
Horror Movie Villain Summoner!

To be Decided This is a Fan Fiction. I own none of the Movie Characters or any part of their respective properties.

AnonAuthor · Filem
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13 Chs

Testing A Theory

With sundown fast approaching, the visibility inside the forest greatly lessened. From outside the shadow of trees branch became the arm of a hidden monster. The lovely chirps of the rainbow feathered birds turned into wolf howlings. For the most part at sundown no villagers would step outside the town's walls. Except for the guards who were sent out at this time to patrol, a job no one wanted. One such unlucky individual was young man who'd accepted the task for the coin it provided. It also helped that the other guards repeatedly told him that nothing happens this far out in the countryside.

" I hope my seniors are right.. I really don't want to be out here alone, at night."

As a few more minutes passed and nothing substantial had yet to occur. The young guard slowly settled down and soon found himself bored rather than afraid. To the point where he began to let out his grievances publicly and loudly.

" Man, why did I have be born in such a small and shitty town like this one? I hear that in the bigger cities there's endless things to do! And... there's brothels. Not like here where the moment you kiss a girl you've got to marry her. Well I wouldn't mind if it was one of the Guild recep-- Huh? What's that... Aaaiiee!"

Seemingly appearing out of thin air a bloody figure was stepping out of the woods. Accompanied by a subtle but very clear growl of sorts. Sending the young guard into fight or flight, which he didn't hesitate to chose the latter. Dropping his dagger and wooden shield and running as fast as he could inside the town.

" I'm getting the hell out of here! They don't pay me enough to deal with something like that!!!"

While the terrified guard ran away, the blood soaked figure spoke. Revealing himself to be Mikael, who for some reason was drenched in blood from head to toe.

" Woah, I'm really starving. I've never heard my stomach growl so loudly. Hopefully I'll be able to get something to eat and find a place to sleep tonight. That said this fucking thing is so damn heavy it better be worth it."

What he was referring to was a large bloody sack he was dragging.


>Two Hours Ago<

" ...If what I'm thinking is correct this might be the most important ability I possess! With this I can easily reach my goals and beyond! Hahahahaha!!!"

Believing that he'd discovered a secret about his Magic, sent Mikael into an elevated state of excitement. One which he quickly reeled himself back from as to not get disappointed later.

" No wait, I shouldn't get ahead of myself just yet! I have to test out my theory first! For that I'm going to need to find a few test subjects.. Summon: Chucky!"

Since he still hadn't recalled his Griamore, Mikael resummoned Chucky. Although like he'd been doing previously, gave it an order as soon as it appeared.

" Chucky, stay close behind me and follow me."

Like a miniature soldier the colorfully dressed Doll stayed close to Mikael and followed after him.

* I can get used to this.*

Being on the lookout for any monsters Mikael and Chucky ventured deeper into the forest.


On their little side quest of sorts, Mikael came by several new sights. The majority were animals but then started coming across a variety of eccentric plants. Maybe of which caused him to believe that they may be magical herbs or those used in potion making. Unfortunately he possessed no prior knowledge of herbology of this world. As such he didn't feel safe in collecting potentially poisonous plants.

" It's a shame but I can't risk myself for maybe this plants being worth something. Maybe there's some low ranked quest that'll require me to come back, but for now let's keep moving."


Almost half a hour after he killed the Troll, Mikael and Chucky found new prey, Goblins. He wasn't sure at first since he'd found small footprints that could've belong to a multitude of animals or beasts. However after following those same footprints he was able to spot a trio of Goblins.

* By the looks of it their alone, that makes things easier. I don't want to depend too heavily on Empowerment, as it's too draining so I'm going to have to come up with a plan.*

Mikael crouched down behind a tree several feet away from the Goblin trio, and started to analyze the situation.

* Of the three, two are carrying small daggers while the third is holding a makeshift shield. If this plays out like I think it'll go, the one holding the shield will charge if confronted. While the other two will flank the sides in a pincer attack.-- I guess watching war movies also helps.-- Getting back to the matter at hand, that's how they'd react if confronted head on, but Chucky isn't any good at direct confrontations. Meaning my best bet will be to pull off a sneak attack to get rid of their shield first. If I'm lucky it'll end with all three of the Goblins getting slayed.*

Having figured out his approach next came the actual planning.

* With the three basically attached at the hips, it'll be difficult to sneak attack them like this. That's why I've got to create a diversion allowing Chucky to get behind and strike. The goal is the Shield Goblin who's obviously the most troublesome. Of course while I'm acting as a decoy I can't get myself killed, as that'd defeat the whole point of doing this.-- Sigh -- Alright let's test out my masterminding and my secret ability!*

" Chucky, the moment I say grab those Goblins attention, you sneak around and kill all three starting with the one with the shield, got it? Oh, right.."

With his plan sorted out, Mikael shot.up and started addressing the Goblins. Which were small green humanoid creatures who'd wear ragged clothes and carry rusty weapons.

" Hey! Yeah, I'm talking to you three little green fuckers! Come and get me!"

Albeit not at the level of working amateur theater, Mikael was content with his perform. Specially when he noticed Chucky successfully getting behind the three.

" What, too scared to face someone not your size?! C'mon let's see what your made off!"

Mikael's plan of taunting the Goblins worked perfectly, as they turned around to face him completely exposing their rear. Given such an opportunity, Chucky didn't disappoint and with a single swift slash cut the arm carrying the shield. Before the shield fell to the ground Chucky aimed at the Goblin's neck and spliced it wide open, next he unleashed attacks against another Goblin. Who quickly succumbed to histeria after witnessing their comrade get killed. Mikael who stood on the sidelines seemed to enjoy the one sided affair as Chucky dispatched both with ease.

" Yes, yes, yes! That's what I'm fucking talking about! I just killed three monsters and I didn't even have to use Empowerment."

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