
chapter 17

It is there I see them.Throught the eyes of Descartes .A gem in wait .Demitroous your fool for not bringing that cat with wing here .I know he listens if I can say that .

The fools to await Sa-ir .Foresaw sefron hell arise .I know my fate .The sword and mark to Deadlius and the sefron prince arise my fears to come .

Oh Deadlius son of emperor king Daygone amongst the silent realm .Open the black gate of the land of sefron .

I can sense the time is near .Will my prince in black find me before the day has ended .The day after silent eve .Will find the one marked by serpant.

Fools .I know Deadlius is the rightful ruler of all .Curse them my sefron prince will come .The stead Draculus awaits in tomb .Dieon was only his name

Its there I see him falling by the endless sea ..lost..And torn and burned .The serpant lazeris was no kind ruler in all his wrath . May the one whose with him now laugh.

The festival of the 11th won is gone .The prophecies were true .The blade of fate will be returned . As was told in the prophecy . The pendant of ah is around my neck as well.

A hunting of forgotten corpse . I know my fate

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