
Sorting Hat's Song

"Come along quickly; we're heading to the castle!" Hagrid shouted, not wanting to delay the new students who had just disembarked.

"Let's go, Braun; we can't be late!" Hermione urged them, pulling Braun along as they hurried to join the group.

Following Hagrid, they arrived at a castle made entirely of white marble. Despite being somewhat weathered by wind and sun, the castle exuded a sense of history that newer buildings couldn't match. The young wizards ascended the steps and followed a spiral staircase while torches on the walls cast flickering shadows.

At the top of the staircase, a rather elderly witch wearing a wide-brimmed wizard hat awaited them, standing in front of a massive bronze door. Hagrid greeted her, saying, "Professor McGonagall! The first-year students have arrived."

"Thank you for your efforts, Hagrid. You may proceed, and I will take it from here," Professor McGonagall replied.

Hagrid entered through a smaller door on the side, leaving a few curious students to peek over but find nothing.

"All right, first-years," Professor McGonagall began. "I am Minerva McGonagall, Deputy Headmistress of Hogwarts and Head of Gryffindor. Many of you may already know me."

Her gaze briefly fell on Braun. "I hope you all consider this school your home for the next seven years. Study hard and strive to become powerful wizards."

The students listened attentively to Professor McGonagall's words, and she seemed satisfied with their response. "Now, everyone, please remain here for a moment. We are preparing for the sorting ceremony."

As Professor McGonagall entered the hall, the young wizards began discussing what awaited them. Ron nervously mentioned, "I heard we'll have to face trolls!"

This remark worried Harry, but a other student asked, "But my mom told me we would have exams, tests of our knowledge. By the way, what does the sorting ceremony test for?"

The students engaged in a lively conversation. Some students from pure-blood families displayed their knowledge, while Muggle-born students were anxious and uncertain.

"Braun, do you think the upcoming assessment will be dangerous? I read 'A History of Hogwarts School' and couldn't find any relevant records!" Hermione inquired, her concern evident.

Braun reassured her, "Don't worry; it's just..."

Before he could finish, Professor McGonagall returned to the scene. The students were organized into two lines according to their initials and followed her to the bronze door, a mix of apprehension and curiosity in their hearts.

With a creaking sound, the massive bronze door slowly opened, revealing a grand hall with floating white candles and torches on the walls, brightening the room. Four long tables were positioned in the middle of the hall, with only a central aisle left open. Younger students looked at the newcomers with curiosity, their eyes wide.

The ceiling of the hall was enchanted to display the sky outside. Everyone marveled at the magical sight. At the end of the aisle sat the professors, with Hagrid, who had led the students here, among them.

One of the professors stood out—an elderly man with a white beard, smiling and watching the students with his wisdom-filled, twinkling blue eyes. Braun recognized him as Albus Dumbledore, the greatest wizard of their time.

In the middle of the professors' row, a slightly worn hat rested on a stool. Dumbledore announced, "The Sorting Ceremony begins!" Just as everyone was worried about where the giant creature might appear, the battered hat on the stool came to life.

"Look here, children! Don't worry about trolls or anything of the sort. My test is the sorting ceremony. Now, pay attention. Hearing my story may help you understand the school a bit better."

The hat then started moving and singing:

"A thousand years or more ago,

When I was newly sewn,

There lived four wizards of renown.

whose names are still well known:

bold Gryffindor, from wild moor;

fair Ravenclaw, from Glen;

sweet Hufflepuff, from Valley Broad;

shrewd Slytherin from Fen.

They shared a wish, a hope, and a dream.

They hatched a daring plan to educate young sorcerers.

Thus, Hogwarts School began.

Now each of these four founders has formed their own house.

each valued different virtues in the ones they had to teach.

By Gryffindor, the bravest were prized far beyond the rest.

For Ravenclaw, the cleverest would always be the best.

For Hufflepuff, hard workers were most worthy of admission.

And power-hungry Slytherin loved those of great ambition.

While still alive, they did divide.

Their favorites from the throng,

Yet, how do you pick the worthy ones?

When were they dead and gone?

'Twas Gryffindor who found the way.

He whipped me off his head.

The founders put some brains in me.

So I could choose instead!

Now slip me snugly around your ears.

I've never yet been wrong.

I'll take a look inside your mind.

And tell me where you belong!"

The singing of the Sorting Hat captivated everyone, except Braun, who became tense because the song was different from what he remembered. It should have been sung in the fourth year. However, he reminded himself that the Sorting Hat's song changed every year, and the world in the novel wasn't exactly the same as the one he now found himself in. Nonetheless, he couldn't help but feel uneasy about well-known and fixed plot changes.

Braun's attention was quickly drawn back to the sorting ceremony, and he watched as students were sorted into their respective houses. "Now, I shall call your names. Hannah Abbott!" A little girl with blonde hair stumbled over and nearly knocked a chair over in her eagerness to reach the sorting hat. The Sorting Hat quickly announced, "Hufflepuff," and amid the cheers of the crowd, she stumbled again as she made her way to the Hufflepuff table, wearing a honey pot badge on her robes.

Braun breathed a sigh of relief. "Phew, Hannah is in Hufflepuff. At least that hasn't changed." The fact that the Sorting Hat's choice hadn't shifted provided a small measure of reassurance that he could continue to navigate the world of Hogwarts for a few more years.


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