
Which world?

"Who knew that the little chief have it in him to respect us, Elders?" The elder said while looking a bit shocked towards Rei's action but he did not care about it one bit but he was more interested on William's wording just now.

"and William, what did you mean about Rei being supposed to be dead?"The elder asked William with a voice clearly not in the mood to joke around. As an elder of the Gutu tribe, he knew that an action such as betrayal of a fellow tribesman demands execution and more so if its a chief he betrayed. Although he knew that betrayal demands execution but he also knew that if such betrayal will lead to the development of the clan then such action is permissible. An elder does not act according to favoritism but must act for the tribe.

"Honorable Elder! It was voted by the majority of this tribe that chief Rei is not suited to be a chief,

1. He is full of arrogance

2. He does not care about the feeling of our tribesman

3. He sacrifices our tribesman in the war like canon fodders

4. He took our women like they belong to him

and so the majority of us demanded him to be executed last midnight by poisoning as he is like a poison in our hearts"William said to the Elder without any more useless thoughts while making it as justifiable as possible.

One must know that in this world, torturing devices are much more advance and in this world there is a device that can extract memories from a body. This device would extract the memory from the brain and show it like a holograph and in turn that person with his/her memory extracted would either have alzheimers, long term memory loss or death by turning dumb.

Hearing what William said, the Elder contemplated in silence while Rei turned dumb due to him having an identity crisis right now, is he Rei the hitman? or Rei the chief of Gutu tribe? One must know that he felt like both lives are just dreams to him. Suddenly the Elder gruntled and that brought Rei back to the current topic.

"William, you have thought about the feelings of the tribe members and this have made my view of you turn OK, but one must not forget why Rei became a chief in the first place. To act arrogant and to steal ones woman is not due to him being arrogant in nature but because he has the capability to do so. We must not forget that his strength is equal to a bear, his mind is tjavascript:;hat of a red wolf and most importantly he have lead our tribe to survive for the past years" said the Elder while spouting stupid nonsensical words or at least thats how it goes in Rei's mind.

Red wolf is a hybrid of a coyote and grey wolf.

Which world should this event happen?

Should I make it that his tribe is just a tribe and there is a place for medieval kingdom somewhere in his world?

Rexxelcreators' thoughts