
The first meeting

A young girl trying out magic for the first time and ended up somewhere. She awoke on a beach watching the sun rise before walking into the woods behind her. After a bit of walking, she decided to sit on a rock she found and relaxed singing in hopes her creator would hear and find her. She stopped when she heard a voice say "Your voice is really pretty. What's your name?" She sat up and saw a boy around her age and spoke "I'm Umiko what's your name" The boy bowed a bit saying, "It's a pleasure to meet you I am prince Malik" She smiled "it's nice to meet you Malik" The two of them talked to each other happily till the boy said he had to go. He got up and left saying he'd be back tomorrow. The boy didn't lie he did come back, and they played. The two of them were so happy. They had a routine she would sing for her in hopes of being found till he came back and the two of them talked and played till he would have to leave. The boy was always very happy. One day the two of them were sitting together on the beach and she told him a story. 'There is an island far away call Bukoda with a goddess named Amphitrite Who will grant your wish if you send it across the sea to her" The boy smiled "that's so cool!" She laughed a bit "I'm actually from that island..." the boy hugged her "Maybe you'll go back one day" The girl hugged him "Maybe and if I do I promise I will come to visit you" The boy then had to leave. The next day he came back sad. She hugged him asking what was wrong he said he told his parents about her story and his dad got mad at him. But the girl did her best to cheer him up. It worked and the boy reached into his pocket pulling out a necklace and handing it to her. "here my aunt said to give this to a girl I really like and since you're my first friend I'm giving it to you" the girl thanked him putting on the necklace. The boy then sighed "The reason I am giving this to you now is because me and my brother Jackson will be going away to a school for a while so I won't be able to see you till then" The girl gave a sad smile "That's okay I know we will see each other again someday" The boy and her hug one last time before he leaves. The girl now alone sits by the ocean waiting "So are you ready to come home now Umiko?" The girl nods looking at her creator Amphitrite. She got up and held her hand as they walked to the sea. They went home and Amphitrite asked her about the necklace to which she told her about Malik and how he gave her the necklace. She smiled saying that they would see each other again someday. This made Umiko happy that she will see her friend again, but little did she know how much has changed.

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