
Welcome to our Awful society

"Society - a place where we all live together".The thing is, are we living together in this so-called society? Or do we just pretend? living together means accepting each & everyone including their race to sex everything, sadly we don't do that here, but we call it society, country, continent & world where we all live together.

"Society is an aggregation of people living together" - it was told to us by our ancestors, but the truth is society is full of awful people. Here, The awful implies greed, the cast, religion and a lot more awful things.

Well, many won't agree with my viewpoint, do you? For them, it's so beautiful that God himself gifted them to make it awful, so they won't bother doing it in this society, it's just an exhibition ground where they do all those awful things and their supporters cherish for their glorious awful things.

When you think like this - "that most of the people in this society are good one's so that they will think about this society and they make it better for people around them if so you're more awful than anyone else here. Most people won't even care about their own family, and you are daydreaming that they care about this world.

First introduced in this awful world - 'Religion'

"Religion: a particular system of faith and worship."

Religion teaches us how to be more human, but I guess we aren't treating other's as human or at least calling each other's human instead of that we call them in races, religions, regions. we took it in an utterly wrong way and we are making it an awful expose for our future generations. I often heard this from many people and various religious heads, they say that "God loves us all equally" & "There is only one god".

If that's all true, why God has to appear to different people in different avatars and asked them to start different religions? Now, we all hate each other because of that?? I'm not criticizing anyone based on any religion. Who am I to Criticize it anyway? Your baseless statements which you call pillars or fundamentals in your religion, How can I even criticize a baseless statement?

The Orthodox religious beliefs and practices made humans the dumbest creatures, that they fight with their kind, kill each other & even can do it in name of their beloved god.

When I talk about God many of you started disliking me as I talk against God, did I? I only saying about religion & not one in a particular way only showing you how it is. I am just expressing my thought the same as yours, like how you pray to God, I talk about God, religion & everything.

We have to respect other people views and opinions, but are we doing that? Every religion says love all, if you love all, you should listen and give respect to their thoughts as well. Why hate them based on their religion? Why can't you love them as your religion suggests? even in their Kin some reign over others in name of God, but in name of their god they can't love, care & treat others equally.

We discriminate against other religious people, We call them untouchables, see my question is you belong to your god, you do what he asks you to do, The god himself accepts them and love them as equal as you, Then who the hell are you to discriminate them? Do giving more funds to god make you his favourite child, so that you can do your crimes unnoticed & you feel superior to others? ever thought what if I was born on another low caste, region or religion? how my life would be? just google it you will know how it would be.

Our ancestors are really intelligent thinkers at that time they conquered other people's brains by implying the thought of fear & faith in their minds. The Majority of people at that time believed them purely because of fear, what type of belief is that? you ask for facts in business, trust in a relationship, truth in judgement but you believe whatever religion says without any fact check? Ask yourself the same.

Today an average IQ of a person is far better than the primitive man that lurked on this earth, and again when it comes to religion, myth & certain rules that are passed on to us we are as dumb as that primitive man who probably is wandered in undies made with leaves. Why don't you just think about it and try to question the system of belief implied by fear? but...

We won't, we don't even bother about how our society has been shaped down by generations of hate and fear, and how we happily pass that hate to our future generations. If someone thinks about this unparalleled society and makes a move against it, then we talk, not about society! We talk about those people who started thinking about society, criticize them and make them withdraw their efforts because we are awful and we want our society to stay as "AWFUL" it is.

I'm not implying any methods or ways to change this society nor you. This is an Awful world, I'm just introducing you to it as how it is always without filters, covers and makeovers.

In this book I don't suggest, support, like or ask you to do the same for any religion, country, creed I just want to take you on a ride to this world without the filters & please give your comment so that we can continue reading...

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