
/ Chapter 01: Back Home \

/ Author's Note: Starting strong I hope. Have fun and leave lots of feedback! \

/ Special Attention To The Following Information: The Mc's name is Arkar Belaerys, a prominent dragon rider from the Balaerys family, considered the strongest family in the whole Valyrian Freehold, although it does not rule alone. For that exists the council of the forthy, a council that houses all of the forthy strongest dragonlords families, who together rule over all that is Valyria. As mentioned in the sypnosis, only the main character, his dragon, and the mc's 'Dragon-Guard' will be sent into the future, to the time where Westeros is reigned over by Viserys Targaryen I, father of Rhaenyra Targeryen, the Realm's Delight. \

○ Important characters present in today's chapter:

• Main Character (Arkar Belaerys) Picture: [Comment Here For The Picture]

Bahamut, The Cripping Death. Picture: [Comment Here For The Picture]

Argon Belaerys (Arkar's Father) Picture: [Comment Here For The Picture]

Daena Belaerys (Arkar's Mother) Picture: [Comment Here For The Picture]

Alfred (Belaerys Family Butler) Picture: [Comment Here For The Picture]

Jaenara Belaerys (Arkar's Sister) Picture: [Comment Here For The Picture]


○ Normal Dialogue: "Example."

○ High-Valyrian Dialogue: "Example."



/ Valyria's Freehold, 102 Bc, 1st Person Arkar's Pov \

"Lord Arkar, I welcome your safe arrival." The frail, yet firm voice of an old man reaches my ears as I 'jump' down from the saddle of Bahamut, landing with a heavy thud sound, thanks to the heavy black armor that I currently don.

Adjusting myself to the even, paved ground, I bat away any sand that might have found itself glued onto my crimson cape, before I realocate my sight to look in the direction of the old man who had spoken to me.

"Alfred, you needn't not come and await my arrival." I exclaim in his direction with mild discontentment, focusing on the fact that the oldest and loyalest butler/servant of my house had decided to skip his daily duties to come here and welcome me home.

And though I would never let anyone know it, I appreciated the act itself, no matter how small and useless it may seem to other people.

"Ah my young lord, it is simply the wish of this frail old man, to be able to welcome you every time you visit your family house. It is also part of my job as well, is it not?" With a curious smile, Alfred threw my argument out of the window with his reasonings, and so, I simply choose to let the matter slide, with a nod and a smile.

"It matters not, follow along old man." I tell him, as I walk past him with dignified steps.

Bahamut, my giant and loyal companion, at this time has already taken to the skies, flying in whatever direction he wishes, as is the norm.


As we walk in the direction of the manor that my family currently uses as the main house, my mind works through some musings I have wanted to touch upon, about my future rule, but unfortunetly I could only do so until Alfred dragged my mind away from them with a sudden, and simple comment.

"It's rather dark today... all of these clouds, they don't seem to bring good omens, do they?" He says, with a small frown present on his aged expression.

Faced with that, I took a second of my time to look at him, this time much more observant than before.

Whiteish short hair that sways lightly in the cold wind that has been howling since morning. Its color now tipping more into a greyish one, due to his old age, than the alabaster I once remember it carried.

His aged skin, along with a slightly hunched posture, gives me a sense of impending "doom", which makes me think of my younger days.

Days full of mischief and joy, unworrying times that now seemed so distant.

Compared to the life I lead now, those memories looked like a haven.

However, as I dragged my mind back from those past memories, I end up finding the glowing silver eyes of Alfred, shining strongly and full of life, against everything that I thought was weak about him, while he calmly observes me with a curious expression.

I release a sigh at that, and turn to look ahead, away from him as I reach the giant marble doors that lead inside my family's manor.

On each side of the giat door, two guards clad in silver armor and yellow colors, bow in my direction, and then turn to open the heavy doors.

With a simple nod, I move past them inside.

But before I can even loosen up my awareness and relax, the sudden voice of Alfred rings behind me.

"Your father awaits you in his solar, master Arkar."

By now I turn to him, after stopping in my steps, giving him a curt nod before resuming my path once again.

But not before leaving him a "thank you".

For all that I had become until now, the man would always be something of a parental figure to me, and so:

"Thank you, Alfred, I appreciated your act of thoughtfulness, as per your usual." My voice came out as cold as it always did, but this time it carried a small strand of gratefulness behind it, which I am sure Alfred caught on, sensing his small bow with my acute senses.

What I may have missed on, though, was the small and knowing smirk he threw my way while he bowed down.

And though he had indeed said that my father awaits me in his solar, I did not walk towards it in the slightest.

No, I walked in the opposite direction, onto the courtyard, where I am sure my sister is waiting for me, as she always does.


And lo and behold, as I walk through the beautiful arch door that leads to the courtyard, a beautiful sight caughts my attention.

[ Jaenara's Picture Here, Please Comment So I Can Post It ]

A slender, delicate and beautiful female figure stands alone in the middle of a small, and lush garden.

And as I approach her, her fresh fragrance hits my nostrils, making my mind swirl in past memories, as her details become easily more noticeable.

Silvery-golden long hair cascades down her backless silver dress, shining brightly as the warm sun hits her hair locks.

Her clear lilac eyes draw me over, ever so slightly, and a soft smile caresses her expression as she looks onto the various birds that sing together, perched on a small branch of a nearby young tree.

I feel myself relax as I approach her ever so slowly, before gently enveloping her in my arms, while making sure I don't hurt her with my heavy armor.

My armored chest leans in on her bare back, and I feel my sister shift in her place, a small giggling sound leaving her mouth, as she lets her body relax against what I assume is the cold surface of my blackened armor chestplate.

"I missed you, dear brother~." I hear her say with her uniquely pleasant and seductive voice — somehow keeping an inocent undertone to it.

As much one might think diferently, I still believe that my dear sister is as untainted as she was, before I ventured deep into the Freehold in the last year, seeing as I had not come home ever since. (A/N: Untainted here means that the mc still hopes that his sister is as mentally inocent as always, call it a shy and tender personality of hers.)

"And I missed you even more, Jaenara." I told her, nearing her left ear, as the sun hit and warmed us, from above the clouds.

If anyone looked at us right now, no matter who they were, they would feel and think that the two of us were a pair of lovers.

And wouldn't that be the actual truth? (A/N: Incest was widely known to be almost common stuff, some of the valyrian families were even more careful with their bloodlines, than the targaryens we know of.)


With a content sight, I softly nibbled her earlobe, dragging and burrying my face into her neck, all the while she squirms below me with cute resistance.

"A-Arkar!~" She warned, her voice cute, and yet daring.

Cute, because that's how she sounded when trying to escape my arms, knowing we were in a public place to be displaying such closeness. And daring, because I knew damn well she had missed me as much as I had missed her, and so I am pretty confident that even though we are indeed in a "public" place, she wants nothing more than to give in to her desire to be taken right here, and right now.

"What is it, dear sister, afraid we will get caught?" I tease her, bringing my right hand onto her belly, massaging her with slow, yet firm movements, carefully not going near her vulnerable lower half.

My left hand though, nears her chest before grasping her left breast ever so gently, to not hurt her in any way possible, kneading it with care.

Faced with my playful act, she moans softly into my touch, letting her weight lean onto my body, as she suddenly loses her body's balance, her hands gripping my arms tightly.

Her small defiance is notable and appreciated, her purity in terms of mentality was always something I loved in her, and I would forever hope she did not lose it — Ever.

"Not... – now." I hear her groaning softly into my ear, as her head is thrown backwards into my right shoulder, seeing as she almost hits her climax just from a small role-play.


Suddenly, as we were having a small and private moment, I hear someone approach, and so I seize my playful movements and help my sister regain her breathing and balance, with a small knowing smile ever so present on my face.

Just in time for someone to open the door near us.

"Lord Arkar, Lady Jaenara, your Lord Father has called upon Lord Arkar to join him in his solar with utmost priority." A brown haired woman of small stature informs us both with a small bow, leaving right after without wasting a single second.

The head maid, Lissan.

"Always a strange woman, that one..." I muse out loud, much to the annoyance of my jealous and possessive sister, who pouts in my direction once she hears the familiar tone my voice carried when I mentioned my old caretaker.

"What is it? Are you so unsatisfied that you wish me to ravish you right here, pissing off our father even more, dear sister~?" I throw a pointed question at her, disarming her jealous side, and bringing out her cute and naive personality once again.

And so with a small pout, a dark red blush and trembling legs, she still manages to voice her own thoughts in my direction.

"Just go meet father, we will meet... – later tonight." She said, growing even more nervous nearing the end of her sentence.

At her words, I brush aside one strand of beautiful silvery golden hair of hers that had gotten in the way of me appreciating her beautiful, and so fucking alluring face.

"Aye, we shall meet later on, then." I tell her, placing a small kiss on her soft forehead, to which she just swats me away cutely.

"Ahh, just go already!!" She silently screams at me, turning around and walking with a slight wobble posture to gods know where.


/ 3rd Person Pov | Belaerys Family Head's Solar \

Inside a large and luxurious solar, a handsome male figure can be seen, seated on a comfortable velvet chair that remains still, before a long brown table of stone.

Supporting silvery golden hair and purple eyes, which are both known features of the Belaerys family bloodline, Argon Belaerys remains looking over some documents that briefly regard some small details about the lands that fall under his family jurisdiction.


*Knock* *Knock*

The sound of knocking on wooden doors resounds inside the solar, and Argon's eyes trace up from the still documents and fix themselves on the door in front of him.


His rough voice carries on onto the outside, as the familiar figure of Arkar Belaerys walks in with a minute nod of respect.

Argon takes a few seconds to study his son's features, only having seen him some moons ago.

And before he could speak, his son ends up breaking the awkward silence that remains in the air first.

"Father." Arkar acknowledges his father, sitting down in an opposing, comfortable red chair. "You have called for me?" He pressed on, his voice neither warm nor cold, just — even.

His father on the other hand was more emotionally open, regarding him with a small look of contentment.

"That I did." He said, turning to look once again into the documents he had stopped studying before his son's arrival. "How was the experience in the council these past few months?"

Arkar, more relaxed now, traced his eyes behind his father, admiring the view that stood before him, on the giant window of glass that gave way to one of Valyria's volcanoes.

Far away, he could make out several dragons flying together, freely of restraints and saddles, wild and yet probably not untamed.

Just the sight alone though, brought him a comforting feeling, washing over any complex feelings he might have been supporting inside his mind.

"Chaotic, as always has been." Arkar stated with a sigh, "Those old, cunning vultures, always vying for more power than they should hold, it maddens me." Was the conclusion he reached, his voice barely audible, but still clearly meant to be heard.

Argon, his father, stopped his work and adjusted his sight onto his son, regarding him with a curious, yet knowing look.

"And when haven't they been like that?" He asked with a small chuckle, much to the frustration of his son. "I had meant if you had any luck, regarding our last agreed proposal?"

"Nothing has progressed towards our ends, they are too holed up in their seats to see what is happening around them." Arkar's voice sounded almost angry at that, thinking back on the council's reaction to his proposal of expanding their lands outside of the freehold, with an expedition throughout the known world.

Westeros included.

Unfortunetly, the motion has been rejected, something which made Arkar's blood boil.


"I see... that, complicates things a bit." Argon said with a small, pensive frown, looking away from both his son, and his papers, onto the wall where a shining, yet old looking sword stood, gaining dust.

And as both father and son remain silent, not minding the quietness of the room, and enjoying it much more than some might think possible, we have on one side of the room the seated head figure of the Belaerys family, and in the other, the relaxed young lord that the freehold's dragonlords claim to be the strongest rider of the entirety of the former's history.

Both imposing figures that currently enjoy the unusual quietness of an important meeting.

"Well, disregarding the older vultures, we might be able to sway the younger lords of the council to work in our favor yet." Argon commented, after a few moments of healthy silence between the two.

"You have something in mind?" With a raised brow, Arkar's curiosity was picked, and he couldn't help but press on the matter right after.

His father though, only gave him a small smirk that told him all that he needed to know.

"You are aware that something like that would take time? Too much, needed time." Arkar then voiced out his curious skepticism, his purple eyes narrowing on his father's very own.

With a pointed sigh, Argon's mature voice relented to his son's doubts, "I am aware that you think we don't have much time left, Arkar, but don't forget that you should not base your entire life expectancies on the supposition of those low lives, son."

Arkar's brows furrowed even deeper than before, faced with his father's pointed look and his secluded doubts about the Targaryen's future vision, Arkar could only slump onto the back of the golden velvet chair he was sitting on.

"... I swear one day we will end up regreting this, father." Arkar's voice, aimed at his father, with a mixture of urgency and hopelessness, filled the room after a few moments of awkward silence.

And right when Argon would voice out his thoughts on the manner, the sudden sound of the door opening could be heard from behind the two, as a mature yet beautiful woman with silvery hair entered the solar, a happy smile gracing her expression, while she walked in with measured and elegant steps.

"My~, my son is already home, and has yet to call for me? How dare he..." The sweet and silky female voice of Daena Belaerys resounded throughout the room, as Argon sighed, and Arkar's position changed, as he got up, and slowly but tightly embraced the woman in a soft hug.

"Mother, I have missed you." He said, his face resting on his mother's shoulder, and she only gave Arkar a small pinch on the nose as a curt motherly answer.

"So did I, my son."


So, what do you guys think? I tried to mantain things somewhat neutral, as not much is known about the freehold.

The fanfic will be much more filled with details and better dialogue, when we get to the known part of the story, which is what we are here for, House Of The Dragon.

We shall reach it in a few chapters, 4 or 5 to be exact.

Anyways, tell me of your opinions in the comments, as my main reward is the interactions between Author and Readers.

Also, the more power stones we receive, the more chapter will be released.

Have a good day guys!

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