
Take Mourning Whip and Hammer and arrange them in a clear way!

Ivan? Vanko has been having a rough time of it in recent times.

 After Iron Man announced that he was the Man of Steel, he also learned some of the events of that year from his soon-to-be-ill father.

 Ivan? Vanko's father, Anton? Vanko's father, Anton Vanko, was also an amazing scientist who worked with Howard Stark on the Arc. Stark together in the arc reactor research and development.

 His accomplishments in this field were high, and it shows.

 But degrees don't mean character, and Anton? Vanko's involvement in criminal activity due to greed is probably somewhat similar to that of Big Bald Obadiah? Stan.

 The difference is that Obadiah Stan hides himself well. Stan hid himself so well, and Tony's lack of business, that he went undetected until Tony almost got screwed over by him.

 Anton? Vanko was a bit more unlucky, his crimes were discovered straight away and then he was unceremoniously thrown out of the company and deported by Howard.

 But the same thing coming from the mouth of one of the parties involved would inevitably carry a lot of subjectivity.

 And so it was that the matter fell on Ivan? Vanko's ears, it became that Howard? Stark is a greedy scumbag, in order to monopolize the results of the research will Ri he kicked out of the company and expelled.

 The truth is that it doesn't matter to Ivan Vanko what the truth is. Vanko doesn't matter; if he really possessed the ability to know right from wrong, at least he wouldn't have transferred the grudge of the previous generation to Tony.

 What mattered to him was that his father had died after saying those words.

 This made him grief-stricken.

 He wanted revenge!

 So then, Ivan classmate took the design left by his father, made his own arc reactor, and designed a simple armor equipment, pressed two electric whips, and then came to the rice country to seek revenge on Tony in a furious manner.

 However, while the ideal is plump, the reality is quite bony.

 After coming to the United States, he was helpless to find that Tony here is also a dragon is not seen by the tail of the super big man, not at all he wants to see, see can see.

 As for revenge?

 How can he take revenge when he can't even see anyone?

 In the original timeline of the movie universe, it was because Tony himself existed in a broken situation, feeling about to die in the case of completely let go of his own self, a person himself to run to drive a race car, which was found by him a chance to strike.

 But now due to the emergence of Li Congxin, Tony knew how to solve the matter of palladium elemental poisoning, almost all the time is used to carry on the research on the moon prism, how could he die to participate in a racing competition?

 With that time, he would rather deduce the structure of the new element once more to ensure that it is foolproof.

 So Ivan? Vanko on the tragedy, came to the rice country more than a month, froze did not find any opportunity to take revenge.

 The body's savings will soon be spent, want to rely on their own technology to recover a local gang or something for him to use, but a inquire only to find that the entire Los Angeles is now only left with a gang, called the hand and will.

 And the hand and will itself, seems and with Tony? Stark has a deep connection, and its leader is still a shareholder of Stark Industries.

 This made him not dare to act rashly at all. Otherwise not waiting for him to take revenge, but instead by Tony first step to find the door, that is not the end of the calf?

 Under no choice but to continue to hold back, and even since yesterday, he has begun to go to the restaurant to brush the dishes.

 However, the emperor is not a man, just on his way from the hotel off work back to the bridge hole subterranean temporary dog kennel, suddenly saw Tony and Lee from the heart of the gods fight.

 Looking at the sky flying around, cannon to stick to the two people, and then look at his body that set of equipment that cost him almost all his fortune, Ivan? Vanko felt that to take revenge or something, he still needed to arm himself properly before he could do so.

 However, from the mouths of the other melon eaters, he also heard another useful piece of news.

 That guy who didn't use any external equipment and directly flew around in the sky was actually a billionaire himself, the old president of the Nirvana Group who held a large amount of media resources, Li Congxin!

 Adhering to the principle that an enemy's enemy is a friend, Ivan? Vanko found Li Congxin, ready to work with him to get rid of Tony!

 He came to Nirvana with full confidence and waited for more than an hour, risking being fired from the hotel, before Lee finally appeared in front of him.

 However Ivan? Vanko thought of the beginning but not the end.

 When Li Congxin saw the arc reactor on his chest, he didn't even raise his eyelids, "I'm not interested in this thing, goodbye."

 Hearing Li Congxin's contemptuous words, Ivan? Vanko instantly stood up from his chair and said excitedly, "Oh my god, do you realize what you're refusing to drop?"

 "This is the real core of Iron Man technology, as long as you have it, Iron Battle Suit or whatever, I can build you as many as you want."

 "A steel battlesuit? I'm equally uninterested in that thing." Li Congxin disdainfully skimmed his lips, "If you don't leave, I'm going to ask security to fork you out."

 "You guy, you're simply insulting science!" As he spoke, Ivan? Vanko's body violently blossomed with scorching electric current, directly burning his coat into a pile of scrap, revealing the "bony" simple armor and two electric whips inside.

 Although his heart was furious, Ivan Vanko did not take action immediately. Vanko did not immediately take action, not because of his good temper, but because ...

 Just as he was getting ready for battle, he suddenly felt a solid killing aura locking him in place.

 This suffocating austere killing machine, let Ivan? Vanko vaguely developed an inexplicable feeling.

 As long as he made the slightest move, he would be killed in the next moment!

 Suddenly, Ivan? Suddenly, Ivan Vanko remembered the scene yesterday when he saw Li Congxin and Tony fighting each other in the sky on the street.

 The guy in front of him was definitely not beatable with his current equipment!

 Li Congxin's murderous aura was instantly withdrawn, and then he coldly said to Ivan, who had already been completely shocked by him, "Immediately, immediately, and nimbly get out of my company, or else I will do it right now, and I will kill you on the spot!"

 Ivan? Vanko was silent for a moment at his words, and followed by turning his head away without a word.

 Li Congxin, on the other hand, snorted disdainfully and muttered, "What trashy thing! It's nothing but Justin Hammer's rich and unskilled trash. Hammer's kind of rich and unskilled trash, who would work with you?"

 Upon hearing the name Justin? Hammer's name, Ivan Vanko couldn't help but brighten his eyes for one. Vanko couldn't help but brighten his eyes, and his steps unconsciously sped up a few more points.

 This trip to Nirvana Group, he did not come in vain!

 Wait for it, not long, I Ivan? Vanko will definitely make you pay for today's rudeness!

 Ivan? Vanko went to find Hammer Industries to talk about cooperation matters, while that previous sentence was of course deliberately said to him by Li Congxin.

 Tony was now preoccupied with avenging his father's death, which was a huge headache for him.

 At this time if there can be a suitable guy to jump out and share the anger from Tony, it is simply perfect.

 And Ivan? Vanko, as the inherent villain of the original timeline, was undoubtedly a very suitable candidate, especially after he had joined forces with Hammer Industries, Tony had to take care of it for whatever reason, and had to waste some of his experience and time on them.

 And with the passage of time, Li Congxin believed that Tony's reason would gradually overcome his impulses, and it would be relatively simpler to mediate from it at that time.

 Whiplock form of Ivan? Vanko must appear, but absolutely can not and he Li Congxin involved in any relationship, and among the many candidates, Justin? Hammer this unlucky egg is undoubtedly a very suitable candidate.

 In the spirit of the principle of the death of a friend, Li Congxin did not have the slightest heart pressure will be sold to him.

 Poor Mr. Hammer, in this way in his own completely unaware of the situation, by Li Congxin to arrange a clear.

 Let's have three seconds of silence for Mr. Hammer. ...


 When the three seconds were up, Li Congxin's cell phone suddenly rang, and the caller ID was actually Halted Egg's phone number.

 "Hello!" After picking up the phone, Li Congxin directly said, "Isn't this Lord Director Fury? What's the matter with calling me this time, is it that the obelisk I mentioned before has been found by you?"

 Receiving an impression from Nick? Fury's impression value +6666!

 The more importance Li Congxin showed, the more he could not easily hand it over to Li Congxin, unless Li Congxin could tell him bluntly what exactly the obelisk was an item and what he intended to use it for.

 After a few moments of silence, Halogen Egg finally opened his mouth and said, "Can you come out to talk about it, it's about Sharon and Natasha, in your Chinese way, I'll treat you all at noon today, we'll talk while we eat, and by the way, in calling on Sharon, this matter has something to do with her as well."

 Li Congxin was silent for two seconds, "I want the most expensive restaurant in all of Los Angeles."

 Received from Nick? Fury's impression value +5678!

 Are you damn short of money, how about eating big!

 Why don't you go eat Tony, he's the one who's really rich, okay?

 At noon, four people sat down in one of the most famous French restaurants in Los Angeles.

 As soon as the party was seated, Halogen Egg bluntly stated his intentions.

 "You want Widow to play Wonder Woman?" Li Congxin almost somewhat couldn't believe his ears, "She's the ace agent under you, is it really good to be so high-profile?"

 Halogen smiled bashfully, "It seems that you don't understand the nature of an agent very well either. In some cases, a big star wanting to obtain information is actually far simpler than a stranger appearing out of nowhere."

 "That won't work either." Li Congxin shook his head righteously, "I'm not afraid to tell you the truth, this role I specifically prepared for Sharon, and although I didn't explicitly say so at the time, I had already promised her that I couldn't go back on my word."

 "Actually, I don't really want to play Wonder Woman yet." Sharon finally spoke up at this time, "The role that I am more interested in is still the Louis reporter, being able to act opposite Captain America is not something that anyone has the chance to do oh."

 Sharon has said so, Li Congxin is not good to continue to insist, and in fact, Sister Widow is indeed a good actress, face value to play Wonder Woman also does not have any problem.

 If you put aside the favor, from the artistic point of view alone, she is more suitable than Sharon.

 After that, the three of them discussed some details, such as the filming of Superman has come to an end, and if you replace the actor, you will need to make up a lot of footage, and this money must be paid by SHIELD.

 There is also the halogen egg before has found the original play the role of Lewis actress, and talked about the conditions, the other party said willing to give up the role unconditionally.

 Because that actress's brother was imprisoned for drug use half a month ago, Halogen Egg's condition was to release him early and erase his bad record on his profile.

 These things are unimaginable for the actress, even if she becomes an Oscar winner, but for Halogen Egg, it's just a matter of words.

 After the actor's business, Halogen Egg suddenly changed his mind and asked about Tony's business. After learning what happened, he immediately threw out a heavy news.

 "I won't let you help for nothing. It just so happens that I have an important piece of information in my hand, so I'll give it to you as a reward for promoting Natasha." After a slight beat, Halogen continued "Tony has now been blinded by hatred, and he actually used the battlesuit as a condition to take the initiative to go to the military for cooperation. Now, your troubles seem to be not small."

 After saying that, Halogen egg hands a hold desktop, body a tactical backward, sitting and waiting for Li Congxin's initiative to open the conditions.

 As a matter of fact, UU Look Book www.uukanshu.net The first person Tony found was actually Halogen Egg.

 However, Tony and Lee from the heart, even including Captain America are halogen egg want to fight for people, in order to his Avengers program, at this time he absolutely can not war team.

 After Halogen's fruitless negotiations here, Tony only retreated to the next best thing, through his good friend Rod to find the military.

 Halogen egg threw out this news, on the one hand, is to hope that Lee from the heart of this prepared, at the same time will also feel if it is Lee from the heart of the words, or back to them have a need.

 Like, for example, suggesting an alternative way of cooperation that didn't require him to make a war party.