
Chapter 22: The Basement

This room, located beneath the castle, served as both Olivia's laboratory and bedroom. 

Unlike Hogwarts, Whistler's castle did not have good natural lighting; 

the underground rooms were no different from those above – sunlight never penetrated here. 

Olivia probably chose this place to stay away from those annoying relatives.

"Why is your hair so long?" Olivia noticed his grandson's hair length. 

"Cut it off quickly."

"Grandpa, I've never had long hair. 

I want to try it out, I'll cut it later," William tried to save his hair.

"What's this about long hair! Whether it's brewing potions or fighting, long hair is such a hassle! Cut it off!" 

Olivia touched his own closely cropped hair. 

"Look at my hair, so neat and easy to manage. You should get the same cut."

A lifetime of short hair in his previous life, and now this again in his new life?

"Even if I die! Even if I go bald, I absolutely will not get a crew cut!" 

William vehemently thought to himself.

William decided to stand up for his hair against his grandfather, but he knew he had to be strategic about it. 

Direct opposition would certainly not work.

"Um... Grandpa, you know I just got back. 

Aren't you going to talk to me about my sister?" 

William decided to shift the conversation.

"I did find a test subject, quite coincidentally. 

You know, usually, when a family has a Squib, they hide it tightly, fearing others would find out.

 It wasn't easy for me to inquire around." 

Olivia led William deeper into the lab.

"I won't bore you with the details. 

A kid from the Eyre family, same age as Elara, same situation."

Olivia opened a large book on his workbench. 

He flipped to a page and commanded, 

"Respond to me quickly!"

William, who was watching intently, heard Olivia remark, 

"Don't even think about it. You won't be able to use this for a few more years."

William sighed and nodded reluctantly.

This book, like the Two-way mirror, was used for communication. 

However, it was much more advanced. 

A Two-way mirror was limited to one-on-one communication. 

This book could connect with anyone who had a copy, as long as you added the other person's moving image in your book. 

But it also relied on magic power for communication, which William couldn't afford yet.

"So, how's life at Hogwarts?"

 Olivia casually sat in the chair in front of his workbench.

"No need to think about it, definitely better than Mistfall," 

William found a place to sit as well.

"Hmph, if you hadn't messed up, it wouldn't have come to this," 

Olivia was critical of William's departure from Mistfall. 

In his eyes, if William had continued his education there, he would surely become a great wizard – something Olivia was certain of. 

Even in pure-blood families like theirs, a young wizard exhibiting magical outbursts at four years old was rare, usually happening around six or seven.

"I couldn't stand it. 

The Cruciatus and Imperius Curses were barely tolerable, they did benefit me, so I could endure." 

William sneered, 

"But since they left me a 'mark', I had to pay them back."

"Ah, I've heard. They're planning to move against you once you graduate from Hogwarts. 

You'll have to work hard." 

Olivia hesitated, 

"If you need anything, remember to tell me."

"Speaking of which, Grandpa, I do need your help with something." 

William sat up straight, looking earnestly at Olivia. 

"This holiday, I need you to take me somewhere, Little Hangleton. 

There's something there I must get." 

William spoke seriously. 

This was no trivial matter; 

it was not only about the Philosopher's Stone but also about Lord Voldemort's Horcrux – the one that caused Dumbledore's death.

As mentioned earlier, Olivia was a Curse-Breaker, specialized in dealing with curses like the one Voldemort placed on the Philosopher's Stone. 

William's return was indeed for Elara's sake, but fulfilling Snape's promise sooner was better. 

After March, Olivia would not be in the castle; 

he would be fulfilling his duties, and William would not be able to contact him then.

"Old man! Where are you?" 

Olivia and William looked at the workbench as the book spoke.

"Hmph, you're 'quick', huh? When I needed you, I was a child; now, my grandson is here," 

Olivia stood up, turning to address the image in the book.

"Speaking of your grandson, didn't you say he was coming today? How's it going?"

"Come here, William, and say hello," 

Olivia beckoned William over.

"Look, this is my proud grandson, William." 

Olivia stood the book up, so they didn't have to stoop over it.

"Hmph, I've heard of his 'glorious deeds'. Tell me, boy, how confident are you?" 

the man in the book asked.

"You old man, what's the rush?" Olivia turned to William, 

"This old man is Keegan. His grandson is in the same situation as Elara. He's here to ask for your help."

"You old man! You're the one who came to me!" 

The man in the book, William realized, was just like his grandfather. Birds of a feather.

 "Boy! Speak up!"

He added, "If you really solve the problem, I'll thank you properly."


William hesitated, unsure how to address the old man.

"Don't mind it, he won't care how you address him. 

Just explain the situation clearly," 

Olivia seemed to understand William's hesitation.

"Alright, Filch... he succeeded, Filch is that..."

"I know who he is! That Squib disowned by his family," 

Keegan rudely interrupted William. 

"Tell me his current situation, can he cast spells now?"

"I don't know... he currently..."

"You don't know!? And you dare say 'he succeeded'?" 

Keegan interrupted William again.

"Old man! Let him finish speaking. 

If you interrupt my grandson again, I'll come and interrupt you!" 

Olivia threatened from the side.

Seeing a quarrel brewing, William quickly spoke up: 

"He still doesn't have a Magic Wand, so I can't confirm if he can cast standard spells.

But he can indeed use magic now, I can... 

Professor Snape and I are sure of that." 

William added Snape's name at the end, in case anything went wrong, he could shift the blame.

"Bring your observation records when you come with this old man. 

Old man! I've got some things to deal with now, you and the boy come to me tomorrow, that's settled." 

Keegan ended the communication unilaterally, without waiting for Olivia's response.

"That old bastard! You heard him, we're going over tomorrow afternoon. 

Bring your things." Olivia angrily closed the book.

"Right, you must have told your sister when you were coming, right? 

Go find her, I guess Micad's idiot sons have cornered her, you know what to do." 

Olivia seemed to sense something and said this to William.

Without a word, William turned and left.

"Since you're back, take this with you!" 

Olivia threw an object to William.

William caught it and clipped it to his lapel without looking. 

With this, he wouldn't need to rely on House-elves for most of the castle's magical restrictions.

Micad, William's uncle, was Declan's son, Olivia's second brother. 

He had three sons: Kratos, Kael, and Garrett. Among these cousins, only Garrett was somewhat friendly, often trying to persuade his older brothers not to bully William, although he often ended up being the one bullied.

As for the other peers, William couldn't be bothered to remember their names.

When William emerged from the dim basement into the ground-floor hall, what he saw made him pull out his Magic Wand.

"Didn't your bastard brother say he was coming back today? 

What, did he abandon you too? 

Speak up, you Squib!" 

Kratos had a sharp, monkey-like face that instantly revealed his unpleasant nature.

"Enough, big brother! 

If she tells our grandfather, we're done for!" 

Garrett uttered words he knew would be ineffective.

"Whose side are you on? 

Her useless grandfather? 

Do we not have a grandfather?" 

Kratos looked up at Garrett, about to reprimand his brother, but then saw William approaching with his Magic Wand.

"Oh, long time no see, little bastard." 

Kratos and Kael also drew their Magic Wands, while Garrett quietly pulled Elara, who was sitting on the ground, to the side, knowing what was about to happen.

"I won't accept your apology, but I will accept your tears!" 

William knew that fights among the younger generation were allowed, but they couldn't cause serious harm. 

He had to make this unbearable brat cry and learn his lesson.

Brats are difficult creatures to deal with. 

Destructive and vengeful. But now, by age, William was also of the brat age, so he could act without restraint.

"I thought you would have learned your lesson, but it seems I overestimated you.

 Your brain doesn't seem to work very well," 

William prepared himself, knowing his words would start the fight,

 "Were you born of your father and a Troll?"

Without warning, Kratos and Kael attacked. 

William was ready for this; that line always worked, inevitably leading to a fight.

"They're at it again," Garrett said to Elara,

 "Go to your grandfather. You know, your brother won't be in trouble."

Elara nodded, said nothing, glanced at William who had just taken down Kael with a Petrificus Totalus, and turned to walk towards the basement.

Kratos was crawling, or rather wriggling, on the ground, hit by Petrificus Totalus, unable to move his arms and legs, and trying to break free from William's spell.

William stepped on Kratos' backside, Magic Wand pointed at his back, 

"You've always been curious about the scar on my back, haven't you? 

How about I give you one too? What do you say?"