

Alethea White, a beautiful girl with all her independence. Her assignment to New York led her to meet Duke Dalmer through a popular dating app on the internet. Uniquely, Alethea only wants to do a short date with Duke without knowing and seeing each other. So, Alethea asked for conditions to meet in a dark room and do a short date while in New York.

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13 Chs

Unexpected encounters

Thea is busy preparing for the big event that will be held tomorrow at the university.

The scholarship donors will come from several countries. They are billionaire philanthropists who have charitable and educational foundations.

Thea also received her scholarship because of this. And only this year, Thea was trusted to be one of the welcoming committee.

"Thea, after this, will you accompany me to eat out?" asked Alice - Thea's friend - a fellow young lecturer at the university.

"Okay," Thea replied and checked the details of tomorrow's event.

After finishing her work, Thea and Alice ate at a restaurant near the university.

Thea only ordered a sandwich and a latte.

"You're not eating, Thea? We're going to be busy until the evening," Alice said.

"I had some bread earlier, and I'm still full," Thea replied.

"You know what, Thea? Tomorrow there will be so many conglomerate families gathering from young to old. I attended this event two years ago," said Alice.

"Hmm," Thea replied briefly.

"Many outstanding students immediately get internships at their giant companies, and there are even lecturers who openly want to ask for a job at their company," Alice explained.

"Including you?" asked Thea.

Alice nodded.

"But it failed because it was very difficult to meet them personally, especially since they were guarded by bodyguards," Alice replied.

"Yeah, that's for sure," Thea said flatly.

After eating, they both went straight back to the university to continue their work.

The next day, Thea was already preparing to go to the university earlier than usual. Thea wore a formal black blazer and pants and short heels so as not to get too tired later.

Thea checked all the preparations for this big event and everything was handled perfectly.

"Thea, I need your help, follow me, the guests will start arriving at 10," said Rob, one of the organizers who was also a lecturer at the university.

"Yes," she replied briefly and followed Rob to the seminar hall.

"Here's the guest list, you wait a moment in front because Alice and Ara haven't arrived yet," Rob said.

"Okay," Thea replied.

Not long after, Alice arrived with Ara.

"Thea, wait a minute, I forgot something. You go with Ara first," Alice said.

"Thea, I also have a task inside, hurry up," Thea said firmly.

"Yes, yes, yes, only 15 minutes," Alice said and she quickly ran away.

Guests had already started to arrive. Thea and Ara and some of the other organizers welcomed the guests.

Alice was right, the guests looked classy and seemed to be from the conglomerate.


The Duke and his parents got out of the limousine. Mr. Dean - Duke's father - took Diana by the hand.

Duke walked on Diana's left.

Near the door, Alice came over to Thea, who had been filling in for her.

"Thea, sorry I took a while. Go on, thank you for your help, beautiful," Alice said smiling.

Then Thea immediately went inside, and seated the newly arrived guests.

Duke entered with his parents and was greeted by the organizers.

"Aahh, he's so handsome. I guess he's still single," Alice whispered to Ara when she saw Duke.

Alice and Ara bowed respectfully and smiled at Duke and his parents.

And Duke returned it with a faint smile. And Diana smiled kindly and looked shady.

"I feel like I'm going to faint seeing her smile," Ara said in a whisper.


"Thea, try to see the readiness behind the scenes," said Mr. Edward.

"Yes, sir," Thea walked into the room behind the podium.

Rob was in the section where the main event was held and welcomed guests.

"Please, sir," Rob said welcoming Duke and his parents who were seated in the front seats.

"Thank you," Diana said with a smile.

"This time you'll be representing Daddy, Duke. Daddy's too old for stage banter," Dean said with a soft laugh.

"Okay Dad, no problem," Duke replied smiling and holding his mommy's hand.



The event began, and everything went smoothly until halfway through. Then it was Duke's turn to appear at the podium to give a little motivation to the invitees and student recipients.

Duke began his short speech. His heavy, authoritative voice seemed to be the center of attention at the event.

Thea, who was standing next to the exit, looked at the Duke.

Thea was very familiar with this voice. Moreover, Duke introduced himself as Duke Delmar. One of the young billionaires who came from a conglomerate family and was very well known in the business world

"Oh God, is he the Duke who made love to me 8 months ago?" Thea muttered to herself in a whispered voice while covering her mouth.

Thea's gaze could not escape the handsome figure of Duke who was giving a speech in front of the podium.

Thea bit her lip. Then her hand held her chest which was beating fast.

'Should I be happy to see him again?', Thea thought.

Thea slowly backed up and got out. She didn't want to look at Duke for too long because it would make her want him more.

"Thea, where are you going?" asked Alice who was standing not far from her.

"I'm a little dizzy so I'm going to the toilet," said Thea who was still holding her chest.

Thea quickly went to the toilet and washed her face.

Thea was silent and looked at her face in the mirror.

"What should I do? Should I just ignore it? But I can't, oh God, how can I?" Thea paced the toilet and thought hard.

"I want it, ah what should I do?" Thea growled to herself.

Then two women entered the restroom and Thea quickly got out of there. Thea did not return to the hall where the seminar was held.

Thea chose to walk to the park on the left side of the building. She calmed herself down and sat on a metal bench in the park.

Thea held her head with both hands.

"I can't possibly go straight to him. You just avoid him, Thea. Don't see him again and your life will be fine as usual," Thea monologued in a low voice.

"But I want to see him, I can't ignore him, I miss him," Thea mourned in a low voice.

Thea closed her eyes and tried to think clearly.

"Thea," Alice called.

Thea turned her head and looked at Alice.

"What's wrong?" asked Thea in a weak voice.

"Does your head still hurt? I can let you in on Mr. Edward if you want to go home," Alice said.

"Is that possible? I just want to go home," Thea said.

"Of course you can, Thea. Go home," Alice said.

"Thank you, Alice. I'll go get my bag from my room," Thea said.

Then Thea went straight to her office which was about 300 meters away.

Thea walked in a hurry and she immediately picked up her bag and took a taxi home.

Thea pondered the whole way. She didn't realize that her date was a billionaire.

Thea certainly never thought about that. The reality exceeded her expectations.

Their levels were very different. Duke also wouldn't have liked her if he knew Thea's true colors.

Thea realized she was just an ordinary orphan girl who had a very simple life compared to Duke. Besides, Thea also doesn't want to have a deeper relationship with Duke.

Thea thought Duke must have forgotten her. He must think Thea was just a hot ad that happened to pass by in his life and Duke must have continued his life as usual.

She clearly didn't know herself if she suddenly appeared in front of Duke.