
Chapter 5

"I didn't fucking think so," Ryder growled punching Jay in the face. I was shocked and couldn't help but jump when he turned to me, the killer looks in his eyes had hardly diminished. He ripped my name tag off of my dress tearing a hole and threw it at him.

"She quits," Ryder said grabbing my arm. He let me go as we walked out of the establishment. 

"Natalia The!" Sebrina chased after me. I put my car keys in her hands, 

"Take my car," I said. 

"Bitch I brought my car." She frowned, "But let's take a minute to admire the hottie you've brought with you. Who is he?" 

"Ryder this is Sebrina my best friend, Sebrina this is Ryder my... my uh close friend." I coughed. She smirked. 

"Listen, Ryder," Sebrina began. She moved my hair out the way and frowned, "Don't hurt my best friend, she's been through a lot. Judging by your tux and your car you have a lot of money so I feel like you might not care too much about her feelings... and if that's the case let her out of this fucking car right now and I will take her home myself. I refuse to sit back and let her be mentally or physically abused again... I'll fucking kill you... I promise." Sebrina's face was unreadable, It was very rare to see her this serious because she was always so goofy.

"I would never bring harm to her," Ryder assured.

"Right. I'll drop your car off at your house. Love you." She kissed my forehead. 

"I love you too." I smiled. She strutted back inside. 

Just as he moved to put the car in reverse I flinched. 

"Natalia," He grabbed my chin gently. Our eyes had met once again.

"You've been in abusive relationships? Me too..." He whispered. I didn't respond. 

"I would never hurt you." He frowned. I still didn't respond. 

"Of course you wouldn't." My voice seeped with sarcasm.

"I know what it feels like to be abused, mentally not so much physically. I would never inflict that type of pain on someone else, especially someone I care about."

"Ryder, what are we? Why did you do that? No friend would brutalize my boss, most wouldn't care so why the fuck do you?!" I yelled and I could feel the tears pour down my cheeks. 

"I've been trying to figure that out all morning. Truth be told Natalia I'm a billionaire, I own an entire company. I'm sure you could figure out that I make a lot of money and get a lot of pussy, usually, I never let women stay the night whether I'm drunk or not which why Renee was an arranged marriage, I never loved her, I was forced to be with her but she fucked me over and in turn fucked over her future and wasted my fucking time. So this morning when I awoke to find you still here, you couldn't even begin to imagine what went through my head. When you came into my office I was going to tell you to leave regardless of what that CNN fuckery said. To call yourself an Uber and scat... but I didn't. I let you stay and to make it worse, I even did shit with you. But now I wanna see how far we could take each other." He whispered. I hadn't even realized he was driving. 

"I understand if you want to leave Natalia. Just say the words." He whispered. 

"I don't." I finally concluded. He pulled into a parking lot and looked at me

"Y- you don't?" He put the car in park. 

"No. I... like you Ryder. In particular, the way you fuck me. I would be a fool to give that up." I unbuckled the seat belt. He walked me inside a huge building. 

"I wanna talk with you in my office." He groaned as we took the elevator to the top floor. He lifted me over his shoulder and began taking long strides toward his office. 

"Boss you're here!" Several people stood up.

"20 minutes! 30 no 40 minutes!" He waved his hand as everyone groaned and sat back down. He locked the door behind us and set me down on his desk. 

He began kissing me working for his hands up my dress. He kissed my neck before bowing his head between my legs. He took off my panties and started sucking my clit pressing his tongue hard against me. I cried out in pleasure holding his head firmly. He put a finger inside of me and continued sucking on my clit. It had barely been 2 minutes and I felt like I was gonna erupt. 

The door opened but I didn't pay that any mind even when the intruder and I made eye contact. 

"I said 40 minutes." Ryder hadn't even taken his head from between my legs triggering and orgasm.

"Son." The man said.

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