
His Precious Possession

ALISHA HART is a light in the darkness. A girl who is trapped in nightmares of her traumatic childhood. A girl who is afraid to fall in love. She is afraid to trust someone with her heart and her soul. She locked the door of her heart, shut herself away from people, and built a wall around her. And was firm about not letting anyone come into her world. She was living her life beautifully and peacefully. But one night, she caught the eyes of the world's most dangerous man, who is now fixed on entering her world. ALEXANDER MORETTI has a heart of ice. His cruelty and ruthlessness are compared to the devil. His world is filled with nothing but darkness. People wanted him, but he never wanted anyone or anything. He thought he would never be tempted to make anything his own. But it only took his ice-cold blue eyes to meet the world's purest and most innocent pair of eyes to break his NEVER. Now, he is determined to make her his. No matter what it costs, he must make her his. Only his. [ Mature Content] Disclaimer: Cover made by AI

Sristystar · perkotaan
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59 Chs

Chapter - 55 R-18

[Warning: Mentions of R-18]

Alisha pov

Alexander and I were in a bridal shop to choose our wedding clothes. He wanted to bring the designers to our house, saying that going out was too dangerous.

The last time I went outside was when he proposed to me. After that, I was confined to the house yet again.

With the passing of each day, I was getting annoyed. I wanted to go outside and try a lot of wedding gowns before choosing mine. I wanted to experience the same things as the other brides.

I tried to negotiate with him. He wasn't listening. I finally told him that either we would go to the bridal shop or he could marry himself. He relented and booked the famous Bridle Shop.

Back to the present: I'm now in the dressing room, trying on a gown. I look at myself in the mirror. The gown is hugging my body beautifully. It is too revealing. It's a see-through gown that's not hiding anything.