
CH: 6 Hogwarts Professors

As a prestigious magical institution with a long history, Hogwarts professors are not easily replaced.

Although the job requirements for Defense Against the Dark Arts professors have gradually lowered over the years due to the curse, basic tasks such as grading assignments, creating lesson plans, and preparing exams still fall on the professors themselves.

However, Dracula found these repetitive tasks incredibly tedious and dull.

So, he thought of a solution


Dumbledore's voice echoed with a touch of concern as he sought reassurance, his attention divided between comforting the distressed Fawkes and casting a helpless glance at the unexpected arrival of Dracula.

"Are you absolutely certain of your decision to employ Quirrell as your teaching assistant?" he inquired, hoping to alleviate any lingering doubts.

In truth, Dracula, as the owner of the Hogwarts title deed, possessed complete authority within the castle. The Anti-Apparition charms and various security Wards had no effect on him, allowing him to freely roam every corner of Hogwarts.

This time, Dracula's unannounced appearance had taken place directly in the Headmaster's office, startling Fawkes from his nap.

Carefully, with a surprisingly soft touch, Dracula petted the trembling phoenix cradled within Dumbledore's arms, before settling down in a seat facing him.

"Indeed, I have no interest in performing those tedious tasks," Dracula drawled, expertly plucking a blood-flavored lollipop from Dumbledore's outstretched hand and placing it in his mouth, savoring the familiar taste.

"Weren't you planning to approve Quirrell's job application?" He continued, a touch of amusement coloring his voice. "One would assume his capabilities as an educator are proficient enough."

Dracula found satisfaction in the idea he had just proposed. Not only would it distance himself from the mundane responsibilities, but it also provided him an opportunity to closely observe Quirrell's unexplored secrets. In his mind, this arrangement was a brilliant strategy – a win-win situation that both ensure his free time and facilitate his curiosity.

Observing the unmistakable air of condescension emanating from the vampire before him, Dumbledore couldn't help but feel a throbbing headache beginning to form. As he rubbed his temples.

"To be perfectly honest," Dracula spoke with a touch of earnestness, his voice carrying a sense of understanding. "The Defense Against the Dark Arts teaching position at Hogwarts has garnered quite a notorious reputation, making it increasingly challenging to find a serious wizard willing to undertake the job. Therefore, even though I am unfamiliar with Quirrell or his teaching abilities, if he is willing to join, I'll naturally extend my warm welcome."

Dumbledore, fully aware of the impending start of the school year, expressed his concern. "Furthermore, with the school year swiftly approaching, we don't have the budget to hire an additional teaching assistant."

Dracula waved off the concern dismissively. A mischievous glint danced in his eyes as he bit off the remaining lollipop, before flinging the discarded candy stick out of the window. "It's minor inconvenience," He remarked, his tone brimming with nonchalance. "Simply allocate half of my designated salary to Quirrell. It should suffice."

As the words left Dracula's lips, a sense of undeniable pride infused his voice, for he had amassed riches and wealth over the course of 1000 years. "Consider it done," he stated confidently "You need not worry, Headmaster. Simply compose a letter personally inviting Quirrell to join as a teaching assistant. As the major stakeholder of Hogwarts, providing a teaching assistant should be well within your power to make the necessary arrangements, is it not?"

Dumbledore, reluctantly acknowledging the truth in Dracula's words, found himself left with no choice. With a resigned sigh, he reached for his quill, the weight of responsibility pressing upon him as he began to draft a formal letter of appointment for Quirrell as a teaching assistant. Once complete, he sealed the parchment with a flourish and attached it securely to the leg of an owl as it flew off.

Satisfied with the progress thus far, Dracula nodded approvingly before gracefully rising from his seat. As Dracula began to head towards the window, Dumbledore's voice broke the silence.

"Just a moment, Professor Dracula," Dumbledore interjected, his tone carrying a hint of intrigue. The twinkle in his eyes suggested the presence of a promising opportunity.

Dracula turned around, his gaze fixed on Dumbledore, his interest piqued. Curiosity danced within his eyes as he focused his attention on the Headmaster.

"Are you free at the moment?" Dumbledore inquired, his voice cordial and inviting "The professors are gathering in the Great Hall, and It would be a splendid occasion for you to become acquainted with your fellow colleagues."


In the end, Dracula decided to proceed to the Great Hall to meet the professors.

Considering that they would be working together as colleagues for a long time in the future, it would be inconvenient for Dracula to create trouble and make a negative impression at Hogwarts.

Accompanied by Dumbledore, Dracula descended the moving Grand Staircase from the Headmaster's office on the seventh floor to the fourth floor of the castle. They walked along the corridor, turned a corner, and descended a long spiral stone staircase.

Dracula, his voice tinged with a hint of boredom, expressed his thoughts candidly. "Jjumping out of the window would have been much easier," He mused in a casual manner, taking another languid bite of his Blood-flavored lollipop.

Dumbledore, visibly taken aback by Dracula's nonchalant remark, responded with a touch of firmness. "Professor Dracula, you must remember that you will soon be an official professor," he emphasized. "As a professor, you need to set a good example for your students. If troublemakers start imitating you and jump out of windows, Madame Pomfrey in the school infirmary will surely hold you responsible."

Dumbledore's gaze held a touch of seriousness as he continued, "Furthermore, it would be wise for you to conceal your vampiric attributes, ensuring that overly concerned parents do not find fault with Hogwarts. Nicolas had mentioned your inherent ability to do so, albeit to a certain extent."

Dracula's expression soured slightly, his lips curling in mild annoyance. "It's such a hassle..." He muttered under his breath, resigned to the necessary precautions imposed upon him.

However, for the sake of enjoying his time at Hogwarts, he silently retracted his sharp fangs.


After a while, the two finally arrived at the doors of the Great Hall, having descended a spacious marble staircase.

As they made their way into the Great Hall, a tall and slender witch with lustrous black hair drawn into a tight bun and clad in resplendent emerald green robes swiftly approached them. Her expression was stern, carrying an air of seriousness as she directed her attention towards Dumbledore.

"Albus, the quality of our staff at Hogwarts really needs improvement," She declared with a tinge of frustration evident in her voice. "Can you believe it? I nearly tripped over a lollipop stick in the entrance courtyard just now, and the students haven't even arrived yet!" Her words were delivered with an impassioned declaration, her frustration palpable.

Upon hearing the frustrated complaints of the spirited 56-year-old witch, Dracula found himself momentarily frozen in place, his demeanor tense. In a swift motion, he discreetly hid the remains of the blood-flavored lollipop behind his back, shielding it from view. With a subtle flicker of dark magic, he conjured a black flame that consumed the lollipop, reducing it to nothing but ashes.

Dumbledore's voice resonated with a tone of reassurance as he responded to Professor McGonagall's concerns. "Rest assured, Minerva, I will personally address the issue and stress the importance of caution to our staff," He reassured her, his eyes twinkling with concealed amusement. His attention then shifted towards the figure standing beside him, motioning towards Dracula, he continued the introductions. "Allow me to present the newest addition to our faculty, Professor Vlad Dracula, our esteemed Defense Against the Dark Arts professor."

Dumbledore, taking charge of the introduction, directed Dracula's attention towards the witch standing before them. "Professor Dracula, allow me to introduce you to the esteemed Deputy Headmistress of Hogwarts, Minerva McGonagall," He stated with a sense of formality.

Professor McGonagall turned her attention towards Dracula, her eyes betraying a fleeting moment of surprise at his distinct and striking appearance. However, her professionalism swiftly took hold as she composed herself, her lips curving into a gracious smile. Extending her hand towards Dracula, "Greetings, Professor Dracula," She greeted him cordially.

Dracula, understanding the importance of making a favorable impression, reciprocated the polite gesture, clasping Professor McGonagall's hand with grace and courtesy.

Hearing the commotion, other professors in the Great Hall began to emerge one by one, their curiosity piqued by the arrival of the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.

Dracula patiently shook hands with each of the peculiar Hogwarts professors, taking note of their distinctive characteristics.

Among them was Professor Flitwick, the head of Ravenclaw, who stood no taller than the house elves. Then there was Professor Sprout, the head of Hufflepuff, donning a hat adorned with numerous patches and covered in mud. And not to forget Professor Kettleburn, who had only one arm and half a leg remaining.

As the interactions continued, Dracula couldn't help but notice a distinct undertone in the eyes of his fellow professors. They regarded him with a mixture of regret and pity, their eyes conveying a deeper understanding. Among them, a witch wearing thick glasses couldn't contain her lament, allowing her thoughts to spill forth. "Such a handsome man, why could he choose to be the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor?" She mused aloud, her voice filled with a tinge of wistfulness.

Dracula's lips twitched slightly at the woman's remark, his expression inscrutable, hiding the thoughts that churned within.

'How does it feel, coming here to be a professor...' Dracula silently pondered, his introspective thoughts weaving through his mind. 'Was it all planned by that old fellow Nicolas?'

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