
Hollywood RE:CODED

Don't be too serious while reading this fic. New Cover Credited to LordValmar. ~~~ A man suffering from pancreatic cancer lay in his bed weakly. Believe that he will never survive, he made a wish on his birth/deathday to become the best filmmaker and become rich on his next life if there is. A normal boy, who wanted live a genuine life, carrying a mysterious past and future. Suddenly they woke up in the one body and one mind in year 1980. Watch him as he becomes the greatest filmmaker and the King of Hollywood ~~~ PS: I only own my OC's and I own nothing any of the copyright, name, and products that I mentioned in my story. Any similarities are inevitable because I use real person, event, and trademarks and just hope I won't get sued in this non-commercial fiction. ~~~ Support me on patreon : https://www.patreon.com/bukanorang Type directlly on your browser for further chapters. or You can donate me on paypal.me/igdtj Any donation meaningful for me. Any suggestion or discussion, find me in: Discord https://discord.gg/HRQFNjFEr6

BukanOrang · Realistis
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129 Chs

Chp 41 : Ice Cream & Yogurt?

Al surprised that he introduced himself as River Phoenix. In the future, he will become the youngest best actor winner at the Venice Film Festival for his film <My Young Private Idaho> but unfortunately, his time was too soon.

Due to constant stress and association, he dwelled in drugs like cocaine and morphine caused him to have heart failure.

River accepted their invitation to eat ice creams on Baskin-Robbins.

"Ice cream chilin chilin ice cream chillin..... hm hm hm." Al humming and carrying a tray of ice cream to them.

"What the fkin song are you humming Al?" Anthony asked him.

"Nothing, but it's quite a catchy rite? Okey, vanilla for Ione, chocolate for Max, avocado for Anthony, rainbow sparkles with a marshmallow for Robin...."

""pffft"" 3 of them hold their laugh at Al's joke.

"Just kidding Robbie, here vanilla chocolate for you, and for you a fruit flavor without any dairies in it, sorry River if we ask you first that you are a vegetarian we wouldn't take you here."

"No problem Edward, I like ice creams, it's an exception." River said.

"At least you're not lactose intolerant." Al joked.

"Surprisingly you're a vegan Riv, the only vegetables I can eat is a weed, you get it right." Anthony joked, but what he got was a one brow-raising up from everyone else.

"A black joke... forget it." But then a laugh was heard and everyone also joined it and River who uncomfortable at first also laughed and started to open up with them.

He told them about himself and why he walked while spacing out.

Turned out he was so nervous that he will be doing the first widescreen film debut he started in, he was a TV actor since he was 10. All of them, with Al as an exception surprised that River was an actor.

River said he tried to find a way for himself to calm his nerves, but his efforts are futile. So he was walking spaced out and tried to entertain himself by going to the mall or other recreational sites.

"I also want to become an actress, luckily Ed is here. He always gives me a tip." Ione said licking her ice cream.

"Are you an actor Edward?" River asked curiously.

"I can also be called that, but I'm just giving a tips Ione here and my little sister, not teaching them how to act," Al said.

River sighed and finally, he confessed something to them "I even almost try some coke or weed. Someone on my previous TV show crews told me that it was easier for them to calm themselves if they consume it, and I can't believe they could give those to some 14 years old boy."

"And then?" Al nervously asked, also with everyone else.

"Something changed me, it's a stupid decision to consume it and I almost ruin my life with it." He smiled.

They finally released their breath, they didn't want their new member was trapped in that shitehole.

Then suddenly, the ice cream cashier shushed everyone else in the store.

"All of you fkin shut up!!" Then she tuned up the radio and waiting for what the radio broadcaster will say.

"Hello again, it's me again Dave from KIIS FM radio. Everyone did you just see the short film directed by our favorite boy in the USA, tell you guys, it was amazing. I spent a box of tissue crying watching it on screen and I plan to have my own best friend! I also have some news that the animal shelters across the states are almost empty! Everyone wants their own Bella right now!" He laughed.

"Also, did you heard the last song in that film? It makes you cry right? Up until now, there's no record of who creates it or even sang it, and guess what, we got exclusive permission from that singer to aired his song to the public! I will tell you the one who sang and created it is none other than Alphonse Brandt himself! Okay okay, I don't want to let you guys waiting anymore, this is "I Lived" by Alphonse Brandt..."

"I Lived" was aired and made everyone was in trance, remembering the scene from that short film.

Al got so much request to reveal whose song it was. So Al just recorded it and let Ari sell the airing right to some radio network and the single rights to MCA Records so they could distribute it.

From what he knew, his music should be broadcast today at radio stations and the singles will be released next week.

"Ed, why are you always making me crying, I already moved on from it and now you just let me feel it again." Ione suddenly started to cry, saying this to Al, and made River confused, but he was still immersed in this song and closed his eyes.

The music finished and the host started to speaks again with a choked voice, "God, I don't know why I always cry heard this song. You know what Alphonse, you really are the treasure of America, you heard that..."

The host kept babbling about Al and then continued his programs.

"That was changed me...." River suddenly said that. "I watched Drew's performance on it and I realized why should I self destruct myself with drugs...."

"The only problem for me is to find a way for me to relax but I think these songs have inspired me. I'm sorry guys but I think I must leave now. I really thank you for buying me ice cream." River smiled at them.

"It's okay man, you have officially become a member of our clubs!" Anthony said that, and Max nodded in confirmation.

"Let's meet up again sometime, we could talk about acting together," Ione said.

"If you want to hang out with us again, just come here around this time on weekdays, we always hanging out in this mall, or you could give one of us a call if you want to," Al said and gave their telephone numbers to him, and River also gave his to them.

They parted ways and went home. Al just realized that his film has changed someone's fate today or maybe many more.

The broadcast of his short film on ABC channel, the announcement of his singles by MCA music, and the airing of "I Lived" on KIIS FM adds another fuel to the fire in this cold November.

Al's name has become another topic in American citizens' mouths, almost as hot as the presidential election who was won again by Reagan of Republic Party.

Trump should have taken the example from Reagan, they are both entertainers who become president but unfortunately, Trump has made the USA a reality show as Reagan did not.

Al even had a theory that COVID-19 caused by Trump who declares an economic war that made that ass communist becomes a duck, so they made a biology weapon as a final reserve if Trump truly nukes them, but unfortunately the virus was accidentally released and made havoc until Al's death day.

How many times government fk the regular people right in the ass, maybe Al will take a note not to build his own country like those yogurts in one of the episodes of <Love, Deaths+Robots>, maybe.

Al went back to the orphanage by bike and he was greeted by his siblings and Mrs. K. Mary was busy handling things in Muspelheim Films.

They just got a few good foreign and independent films from Chicago International Film Festivals and Muspelheim Films will distribute them in North America (including Canada).

They offered the best terms that did not break the Hollywood unwritten rules about distributing a film, that is a buyout price and box office sharing clause.

She also got home video distribution rights and make sure to suppress the home video sharing revenue to less than 5% by increasing the box office sharing to 40%. Al has explained to Mary why he gave this instruction.

At least they have added another content in the film library for future use.

Muspelheim Distribution now also became one of the leaders of the second class distributor.

Of course, they had a lot of competitors like Orion Pictures, Miramax, New Line, Touchstones, etc.

One accident involved the Miramax founder, Harvey Weinstein the fatass "Godfather" of the independent film in the future somehow met Mary in a bidding war and hit on her. He promised a great actress career for her if she sleeps with him.

He didn't know that Mary was the CEO of Muspelheim, of course, she rejected it and then insulted him. She also blocked all opportunities he had in a bidding war of films that participate in the Chicago Film Festival.

Welp here they are, they have to succeed made the first enemy in the second-line distributor and producer studio war, of course, Al was happy about it. He hated that man anyway.

He had been told by many of his seniors in his past life that they were conned by this fatass into selling their films at a cheap price.

This evening, Nancy Smith came to the orphanage to report his financial reports at the end of the year.

From his books, Al got $40 million under Alphonse Brandt's pen name and got about $260 million under Edward's pen name after-tax payments.

Counting for his total books sold hundreds of millions of copies worldwide for <Jurassic Park>, <The Matrix>, <Inception>, <ASOIAF>, and <Death Note> with every book cost $15 to $20 and Al got 15% from it.

But Al has made sure to spend 80% of it in stocks investment and 15% he keeps it in cash and another 5% for charity purpose.

The Berkshire Hathaway stocks he bought constantly has increased. Today he owns 285,000 shares of it that he bought in 4 years and have risen to more than $350 million.

For the rest of his stocks like Coca-Cola, Wal-Mart, Apple, Microsoft have increased to more than $75 million for initial buy out of $40 million, mostly because Coca-Cola stocks were in heat.

His 4 companies were worth about $70 million, $50 million in Muspelheim, and $20 million in Nidavellir and Alfheim. The Yggdrasil Corps is still a shell company that holds the right of the 3 subsidiaries.

Also didn't forget his revenue from <The Sixth Sense> for at least $50 million after-tax. There are 2 accounts in Muspelheim Films, first Al's private account, and the second is a company account that is used for the company's consumption that Al can't use.

So Al's total net worth is currently at least worth $495 million assets and $95 million cash that he will use to buy his own house, invest in golds, and maybe bought an island to build his own country.

Luckily he rejected Forbes's interview, if not he would have made himself a living target.

To Be Continued.....