

Fathia_Adekunle · Seni bela diri
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26 Chs



"I don't like the way those girls were smiling at you, and flying around you as if you were some kind of bee on honey! I hate it. "Rihanna huffed out and Braxton looked at her.

"Don't tell me you were jealous.... " Braxton laughed out loud.

"I'm not joking Braxton, I mean each and every things I said, the next time they'll get so close to you I won't hesitate to pluck out their eyes from it socket. "Rihanna said, and Braxton move closer to her.

"I love this possessive side of yours. " he muttered and gave her lips a light kiss.

"You sure know how to make my heart flutters!!!. "Rihanna said and hung her arm on his neck.

"Kiss me Braxton, please!!. " She said getting impatient, her eyes going for his juicy lips.

And like that he smashed his lips on her own..Taking her right there..

The kiss deepened as he place his hand on her slim and tiny waist, from the slow steady kiss it became rough and adding to their pace increase the sweetness of their lips.

They melted into each other arms, their lips fighting for dominance.

He kept shoving his lips down her throat and the more she kept releasing moaning gasps.

Their tongues twisted and tangled against each other.

She moaned into his mouth as he stood between her legs.

She trapped him there and deepened the already hard kiss.

He carried her again,and she entangled her arms on his neck, before crashing her lips on his again.



With his leg cross together and a newspaper in his hand, Deacon was scrolling through the newspaper, reading the Trending news.

A small tiny smile was playing on his lips

Vanessa came and serve him a cup of coffee,coz he requested for it.

She place the cup of coffee on the stand and made to leave, but she suddenly halted and face Deacon.

"Are you hiding things from me Deacon?."Vanessa got the courage, and asked him.

Deacon took his gaze away from the newspaper and looked at Vanessa.

"What the hell are you saying?. "Deacon asked, already looking so pissed.

"I want to know whether you're keeping something very important away from me!. " Vanessa stuttered.

"And do I look like I'm hiding things from you?."He asked.

"Isn't it obvious. " Vanessa said inwardly.

"No, I'm sorry for asking something like that, I'd take my leave now. "Vanessa said and ran upstairs.

Did she knows my secret?is that why she's asking such question. " he muttered to himself and sigh.

He picked his phone from the stand and dialled the private investigator number.



Ryder sat down of one of the chairs in the restaurant, his eyes were fixed to the entrance.

And with this his expression, it was like he was patiently waiting for someone.

He checked his wrist watch and his time says 7:20Pm.He sigh and ruffled his hair.

They both agreed on the time 7:00,and 20 minutes is long gone,still she was not here.

Is she not coming!!. "He thought.

He was about standing up!to leave of course, when Presley rushed in.

She wave at him and a bright smile appeared on his face when he laid his eyes on her, Presley ran to him, she was breathing heavily.

"I'm sorry I was late! I got stuck with my mom and on my way here I was stuck with traffic jam. " Presley said, rushly.

"It's okay, at least you're here already!!. "Ryder smiled and Presley took her sit.

The waiter came and took their orders.

"I was about leaving when you came, thank goodness you came faster, else I would be long gone away from here. "Ryder muttered,and Presley look at him.

"Am sorry!!. " she whispered.

"Why!!!?. "He asked.

"We both agreed to meet by 7pm and this is 7:23 already, I made you wait for good 20 minutes. " Presley replied, Ryder just chuckled.

"I said it already, I'm fine, and I'm ready to wait for you. "Ryder said and Presley stare at him for like 2 minutes.

The waiter came and place their order on the table, that jolt Presley back to reality.

"So do you have a boyfriend?. " Ryder asked, and Presley choke on her food.

Ryder offered her a glass of water, and she smiled at him and collect the glass of water.

"Are you okay?. "He asked.

"Yes sure! I have a boyfriend. " Presley said, and this time it was Ryder own time to choke on his food.

"You have a boyfriend?."he asked again, trying to confirmed what he just heard, or was he beginning to develop a ear problem.

Presley started laughing, and he wondered why? He was in a serious position right now and this little princess of his was laughing.

"It feels good fooling you! I don't have a boyfriend. "Presley said and a smile crept on his face.

"Oh,, I almost choke to death. " Ryder mumbled, but Presley didn't hear a thing, but she knew he said something.

She carried her hamburger and started eating, why Ryder just watch how she chew the hamburger, it looks cute, he almost lost it when Presley lick her lips and bite her lips.

Her lips where now dripping, it was showing her natural pink lips.

That's it,he lost it and crashed his lips on her own, Presley stiffened,he smiled against her lips, and lifted her up by her hips, prompting her to curl her leg around his torso.

He placed her on the table, before detaching from her lips. She was still dazed causing him to chuckle.

"Such a baby!!."he said, and made to go for her lips again, but Presley pushed him off, but he held her hand, and kissed her again without moving his lips.

Presley system were shut down. Wierd! She melted completely.

How can she be enjoying what this slow killer his doing to her, he's taking her soul away.

Ryder placed brief kisses on her lips continuously, he bit her lips seductively and she let out a sharp gasp, arching her back.

He slipped his tongue inside her mouth, she responded and every twirl sent her to the stars.



Rihanna was in her nightie, she was preparing to go to sleep.

She couldn't stop thinking about what Vanessa told her.

She sigh and was about climbing on her bed when her phone chimed, it was a message from Braxton.

She smiled and go through the message that Braxton sent to her.

She ran to her dressing room and changed her pajamas into a tank top and Jean, she then wore her flips_flops.

Braxton had asked her to meet her outside, she descended down the stairs, her mom and dad had went up to sleep after eating dinner.

So it was easy for her to sneak out from the mansion.

She got outside, and got inside her car, droving out from the mansion.



"Why're we here Rihanna??. "Braxton asked as the night breeze blew their hair.

"The beach is best visited at night, coz you will be able to hear the water trickling and bubbling!!. "Rihanna replied, smiling.

Braxton chuckles and asked.

"Are we hear to listen to the water rippling?."

"Not just that.. But to have fun too. "Rihanna said, and splash some water on Braxton face.


"You can have your revenge later, but I wanna do this, trust me it gonna be fun. "Rihanna said splashing more water on Braxton.

"Rihanna"he screams.

Rihanna stick out her tongue, pouring water on him laughing.

"You ain't the only one who knows how to play,Rihanna. "Braxton said,trying to pour water on her face, but Rihanna screams running.

Braxton went after her, and both run around the beach laughing.

Braxton finally caught Rihanna and he carried her by the waist swinging her around, and Rihanna kept laughing as she did that.

"I'm all drenched thanks to you Rihanna."Braxton said and she giggles

"At Least I made you happy,you now have a lot of smiles on your face. "Rihanna said and Braxton smiles.

"Yes I do, thanks for making me smiles, but was that why you suggest that we should meet here"Braxton asked, and she nod.

"You have fun right?. " She asked.

"Yes I do, hope we get to do this some other times. "Braxton blurted out.

"Sure, what about tomorrow?. " Rihanna asked.

"Of course, let's see each other tomorrow, just like this time. "Braxton muttered.

"Ohk,i'd get going now, see you at school tomorrow. " Rihanna wave at him, she then turn to leave but stop and walked to him.

She raise her toes up and give Braxton a kiss, a kiss filled with passion and longing.

"Bye."she muttered, and broke it.

"Stay safe, ok. "Braxton said.

"I will. " She blew him kisses and entered her car.

She then drove out of the place, roughly.

As she was driving she was listening to a song by Nicki Minaj >>AFTER HIS HEART>>

Her phone suddenly buzzed and she looked at the caller.

It was a unknown number.

She hesitated to pick at first,but she later did.

"It been long Rihanna!!. "The caller said in a calm voice.

Rihanna heard to remove the phone from her ear, before she place it back.

"Aren't you happy to hear my voice? ." the caller asked

"Why're you calling me by this time, listen! I don't have any f**king business with you....

"I want to hear your voice.. For the very last time. "The person cut her off.

"And what do you mean by that??. " Rihanna asked.

"Have tampered with your brake,Rihanna."The caller said, and Rihanna eyes widened. She quickly pressed the brake of her car but it dawn on her that it was not working.

"You will be dead, in the next ten seconds. "The caller continued and laughed, rhetorically.

"What have you done? I'm right in the middle of life and death, why do you have to tamper with the brakes of my car?. "Rihanna questioned, by now she was already sweating.

But the person just laughed.

"I want you to die, Rihanna."The caller whispered.

The car was moving speedily in the narrow road, just then a big trailer appeared.

She knew right this instance that there's no escape route for her, there's not any survival chance for her.

Today is going to be her last day here on earth, Rihanna closed her eyes as tears escape her eyes.

Was she going to die like this? Is this the end of Rihanna Zhang? Is this the end of her love story which she never had the chance to complete?

Different question running through her mind.

"3.. 2..1..0" The caller counted,and like that the two cars met in an explosion and....