
HOTD: Echoes of Extinction

The dead began to rise and Japan was thrown into total chaos. As these monsters begin terrorizing a high school, the once-familiar halls of William's high school transform into a harrowing battleground for survival. The contagion spreads rapidly, turning students and teachers alike into relentless, flesh-hungry zombies. In the chaos that ensues, William must navigate the now perilous corridors, relying on his quick wit and survival instincts. Haunted by the memories of his former classmates turned into monstrous threats, William must confront the harsh realities of the new world. With each passing day, he learns that the true test of survival goes beyond evading the undead – it demands adaptation, trust, and sometimes the sacrifice of one's humanity. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Author Note: Well I'll do the classic author stick which is saying English isn't my first language lol. (Well it's true) This is also of mashup of a bunch of anime but HOTD is the focus at the moment. Also the first arc is pretty slow since it's slice of life.

Ste1nzzz · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
29 Chs

Chapter 18

Waking up in an unfamiliar environment, I quickly rose out of my bed, realizing it was my dorm room. As I opened the window to check the weather, memories of my friends back home flooded my thoughts. It had been a year since I arrived at this school, and while it felt alright at first, the solitude in my dorm room was starting to get to me.

Fortunately, I wasn't alone. Surprisingly, Saeko and Sawa were also invited to this school. Since then, we've hung out more often – they're the only people I know here.

Every day after class, Saeko and I engage in sparring sessions. I still can't fathom how she generates so much power. Accepting Saeko for who she really is seems to have unleashed a new level of intensity in our spars, especially when we're alone.

In the dojo, Saeko and I engaged in a spirited kendo spar. She took on the offensive, her strikes swift and precise, while I focused on defending and waiting for the right moment to counter.

As the clash of bamboo echoed in the air, I noticed a glint of something different in Saeko's eyes. A sadistic edge seemed to surface when we fought, a side of her that reveled in the intensity of our spars.

Saeko's strikes became more aggressive, her movements almost dance-like. With each clash, she grinned, an unsettling mixture of excitement and determination on her face.

"Come on, Will," she teased, her voice carrying a hint of mischief. "You're holding back, aren't you? Where's that competitive spirit?"

I tightened my grip on the bamboo sword, a smirk playing on my lips. "Maybe I'm just savoring the suspense. You know, building up to a grand finale."

Saeko's laughter rang through the dojo, blending with the rhythmic sound of our strikes.

As our kendo match continued, the intensity heightened. Saeko's strikes were relentless, and I had to focus on dodging and parrying to keep up with her skilled offensive. The rhythmic clash of bamboo filled the room, creating a symphony of our martial prowess.

Saeko lunged forward with a series of quick strikes, her movements fluid and unpredictable. I blocked and countered, trying to find an opening in her defenses. The dance of our swords echoed the unspoken camaraderie between us.

With a sudden twist, Saeko executed a spinning strike, catching me off guard. I managed to evade, but she swiftly closed the distance between us. The air crackled with the tension of the spar, and our gazes locked for a fleeting moment, conveying an unspoken understanding.

"You've gotten better, Will," Saeko remarked, a hint of admiration in her eyes.

I grinned, acknowledging her praise. "Likewise, Saeko. But don't think you've seen all my moves yet."

As the spar continued, the dojo was filled with the rhythmic clashing of bamboo as Saeko and I engaged in an intense kendo match. 

As the match reached its peak, Saeko unleashed a flurry of strikes, her movements swift and calculated. I countered with agility, determined to hold my ground. The energy in the room surged, and our swords met in a synchronized clash, creating a brief symphony of collisions.

In a moment of mutual unpredictability, both Saeko and I executed a simultaneous strike. Our swords collided, and the impact reverberated through the dojo. For an instant, time seemed to freeze as our gazes locked, acknowledging the unexpected tie.

A collective gasp echoed from those watching, and a smile tugged at the corners of Saeko's lips. We disengaged, stepping back with a shared understanding that transcended the competition.

Saeko grinned, her eyes reflecting the thrill of the match. "Impressive, Will. You're getting better with each spar."

I chuckled, still catching my breath. "Likewise, Saeko. Your moves are as unpredictable as ever."

She twirled her bamboo sword, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Well, where's the fun if it's too predictable?"

As we shared a brief laugh, Sawa entered the clubroom, her eyes catching mine.

"Will, are you ready to go?" Sawa inquired.

"Yeah, Sawa, let me just shower, and then we can head out together," I replied, starting to remove my protective kendo uniform.

"I didn't know you guys had plans. I'm sorry for taking your time, Will," Saeko chimed in.

"Nonsense, Saeko. That's what friends are for, right?" I smiled, heading towards the shower room to wash off the sweat and exhaustion from our kendo practice.

As I walked away, I overheard Saeko's quiet mumble, "Yes, friends..." Her tone held a hint of something deeper, a sentiment I couldn't quite grasp.


(Saeko POV)

As I observed Will entering the room, my gaze shifted to Sawa, his friend.

There's an odd twinge in my chest seeing them together. Jealousy? No, I can't afford to be jealous. I don't deserve someone like Will. Being by his side is already enough for me.

Lost in my thoughts, Sawa broke the silence.

"You know I love Will, right?" she stated.

I nodded, acknowledging her feelings.

"Well, Will is too dense to realize that. I mean, he keeps invading your space and telling you everything's going to be alright," Sawa remarked, a knowing smile on her face.

A smile played on my lips, realizing that what makes me love Will is his sheer determination and his knack for barging into personal matters even when unnecessary.

"Back then, I was such an idiot. I always wanted to be a jockey, but there was a weight requirement for it," Sawa shared, a nostalgic gleam in her eyes.

I listened quietly as she continued, "I went on a diet, pushing myself to the limits. During mounted archery, I collapsed off my horse." Sawa smiled, reminiscing about the past.

"Honestly, I'm such an idiot. If Will hadn't caught me, I would probably have been unintentionally crushed by Sabure."

"Then you know what he did to me? He just flicked my head and called me an idiot," Sawa chuckled, mimicking the gesture.

"He even told me I could go overseas, as some countries didn't have that strict requirement for jockey school."

"Honestly, if I had just talked about it and didn't bottle it up inside, I wouldn't have potentially hurt Will, even though everything went alright in the end." Sawa sighed, reflecting on the past.

"and that idiot has a bunch of girls waiting for him. I mean, there are four girls that he keeps mentioning, and he is so insensitive, talking about girls when we're alone, like Shizue-nee this or Riri that," Sawa sighed.

I chuckled, finding the familiarity in Will's behavior. "Well, that's just Will. The moment he gets excited, he talks about his friends, and he looks so happy. I can't make him stop, and just seeing him happy makes me happy too."

Sawa smiled, understanding. "You really do care about him, Saeko. I've seen it in the way you look at him."

I blushed slightly, trying to downplay it. "Well, he's a good friend." 

Sawa patted my shoulder and chuckled, her eyes catching mine. "I see the way you look at him, Saeko. That gaze isn't what a friend has for another friend. And, just so you know, I'm not losing to you either."

She winked playfully, leaving me momentarily speechless. As Will rejoined us, unaware of the subtle tension, we headed out for our planned outing, the unspoken feelings lingering in the air.


After emerging from the refreshing shower, I quickly dressed, only to find the two girls engrossed in conversation.

"Hey, Sawa, I'm ready to go," I announced, adjusting my backpack.

"Well, Saeko, I'll see you around," Sawa replied, her fingers twirling a strand of her hair.

"You as well, Sawa. I hope you and Will have a wonderful time." Saeko gave a warm smile.

Waving goodbye to Saeko, I and Sawa walked out of the school gate, making our way to a bustling mall.

"Hey, Sawa, what were you and Saeko talking about?" I inquired, glancing around.

"Just girls stuff you wouldn't understand," she responded with a playful smirk.

""Hey, I know girl stuff too. Did you know I even took care of Saya's hair at one point?" I added, grinning at the memories.

Sawa raised an eyebrow, "Really? Will, mentioning another girl's name?"

"It's not my fault I'm charismatic," I teased.

"Well, for a charismatic person, you sure are single."

"Ugh, don't remind me. I swear, one of these days, I'll get one, you'll see."

Sawa mumbles "I'm right here you know"

Sawa mumbled something, but I couldn't quite catch it. "Did you say something, Sawa?"

"I said you're an idiot, and you'll stay single forever," she retorted, storming off.

"Hey, you can't just curse me like that! If it comes true, it's on you. Hey, Saya, wait up!" I chased after her, leaving Sawa with a tinge of jealousy lingering in the air.

As Sawa and I walked, she seemed a bit distant, lost in her thoughts. I, on the other hand, continued chatting obliviously about various topics, completely unaware of the subtle signals around me. It wasn't that I was ignoring them; I was just exceptionally dense when it came to certain things, especially matters of the heart.

After some friendly banter and gentle teasing, we finally arrived at the cafe Sawa had in mind. It had a cozy ambiance, and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air.

"Here we are! This place has the best desserts," Sawa exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

I, still unaware that this was turning into a date-like outing, simply nodded, "Great choice! I'm always up for something sweet."

As we settled into our seats, Sawa suggested we order a couple of items from the menu. She playfully mentioned that she wanted to try them but couldn't possibly finish them alone, so, being the unsuspecting guy I am, I agreed.

"Let's get these, Will! It's more fun when you share, right?" Sawa grinned, her eyes gleaming mischievously.

"Sure thing! Sharing is caring, after all," I replied, oblivious to the subtle romantic undertones of our little outing.

Little did I know, the atmosphere was getting sweeter, and not just because of the desserts on the way.

The waiter brought our order to the table, and, with a smile, she remarked, "You two make a wonderful couple."

"Thank you!" Sawa responded, seemingly delighted by the comment.

I, on the other hand, was preoccupied with the impending feast laid out before us, oblivious to the subtle cues around. Little did I realize, the romantic ambiance was subtly wrapping itself around our ordinary outing.

After an hour we left the cafe to walk around the mall where we spotted Sawa's favorite clothing store and we decided to browse some clothes.

I found myself picking out an outfit for Sawa. The dress was a blend of elegance and casual charm, something I thought would suit her style. 

As she emerged from the dressing room, wearing the outfit I chose, a genuine smile lit up her face. "What do you think, Will?"

I couldn't help but smile back, "You look amazing, Sawa. It suits you perfectly."

Before she could even think about purchasing it, I approached the cashier, paid for the dress, and handed her the shopping bag with a playful wink. "Consider it a gift for the cafe."

We then strolled through the mall, Sawa suggested the idea of getting matching school supplies. "Wouldn't it be cute, Will? Like, matching notebooks, pens, and folders?"

I couldn't help but chuckle at her enthusiasm. "Sure, why not? It sounds fun."

So, we embarked on a quest to find identical school supplies, reveling in the lighthearted joy of choosing items that somehow represented our shared moments. Sawa's excitement made the mundane task of buying school supplies feel like an adventure.

As we were walking back to our dorm a massive crowd formed to cross the street, the sea of people threatened to swallow us whole. Suddenly, I felt a gentle tug on my sleeve, and when I turned to look, I saw Sawa's eyes widening as she struggled to keep up.

Instinctively, I reached out and took her hand, intertwining our fingers to ensure she wouldn't get lost in the lively chaos around us. Little did I realize the significance of that simple gesture.

"Sawa, we wouldn't want you getting lost in this crowd," I casually mentioned, oblivious to the subtle blush that adorned her cheeks.

In that moment, the bustling surroundings seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of us connected by the delicate link of clasped hands. Unbeknownst to me, Sawa's heart raced, and her cheeks turned a shade of pink that matched the romance unfolding in that crowded place.

As we strolled back to the dorms, Sawa maintained her grasp on my hand, claiming it was to avoid getting lost. In the dimly lit evening, our silhouettes moved in unison, casting a subtle charm that even the passing breeze seemed to acknowledge.

I glanced at Sawa, her eyes gleaming with a quiet contentment. "You really think we'd get lost on the way back to the dorms?"

She shrugged, her smile playful. "Better safe than sorry, right?"

I chuckled, surrendering to the whimsical logic of the moment, as we continued our journey hand in hand. 

In the hallway outside Sawa's dorm room, Saeko caught a glimpse of us holding hands. There was a fleeting moment where her expression shifted, registering a mix of surprise and something I couldn't quite decipher.

I waved at Saeko, and Sawa, seemingly victorious, smiled brightly. As I entered her room to drop off her supplies, I felt a sudden embrace from behind. Sawa hugged me, a warm and genuine "thank you" escaping her lips. She then gently pushed me out of her room, the door closing with a soft click.