
Hogwarts: Sign-In Mangekyo Sharingan [ Harry Potter]

Braun found himself thrust into the magical world of Harry Potter, facing a perilous encounter with werewolves from the outset. Miraculously, just as danger loomed, a sign-in system materialized, offering unexpected rewards. "Ding! You've signed in at the wolf's lair and unlocked the [Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan]!" "Ding! You've signed in at the Leaky Cauldron and acquired [Dark Fruit]!" "Ding! You've signed in at Hogwarts..." As the wizards beheld the blood-red eyes in the shadows, fear gripped them all. Dumbledore: "No one is more fitting to be Minister of Magic than Braun!" Voldemort: "He's the Dark Lord, even darker than myself!" Hermione: "Just as I suspected of someone I hold in high regard! Braun, you possess unparalleled power in the world!" Leaves some power stones MY CRYPTO ADDRESS: 0x6B156E6043D3e0EFDA868A37bAA8f8be3c101477

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38 Chs

Operation of Scabbers

"Grandma was spot on," Braun thought.

The Weasley family had indeed invested all their skill points into reproduction.

Except for a few Asian countries and the African continent,

The Weasley family's influence stretched across the Western world.

No wonder his grandmother had been so envious and keen on him marrying Ron's sister.

Ron gave an awkward yet polite smile.

Because what Braun had just said was indeed true.

The Weasleys were indeed prolific.

Their home alone boasted seven children.

Their closer relatives were even more abundant.

Procreation had almost become a hallmark of the Weasley family, especially among other purebloods.

"Really, Ron?" Harry was genuinely surprised.

He hadn't realized Ron's family was as extensive as Braun had suggested.

He looked at Ron with newfound admiration.

Ron appeared a little smug.

But then he turned pensive.

"Having more children isn't all it's cracked up to be. Take my family, for instance. I'm the sixth child in our family, and all five of my older siblings are at Hogwarts. Bill and Charlie have already graduated, Bill was even Head Boy, and Charlie was the Quidditch team captain. Even Percy, my third brother, is now a prefect. George and Fred, though mischievous, are bright students and quite popular at school. To be honest, it's a lot of pressure. On top of all this, I inherit all their hand-me-downs – Bill's old robes, Charlie's wand, and Percy's unwanted rat."

As he spoke, he pulled out a plump rat from his pocket.

Listening to Ron's words, Harry, who had initially been envious, suddenly began to see that the magical world wasn't all sunshine and rainbows. It reminded him of his own situation at the Dursleys, where he was forced to wear Dudley's discarded clothes.

The fat mouse caught Ron's attention, and he pulled it from his pocket.

Braun became intrigued.

"Can I see your mouse, Ron? I'd also love to introduce you to my pets! Tom!"

Reluctantly, Tom emerged from his cage, motivated by the prospect of delicious nuts.

He landed on Braun's shoulder, pecking his hair twice, perhaps to express his dissatisfaction.

"Wow, your pet is gorgeous," Ron said enviously. He, too, dreamed of having a pet of his own, but he knew the financial burden on his family was too great.

"My pet is Scabbers; take a look," Ron said, cupping a plump gray rat that was sleeping soundly in his hand.

The rat appeared quite old, and its fur had started to thin in places. It was also missing a finger on its left hand.

"It's getting old, and it loves to sleep. But it's been with us for eleven years," Ron explained, his tone showing a genuine affection for the mouse that had been his constant companion throughout his childhood.

"Eleven years? Can a mouse even live that long?" Hermione, unable to contain her curiosity, asked.

Her question planted an idea in Braun's mind.

Observing the mouse in Ron's hand, he saw an opportunity.

"Ron, I think Scabbers might be sleeping all the time because he's nearing the end of his life. Some animals display this preference for sleep when they're close to death."

"What? He's dying? What do I do?" Ron panicked. He had grown quite attached to the mouse that had been with him for nearly his entire life.

Braun waved his hand, wearing a mysterious expression.

"I have a way to help you, but it might make Scabbers a bit uncomfortable."

"Uncomfortable?" Ron asked immediately, willing to do anything to keep Scabbers alive, even if it meant a little discomfort.

Braun spoke softly, and the group huddled together. Ron and Harry were surprised but willing to try. Hermione, on the other hand, blushed and chastised Braun for being unscrupulous.

"But, Braun, is this actually feasible?" Ron inquired, appearing somewhat skeptical.

"Of course! In the Muggle world, they neuter their pets. If you don't believe me, ask Hermione."

Although Hermione found the topic quite embarrassing, she nodded in agreement. Being from a family of dentists, she had been exposed to various matters and was aware of the feasibility of the procedure Braun had described.

At the same time, Harry supported Braun's claim, helping to convince Ron.

Finally persuaded, Ron was faced with another dilemma. After all, there was no place in the wizarding world for pet surgeries.

"We can perform the operation right here. It's a minor procedure!" Braun reassured Ron, taking out a few pocket knives and two bottles of medicine from his suitcase.

The knives he had specially ordered from Diagon Alley weren't magically enhanced but were made of magically-infused metals, which made them exceptionally sharp and durable. Braun had acquired these knives as part of his preparation for studying alchemy during the summer break.

Braun explained, "This is the knife I use for creating magic circuits, and it's suitable for minor surgical procedures. These are vials of Euphoria and Tranquility potions, guaranteed to make Scabbers pain-free after consumption."

Ron couldn't help but believe Braun's words with such confidence and agreed to give it a try. The group was ready to proceed with the operation.

"Then let's get started!" Braun's smile took on an oddly sinister edge as he spoke. It appeared that Scabbers sensed the impending danger and shivered in his sleep.

Hermione, always concerned with rules and safety, couldn't hide her unease as she watched Braun prepare for the procedure. "Braun, are you sure about this? It's not just a minor procedure; it's highly irregular, and we should have a licensed professional doing it."

Braun, however, seemed undeterred, confident in his knowledge and skills. "Don't worry, Hermione. I've studied magical anatomy and veterinary magic. This will be quick, and Scabbers will feel much better afterward."

Ron, still worried about his aging pet, nodded hesitantly, trusting Braun's judgment. Harry stood nearby, ready to assist however he could.

Braun used a pocket knife to gently cut a small incision in Scabbers' abdomen. He carefully performed the procedure, and despite the initial discomfort, Scabbers seemed to feel better as the operation progressed. Hermione's anxiety began to subside as she observed Braun's steady and precise hand movements.

Once the procedure was complete, Braun administered the Euphoria and Tranquility potions to Scabbers, who immediately seemed to relax. His body radiated contentment, and he appeared more comfortable than he had in years.

Ron couldn't believe the transformation. "Scabbers looks... happy! Thank you, Braun."

Braun closed the incision with a quick spell, ensuring that Scabbers would recover without any complications.

"Scabbers should be feeling much better now, and he'll be more active than he has been in a long time," Braun assured Ron.

Scabbers, awakened from his slumber, started exploring Ron's hands and even took a few playful nibbles.

"I can't thank you enough, Braun. You've given my little mate a new lease on life," Ron said with heartfelt gratitude.

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