
The proper use of the Ant-Man suit

"Where is there a constant victory without an enemy, where is there a human child who does not go? Where is the song that has no end, and where is the seat that never ends! ..."

  The BGM of "Wind and Cloud 2" is still going on, but Li Congxin is listening to it in a disturbing way.

  The form in front of him is critical, but the music that popped up suddenly can't be changed, and he wants to use his golden finger to fix things.

  Under no circumstances, Li Congxin already intends to spell serious injury, use his secret weapon first to get a dead again.

  "Finish Liao ... finish Liao ... finish Liao ... finish Liao ..."

  Just when Li Congxin had already prepared to break the boat and fight to the death, the sound of a sharp siren suddenly came into everyone's ears from far to near.

  Li Congxin had never felt that the sound of the siren could actually be so beautiful, and it was even countless times more pleasing than the music played by his system's BGM!

  As expected, upon hearing the sound of the sirens, the three fingers of the Handshake Association also changed their faces at the same time.

  Would they be afraid of the police?

  It would be a lie to say they weren't afraid, but they weren't too afraid either.

  However, the current form was that they had to get rid of these few guys in front of them who were specializing in messing with them, and if the police came and they continued to make their moves, then it was inevitable that they would have to fight with the police.

  With their strength, of course they wouldn't be afraid of a team of police.

  But the question was, could they go head to head with the police?

  The few of them were all old demons who had lived for more than four hundred years, not Frank who didn't know anything? D'Amico.

  If they wiped out this wave of police groups that had now appeared, then the problem would be really big, even if they were forced by the pressure of media public opinion, the government would not be able to sit back and do nothing. If they wiped out one team of police, it was possible that the next time they would face ten teams, and if they wiped out ten teams, the next time their opponent might be the army!

  If they keep going on like this, they will end up in a situation where they will have to fight against the state apparatus, and by then, besides being crushed to pieces, will they have any other way out?

  What, you mean fleeing back to the island headquarters?

  Don't you know who covers the island?

  The purpose of them sacrificing dozens of their subordinate ninjas to lure out all of the Chivalrous Alliance people today was that they wanted to solve this trouble once and for all. It was never to solve a small trouble and thus incur a big trouble that they could not afford to mess with at all!

  They were all people who had lived for over four hundred years, and would never make such a low-level mistake of being intentional.

  Thus, the three old guys exchanged a glance with each other and decisively made the most correct choice.

  "Quick battle!"

  With a prompt from Bo Tu, the three old demons simultaneously intensified their attacks on their hands.

  Lady Gao, who was blasting against Li Congxin's stick, fiercely drew out a shiny sword from her cane, the blade of which resembled a silver swimming dragon, and straightly met Li Congxin's cloth stick that smashed down on his head.

  Li Congxin hands of this cloth stick fabric is also the old skin for his special development and become, the degree of toughness is even far better than the car's seat belts, even the general military dagger is very difficult to pierce it, coupled with its weight is far better than the general cloth, fell in the hands of Li Congxin is simply like a tiger to add wings.

  But it is such a cloth stick, even in the hands of Mrs. Gao long sword under a twist, was easily cut into a sky of cloth debris!

  Lady Gao, on the other hand, took advantage of this opportunity to move up with her sword, and with a shake of the sword blade, she manifested several sword shadows, covering Li Congxin's brow, throat, heart, and other fatal vitals.

  Good timing!

  Nowadays, Li Congxin has experienced some big storms, even in the face of the critical moment of life and death, his heart is not the slightest bit panicked. But see his right hand wrist down a snap, like the size of an ear drum Ruyi stick has been shot out from the wristwatch, directly to the face of Mrs. Gao.

  At the same time, Li Congxin had already sunk his qi into his dantian and roared at Mrs. Gao, "Great!"

  As Li Congxin's words exited, the Ruyi Stick rose against the wind, directly transforming into a goose egg-thick metal stick, smashing down towards Mrs. Gao's face.

  Mrs. Gao obviously did not expect Li Congxin to actually have this kind of treasure, and in a panic, she hastily drew her sword back to defend herself, and by virtue of the instantaneous burst of her terrifying speed that was increased by the "qi", she was able to block Li Congxin's sudden head-on baton in an almost impossible situation.

  "Clang!" With a loud sound, the Ruyi Stick was recoiled back.

  As soon as Li Congxin caught the big stick, he backhanded the stick and swept it towards Lady Gao's waist.

  And Mrs. Gao had also come back to her senses at this moment, after the fear in the eyes of the killing opportunity is even more victorious, backhand a sword downward pick, the sword blade is picking on the end of the Ruyi stick.

  "Clang!" Another sound of gold and iron crunching, this time using the Ruyi stick Li Congxin did not have the flexibility of the cloth stick to buffer him from the force of the recoil, a blow will be fully erupted by Mrs. Gao shocked to the blood, both hands of the tiger's mouth has been cracked, thumping back three steps, almost hit the back of the ADC Hawkeye.

  When a power player, meets an existence that is stronger than him, the fight is to be suppressed in all aspects.

  This was exactly what Li Congxin was facing right now!

  In contrast, the other side's Night Demon, who fought with skill, and Punisher, who fought with ferocity, were in a better situation than his side.

  Taking a deep breath, Li Congxin once again gripped the cold Ruyi stick in his hand. www.uukanshu.net

  No matter what, he had to hold on until the police rushed over to save the day.

  As for his killer weapon?

  That thing had the most killing power, but the hits made it awful. Unless it was used face-to-face, it didn't stand any chance of hitting someone as strong as Mrs. Gao.

  "Hey!" Just as Li Congxin fell into an absolute disadvantage, he was planning to stall to the death.

  Suddenly a familiar voice pierced through not far from the two of them, and the crowd turned their heads to look, only to see a man in an anthropoid battle suit charging towards Lady Gao at an extremely fast speed.

  It was Old Skin!

  Li Congxin's spirit was shaken, but on the other side, Lady Gao had already backhanded a sword towards Old Skin and slashed her head.

  However, in the face of Mrs. Gao's headlong sword, Old Skin did not have to flash, but instead leapt up to meet Mrs. Gao's sword blade. At the same time, his body instantly shrunk to the point where it was hard to be captured by the naked eye, and while avoiding Mrs. Gao's sword blade, he ruthlessly crashed into her face.


  Lady Gao was directly knocked off her feet under Old Skin's blow, followed by a heart-rending scream.

  When the crowd turned their heads to look, they saw that the right eye of this powerful person who had lived for more than four hundred years was already a bloody mess, and a large amount of blood came out of the socket like tears of blood!

  Seeing this bloody scene, Li Congxin almost subconsciously shivered.

  Crap, the original Ant-Man battle suit was used like this!

  Compared to that, in the movie Scott? Lang's fighting style was simply too gentle, so gentle that it was hard for people to avoid questioning the power of the one-man Ant-Man Battle Suit.

  Only now did Li Congxin finally understand.

  The reason why the Ant-Man Battle Suit in the movie didn't give people a very strong feeling wasn't because the Ant-Man Battle Suit wasn't powerful, but because its user wasn't ruthless enough!


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