotta say, elves do make great food, the rumors never lie I guess.." a voice could suddenly be heard at the supposedly empty side of the table.

The previous elf commander got his guard up as he wasn't able to sense the person in front of him.

It was a white haired youth that seemed to be in his mid teens, his irises looked like galaxies and his pupils seemed to be pitch black, as if they could absorb the world if he willed it.

'A celestial? Why would a being like that be in our kingdom? Let alone my house?' The elf thought while panting.

"Who are you?!" The elf asked

"Well it's nice to have good food after decapitating a few million elves, so how about you SIT." The youth said as he waved, the elf commander instantly sat since his body felt that death would be the only outcome if he didn't follow the commands of the individual in front of him.

"As for who I am, look 13 years into the past. A peaceful God village, a village chief, and his wife." The youth said playing with a hair strand.

That's when the elf realized it, his hair, the same hair color as the village chief he gave the order to kill 13 years ago. He never thought his child would get strong enough to seek out revenge so he just let him be.

"Well?" The youth asked standing up, he was fairly short for his age, so he started floating to assert a bit of dominance.

'It's so irritating to put on this tough guy act but I have to since this is the guy I've been looking for all this time.'Thought Surak hating himself for acting like this.


Plant fear on all your enemies even after their death, act like their worst nightmare and don't show the slightest deterrence or mercy.


Reaching this world's peak.

New Stats system.

Otherworldly key.

Hidden reward:

A kiss from the ~Creator~]

Surak thought about the quest slightly irritated by the last part.

'Seriously? A fucking kiss? What are you fucking gay?'

He flinched at the thought of getting kissed by a child as a 43 year old soul, but that kid was probably trillions of years older than he looks.

'Why the fuck am I even thinking about this?' He snapped out of it getting back to the task at hand.

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