

 Li Congxin's request undoubtedly startled Xiao Bai.

  Subconsciously will just in the curiosity tendency to take take up the "company development plan" to put down again, hastily shook his head and said: "My only work experience is in the martial arts museum guest cashier just, where will be what film and television company's CEO?"

  Li Congxin was busy comforting, "Don't panic, it's not a big company, the assets now add up to about 100 million."

  Received impression value +9 from Nalan Bai!

  "You'd better hire another person, the girl called Hope who lives with you is all more suitable than me."

  Li Congxin shook his head seriously, "Hope is now involved in the same trouble as me, and her father, Old Pi, is even at the center of the whole trouble, so none of us can show our faces."

  "So the only person I can trust right now is you!"

  "But ... "Nalan Bai was still hesitant, Li Congxin could only say at this time, "I should be able to come back very soon, although exactly how long it will take is still undetermined, I can guarantee that it will not be more than three years at the latest. "

  Nalan Bai heard silence, Li Congxin also do not urge, so has been beside quietly waiting for her decision.

  Until half an hour later, the light outside the window has become dim, Nalan Bai Fang finally raised his head, rushed Li Congxin nodded vigorously.


  Another three days passed, and it was finally the auspicious day to start the machine and save Old Skin.

  Li Congxin solemnly handed over the carrier bag containing the dragon bone to Hope and said, "Inside is the biggest treasure of the Hand-Harmony Society, the dragon bone, as well as some of my research insights from these days. If my experiments fail, you can try to use it to make medicine to wake up Uncle Pim."

  Hope didn't reach out to pick up the carry bag, but instead opened her mouth with a grave expression on her face and asked, "By now, aren't you going to tell me what kind of risk exists near this experiment? With you like this, I always have a bad premonition."

  Seeing that Hope refused to pick it up, Li Congxin directly placed the carrier bag in a corner before turning back and saying, "Actually, this has to start from the principle of this experiment."

  Taking a deep breath, Li Congxin said, "The Pym Particle, in fact, can also be said to be a bridge that connects to the quantum realm, and Uncle Pym's coma was caused by the energy backlash in the quantum realm. As the saying goes, to unring the bell, if you want to treat his injuries, the best way is still to use the energy in the quantum realm."

  "You should still remember, as early as the first time I met Uncle Pim, he said that there was energy originating from the Quantum Realm remaining in my body."

  As he spoke, Li Congxin reached out and stroked the instrument in front of him, calmly explaining, "This instrument, is the special instrument that can communicate with the quantum field based on the Pym particles, but if you want to activate it, it has to be manipulated by me personally."

  Looking at Hope's face like he seemed to understand, Li Congxin still patiently continued to explain, "I have to first activate the quantum field energy latent in my body through this instrument, and then borrow this energy to guide more quantum energy out from the quantum field in, and then inject it into Uncle Pim's body through the instrument to treat his injuries. "

  "And in this process, I myself need to withstand the impact of quantum energy ... " Li Congxin said and waved his hand, "Don't put on that kind of expression, I have calculated that with my body strength, theoretically it is absolutely can withstand this kind of energy impact, even if the energy goes out of control at that time, it won't be able to cause fatal damage to me."

  "At most, it will be like what Uncle Pim is like now."

  Hope was shocked at his words, and wanted to open his mouth to say something, but was stopped by Li Congxin: "My situation is different from Uncle Pim's, with my physical quality, even if I fall into a coma, I can still recover on my own over time, and it won't be more than three years at most. This is already the worst kind of outcome I can think of."

  Hope still felt that this method was too risky, and suddenly had a bright idea, pointing at the box containing the dragon bone in the corner, he said, "Didn't you say that that thing can also wake up father?"

  Li Congxin gently shook his head, "The success rate of using the dragon bone will not be higher than my method. What's more, my research on it is still in the preliminary stage of exploration so far, I don't know when I'll have to wait until I want to utilize its effectiveness, and Uncle Pim's body, can it really withstand the long years of waiting?"

  "Don't worry carelessly!" Li Congxin said as he had already flipped the switch together, while speaking, "Uncle Pim only became like this in the first place to save me, and as a descendant of the dragon, how can I not be grateful for the favor I've received?"

  "The test will definitely succeed, you guys can rest assured."

  After saying that Li Congxin had turned his head to look at Minty who walked out from the room and quietly hid behind the door to peep, giving the two women a reassuring look.

  "Let's ring the bell of hope ah, how many prayers in it. Let no one see failure, call success ever present. Let the earth forget to turn ah, the seasons less summer, fall and winter ..."

  In the soothing and peaceful music, Li Congxin will hold both hands respectively in together in the two prototypes of the lever.

  Fiercely, a wave of energy erupted from Li Congxin's body, a flash of light. However, immediately after, another wave of energy received the pull of this force, from the other end of the together, through the quantum field opened by the Pym particles gushed out, from the body of Li Congxin rushed through, and then became calm slowly wrapped around the old skin at the other end of the instrument.

  By the impact of this quantum energy, UU look at the book www.uukanshu.net李从心猛地虎躯一震, only feel the body as if electrified, unconsciously trembled.

  However, this stimulating feeling came and went faster, and soon, Li Congxin's body, which surpassed the limits of human beings, adapted to the impact of this energy.

  I didn't expect the test to go so smoothly, it seems that the previous series of preparations were superfluous.

  Finally breathing a sigh of relief, Li Congxin slowly turned his head towards the direction of the old skin, just in time to see the old man's finger right index finger suddenly moved.


  It was true that kung fu was not enough!

  After spending more than a month of his time, the test had finally succeeded!

  With a happy heart, Li Congxin suddenly felt the quantum energy impacting his body become violent and distorted.

  Not good!

  After the great joy, it immediately turned into a great shock.

  How could this happen?

  According to his previous calculations, this shouldn't have happened!

  Before he could respond, that energy quantum energy formed a vortex, directly pulling Li Congxin and surging towards the quantum realm.

  "Brother Clark!" Mindy, who was hiding behind the door and witnessing all of this, took an arrow step and rushed up, grabbing Li Congxin's thigh.

  Li Congxin just wanted to use his strength to shake her away, but he had already been sucked in by the quantum field energy without his own choice.

  (The end of this volume)

  To find out what will happen later, please read the second volume of this book, "The Avengers Alliance".

  ---------- --

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