
Dragon bones

The Pizza Hut Food Processing Plant, located on a relatively isolated street in the Manhattan district, appeared to be very low-key.

  In a small alley opposite this food processing plant, four robust figures were hiding in the shadows of the building whispering.

  These four people were none other than Li Congxin, Punisher, Hawkeye, and the peripheral member Night Demon Man.

  The first one to speak was Li Congxin who had already transformed into Black Man, "Big brother Frank, you're sure that Madam Gao and the others are in this stronghold, there's no mistake, right?"

  The purpose of the four great masters of the Chivalrous Alliance coming here today was to settle the score with the Hand Combine.

  The reason why they chose to make their move now was also because they had finally made up their minds after careful consideration.

  Although Li Congxin had already thought of a way to save Old Skin, that plan was formed off of quantum mechanics, and any scientific theory that had not been confirmed by experiments had a great deal of uncertainty. He didn't want to leave a backlash like the Triad out there that could give birth to variables at any time before executing such a plan.

  Since he wanted to take action against the Triad, it was better to do it sooner rather than later.

  After all, there were many pairs of eyes staring at him right now, and those who knew about the grudge between him and the Hand Association might not be in the minority.

  Moreover, none of these people were fools, after Li Congxin disappeared, how could they not think that he would come to settle the score with the Hand Association?

  At that time, the other party would only need to send someone to keep an eye on this place in advance, and Li Congxin and the others would inevitably become very passive.

  As for the other side not knowing where the Hand Society's lair was?

  That was even more of a joke!

  The information that the Chivalrous Alliance had about the Handshake Association was still provided by the other party's Halogen Egg.

  Prior to this, Hawkeye had to assist Li Congxin in rescuing Old Skin, and the burden of detecting the enemy naturally fell on Uncle Punishment and Blind Lawyer.

  Uncle Punishment heard Li Congxin's inquiry, nodded his head with great certainty and said, "Others dare not guarantee, but that old woman is definitely here, there can be no mistake!"

  Uncle Punishment was a man of few words, fortunately, Night Demon Warrior opened his mouth in time at this time and added: "Besides Lady Gao, there is also a sword-using expert of the Hands Combine who often frequents this stronghold, I think that he should be one of the counted experts under the five fingers of the Hands Combine, and we've secretly observed him striking out a few times, and his strength is definitely not to be underestimated."

  Li Congxin nodded slightly, making a secret note of this information.

  "What I'm most worried about right now is Overkill Woman instead." At this time, a little-spoken Uncle Punishment suddenly opened his mouth, glancing at Li Congxin and asking, "She won't suddenly kill over, right?"

  "Absolutely not!"

  Li Congxin said with great confidence, "For one thing, she doesn't know the purpose of our action this time, for another, I've arranged a difficult task for her to protect Uncle Pim, so she'll surely fulfill it seriously."

  Between words, suddenly heard a sound of a car engine roar, the crowd collected their voices to look, but saw the Mercedes Benz sports car is at a very fast speed since the received side of the drive, in front of the door of the Pizza Food Processing Plant an arrogant to the extreme drift, accurate and incomparable stop in the side of the gate.

  Immediately after, will see a wearing a black trench coat, look at the back of a slightly familiar white man opened the door and walked out, in his hands also carrying a black bag, seems to be loaded with what important things, get off the car after the first alert towards the surroundings looked around, only to step into the factory door.

  Seeing that trench coat man walk into the factory, Li Congxin slightly frowned and said, "Eagle Eye big brother, if you feel physically uncomfortable, this action or don't participate."

  Hawkeye couldn't help but froze at his words, "What did you say?"

  Li Congxin blandly said, "Your breath has already started to go haywire, are you sure that you can still ensure the accuracy of your bow and arrow in such a state?"

  Hawkeye sniffed but gently shook his head, "I'm fine, I just feel that the person who just went in is a bit familiar and thought of something else."

  Li Congxin secretly discussed I also feel that guy has a few points of familiarity, but it is not so chaotic, right?

  Even Li Congxin himself did not realize that he was absolutely familiar with each other, and the familiarity in Hawkeye's mouth was completely two different concepts.

  At first glance, that trench coat man's figure and temperament, in fact, has a few similarities with Hawkeye, but Li Congxin didn't mean to realize this only.

  However, sensing that Eagle Eye had already adjusted his breath back in this moment, Li Congxin didn't say anything more, whispered "start action", and already took a step out from the shadow of the building.

  As soon as Li Congxin stepped out of the alley, he had already entered the coverage area of the other party's monitor. Afterwards, his series of actions of lightly flipping over the fence and sneaking in through the air window were clearly seen by Mrs. Gao, Bo Tu, and the trench-coated man who had just come in through the monitor.

  Knowing that there was an intruder, but the three of them did not focus on Li Congxin at all, but instead focused on the black briefcase that the white man brought back.

  "This is the last remaining Dragon Bone in the organization."

  After the two of them had examined the goods, the trench coat man then said, "Alexandra said before my departure that although its portion could not fulfill the purpose of making people live forever, it was sufficient for treating Mrs. Gao's injuries."

  Mrs. Gao sniffed but gently nodded, then sighed and said, "In fact, my original injuries would not have needed to waste this precious dragon bone, but nah, later on, when I was running my power to heal my injuries, I had a heart demon, which led to going off the deep end."

  Saying that, his eyes have fallen on the monitor, is along the almost unused escape stairs, UU look at the book www.uukanshu.net silently towards the upstairs Li Congxin body: "Now, that heart demon again to find the door."

  The trench-coated man sniffed disdainfully and said coldly, "I'll bring someone to exterminate this person for Madam Gao."

  "Do not be careless!" Bo Tu, who had been silent all along, suddenly opened his mouth at this time and said, "This son is not weak, it is important not to give the other party the opportunity to break them down one by one, I will go with you and at the same time, bring all the brothers outside as well." With a slight beat, he seemed to hesitate for a moment, but still added, "And the guns!"

  Li Congxin was picking his way up the steps along the safe passage, and when he reached the third floor where his target was located, he had just reached out his hand to open the door of the room between the corridors, when he violently felt an inexplicable palpitation.

  Since that day when he had broken through the human limit, Li Congxin's sensory ability had also been greatly enhanced.

  This enhancement not only made his five senses become sharper than normal people, even that mysterious sixth sense was far beyond normal people.

  Especially when encountering danger, this special sense could often send out a warning one step in advance, allowing him to respond in advance, and then turn danger into peace.

  It is also because of the existence of this sense beyond ordinary people, Li Congxin in dare so boldly expose themselves to the other side of the video surveillance, to attract firepower.

  At this moment, this special perception ability finally exerted its power for the first time.

  There was an ambush!

  Almost without thinking, Li Congxin's feet fiercely maneuvered, "Boom!" With a bang, he crashed through the right wall and entered an empty office.

  From the office window to look out, across a corridor can be seen below the food processing site. In the corridor, a dozen gangsters with machine guns had just turned their gaze from the direction of the stairwell towards him.


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