
Hogwarts: Sign-In Mangekyo Sharingan [ Harry Potter]

Braun found himself thrust into the magical world of Harry Potter, facing a perilous encounter with werewolves from the outset. Miraculously, just as danger loomed, a sign-in system materialized, offering unexpected rewards. "Ding! You've signed in at the wolf's lair and unlocked the [Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan]!" "Ding! You've signed in at the Leaky Cauldron and acquired [Dark Fruit]!" "Ding! You've signed in at Hogwarts..." As the wizards beheld the blood-red eyes in the shadows, fear gripped them all. Dumbledore: "No one is more fitting to be Minister of Magic than Braun!" Voldemort: "He's the Dark Lord, even darker than myself!" Hermione: "Just as I suspected of someone I hold in high regard! Braun, you possess unparalleled power in the world!" Leaves some power stones MY CRYPTO ADDRESS: 0x6B156E6043D3e0EFDA868A37bAA8f8be3c101477

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Botanical Garden

"Braun?" Neville exclaimed in surprise as he rushed over.

Mrs. Longbottom also raised her eyebrows, clearly displaying her astonishment at Braun's unexpected presence.

"Braun, where have you been? My grandma and I didn't see you in the fireplace and thought you miscast the spell and got  lost."Neville inquired.

Braun smiled awkwardly, aware that he couldn't explain what he had witnessed on the Floo Network, so he simply nodded in agreement with Neville's assumption.

As he met Mrs. Longbottom's gaze, which seemed to have the power to penetrate one's soul, Braun prepared to share an improvised story. However, he found that she didn't press for further details.

"My mental power is seriously depleted, but this potion will make you feel better," Neville's uncle Algie stated, leaning on the sofa. He handed Braun a transparent potion bottle containing a silver-white liquid.

Braun didn't hesitate and drank it, feeling the pain in his mind significantly subside. Simultaneously, an unexplained sense of joy overcame him. He knew it was the potion's effect.

Although Algie's cabin appeared small from the outside, the interior was vastly different. The wooden house had been enchanted with an extension charm, giving it a luxurious villa-like feel. Adorned with nineteenth-century Victorian-style table chairs and lamps, the walls were intricately carved with pearl shell designs.

However, the most remarkable features of the villa were the various magical plants placed in different areas, including Devil's Snare, mandrakes, gillyweed, and others, all protected by special alchemical glass. It resembled a botanical garden or a greenhouse.

"Are you here to choose a pet? Neville is of school age," Algie remarked, rubbing his chin. His wife, Enid Longbottom, enthusiastically offered fruit to everyone.

"Try this, Braun! The fruit of the Elliott tree is delicious," Neville suggested, handing Braun a piece of fruit covered in colorful stripes. Braun thought it looked similar to a devil fruit and tentatively took a bite, discovering it was unexpectedly delicious. The only drawback was that after eating it, Braun couldn't stop laughing for two or three minutes.

"The leaves of the Elliott tree can be used to make a potion of laughter. Although the fruit doesn't have as strong an effect, it can still induce laughter. Quite entertaining, isn't it?" Algie explained with a grin, taking a big bite himself, causing hearty laughter to fill the living room once more.

After resting for about half an hour, Braun's headache had significantly improved, allowing him to move freely in the hall. He couldn't help but be curious about the plants under the glass covers. Despite his pureblood status, he had limited exposure to these magical plants. Most wizards only purchased potion ingredients or finished potions from pharmacies when they fell ill. Some even went to St. Mungo's Hospital when necessary. Few wizards grew magical plants themselves due to the potential dangers involved.

"Do you want to take a closer look inside?" Algie, intrigued by Braun's interest, extended an invitation, showing a great deal of goodwill toward him.

Braun hesitated but eventually nodded in agreement. "Of course, if it doesn't trouble you."

Accompanied by Neville, they followed Algie into the glass greenhouses, which, as Braun had imagined, were also enlarged with the Extension Charm.

"Here is my masterpiece," Algie proudly gestured to the plants around them. "I constructed the entire greenhouse, except for the alchemical components, from scratch. The Extension Charm, the Impervius Charm, and even the Aguamenti Charm were used. I collected each of these plants from various locations around the world."

Listening to Algie's explanations, admiration filled Braun's expression. The spells Algie had mentioned were no small feat, not to mention the vast array of plants in the greenhouse.

As they followed behind Algie, Braun and Neville listened to his tales of various adventures. Braun couldn't help but find most of them exaggerated. For instance, Algie claimed to have traveled to Norway and knocked over three Norwegian Ridgebacks with a single wave of his wand. Braun couldn't help but think that one Norwegian Ridgeback would be enough to challenge Algie's small frame. Nevertheless, Neville listened with rapt attention, his eyes filled with admiration, apparently taken in by Algie's stories.

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