
Me and My Friend

Hi! Its me,Kevin.i don't know why no body likes to do friendship with me,i think i am a diffrent kind of boy thats why.i am different because i like to live on my own only i dont like to be friendly with anyone accept for one guy, he is also a bit wierd, he is also does not have any friend thats why we both like each other,we are besties.But thing is that he doesn't really exist in this world he is my imaginary friend from my childhood.but some how i am not having controll over him.he doesn't listens me, what ever . he is a good friend and helps me a lot to take decisions. oh how stupid i am i didn't even gave his introduction his name is Calvin. And he lives with me only almost everytime but some times not!, oh i forgot to tell you one more thing that, how he lookes and about him he is pale face boy and he likes to wear watch ,his watch is a bit like a kid, small and colorful. His age and my age are equal.

Now lets comes to some more introduction about me. I lives in New York with my mom i am not having dad,he passed away when I was 10, and i study in class 8 and my age is 14.

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