Are you on pills?" he asked I felt my face burn up with embarrassment but then I braced up, looking into his eyes I said "No I am not" then suddenly I felt this urge to explain "I have no boy friend for a while, so I didn't think I needed one" "Okay I will just have to rely on withdrawer then." Is that even wise I thought to myself, we can jolly well wait till we get to his or my house as the passion is dyeing down for me, but instead I said. "Okey please be care....."He drove into me before I have the chance of finishing my sentence. This book is not edited
I strolled into my friend's apartment, yes if I may call them that. I met the others through my friend Safarat; who is my classmate and my best friend.
We have been friends since our hundred levels in the institute, I could still remember the day we met. I was on the queue for the request of hostels as it is required of every newbie.
She came from the back saying she wasn't feeling so well I should help her. At first,
I had rejected offering any help, but when so looks like she likes going to faint on me I had promised to help, but instead of allowing her to stay on the queue in front of me, I had taken her to a place she could rest under a tree and promised to call her when it was our turn.
Has chance will have it, after a while of just waiting on the queue; with no one attending to us, I saw a male lecturer approached her and questioned her then stood her up.
I saw her pointing to me and gesturing for me to come so I walked to her, to my surprise I found out that the male lecturer had offered to help her by taking her through the back door but she had insisted he helped me too.
Her claim was we are friends and she can't leave without me.
So the lecturer took us in through the back door and we were attended to almost immediately.
When they asked for which room we will like to stay, she had said she preferred us to stay in the same room. I had no say in that and as I do not wish to canter what she had said; I accepted our key, that the hostel.
We took the back door and left to check what our room looks like.
The instant I had entered our room I had fallen in love with the place, it is spacious and newly built, but Safarat hated the place the instance she entered.
Her complain was we will have to share this place with six more student that she can't stand
She instantly began to make plans to buy every other roomy out so we get the room to ourselves. I welcomed the idea but I know it is unrealistic because even I won't sell out, where then will I stay.
As days go by and roomies were added to us it became clearer that she can't get her to wish, so Safarat decided to live off-campus, she complained all the time about how noisy and nosey girl on campus is and because she had the money.
have i mentioned the source of her money? No not yet, just about to bring the cat out of the bag on that. I got to know that the source of her money are the rich guy she was dating.
Anyway, she got a three bedroom apartment, with two toilet apartment closer to school; it was expensive but since the money wasn't coming from her pocket, guessed she wasn't paying, she took it with joy. Some month later the relationship ended.
Did I forget to tell you that Safarat wasn't sleeping with only this man, she was opening her legs for three more rich guys and some are men old enough to be her dad.
Not that I am judging her, far from it I just want to explain why we lost our breadwinner, and that's because he found out she was opening her legs for one other rich man unknown to him it is three others?
To cut this long story short he walked in on her and Mr Grandfather, they both blew their tops off and dump her on the spot.
We both beg for their forgiveness for a month then we gave up.
Unfortunately, these other men are not as willing as the other two to lavish their money on her, so she had to look for roommates to cope.
She needed to spill the rent with someone because the rent is too much for her. At the time I was not buoyant enough to live off campus; as I depend solely on my parent support.
Safarat called Queen her course mate in, they are birds of feathers they flock together, and they both do Aristos; if you know what I mean
After three months of living together, Queen asked to bring in her other friend to occupy the last room and also share in the rent. Safarat agreed and Lovett moved in. Lovett had just been dumped by her boyfriend and needed a place to stay because before that time she has been staying with him, since she friends with Queen and Safarat' I do need to ask her why her relationship crashed, so I didn't ask.
I noticed she cried a lot that year, anytime I visit I heard her sobbing in her room about how he won't forgive her and he remains the only man she ever loved
Sometimes I spend some of my night with my friend Safarat and those nights I shared the room with her.
After a while, Lovett introduced her friend Cynthia to the house Lovett and Cynthia shared a room we all became so close after living together for two years as I had to move in at a point. that was in my three hundred levels when getting a room in the hostel became difficult.
So if I know this much about them, then I am
right if I called them friends
"Why are you just coming now? We were all so ready to go two hours ago." Queen asked the instant I walk in
"I am so sorry the lecturer delayed," I replied "Then u should have just bailed the class, write your name on the attendance and just bailout. That is what I do when we have outing like this" Lovett said on a lighter note
"Bad girl, teaching my friend bad things," Safarat say slapping Lovett playfully on the back
"Like we do not all do it, please." Cynthia chipped in
"Please let us go now, prince do not like to be kept waiting," Queen said
"Dressed like this?" I asked they all looked at me as I looked at myself
"I guessed not." Safarat said, "please give us some minute, I will be quick with her all made-up" she quickly dragged me into our room, and walked to her Waldrop, why hers and not mine I wanted to ask but I kept quiet, while I sit in front of the mirror. Late as I am I had no say in this.
She rushed through her wardrobe and got me a long slim fitted gown, with a slit that almost touches my waist. I couldn't complain because there was no time to search for any other or go through my Waldrop for my cloth. I quickly slip into it while she quickly touched up my makeup. We stepped out
"You look gorgeous" Lovett said and they all nodded
"Please just don't steal my prince" queen said I smiled
"Don't worry dear you look too dead gorgeous for that to happen" I replied
"Please let's hurry," Queen said and we all rushed out, Prince is Queens's rich boyfriend, he had invited us for a hang out with his friends and we are all happy to be invited, to my friends it's an avenue to their boyfriend's collections of only rich men or their sons.
Where is the Uber driver?" Safarat asked once we are outside the gate.
"We can't wait for him here, we are late. Let's wait for one at the bus stop." Queen answered
"You would have told us now" Safarat said sulking
"Sorry let walk quickly" queen said,
"Only this shoe kills" Safarat pouted her mouth and I laughed at her she ignored me
"I do not know who you want to impress he is Queen's boyfriend not yours," Cynthia said
"You are kidding me right. Queen let's be clear are we hanging with Prince alone or we are with him and his friends"
"Do I need to answer that, please don't mind Cynthia you have someone to impress?" she said laughed at her "miss fashionable?"
Just then he called me that instant my heart miss a bit not now I said to myself please Nat not now not here with this joy killers. We all look back.
"Caroline dear we have a date today remember," Nathaniel said as he walked closer to me smiling from ears to ears.
I had met Nat earlier this semester we talked and I liked him a lot, we hanged out a lot as I love kissing him we never went beyond kissing, I like keeping my relationship light. Once the girls found out that I was dating Nat, they asked me to end whatever I have gone with such a poor rat, Queens words I quote. Safarat some days later tried convincing me to end the relationship but I didn't though I told her I will, instead I hang out with him privately. I forgot I promised to hang out with him today.
As I made a move to answer him Queen ask
"why? Are you still talking to and dating this guy, what part of not dating campus guys did you not understand?" she asked me angrily
Nathaniel steps back in confusion.
"I guess bad timing." He turned back and walked back to his friends
"You have to end this nonsense now," Queen said
"Yes now, not tomorrow, now." Safarat seconded
"But, how? I asked not wanting to, I like this guy he makes me laugh and very happy any time I am with him.
"Say something you know he can't forgive you for, he will never come near you again"
"What of if he goes violent" I asked
"Don't even get me started, do you want to be with us or him choose," Cynthia said. I looked at Nat he heard what my friends said and was waiting for my decision. I closed my eyes for a few seconds, I want to continue partying with my friends, I depended on them for a lot of things like food cloths and roof. I can't lose all that for a guy who can't even feed himself well. When I opened my eyes I saw him looked at me then shook his head and turn to leave, I turned to my friends once more and said
"Ok fine. Phillips please waits." He and his friends waited as I run towards them.
"Did you change your mind dear? He asked smiling.
"You wish, listen I don't want you to ever call me again. I am not your ok." I closed my eyes as I said the next words. "And listen will never be. I don't date popper like you, who do not have anything going for them. You are poor and you surround yourself with poor people family and friends all the same. I don't think you can ever be rich so you can't have me or my virginal ever" I said rushing my words, then turn quickly and walked away before he can say anything. I heard his friend laughed but didn't look back, as I walked to my friends.
"Like seriously, your virginal," Safarat said and we all laughed except Lovett.
"That sounds like a challenge you know, he might just become rich to get between your legs," Lovett said seriously but we all laughed once again.
"He is welcome to try," Queen said aloud as our Uber arrived and we all boded. I not looking too happy. The Funny thing is, I never looked back to see how he took what I said but inside of me I knew I said just too much and some words her better left unsaid.
That day I knew I cross the line. I never saw him again. I went to the spot we usually meet; waited for days to apologize, but he never showed up. I went to his department several times but could not get to talk to him, so I gave up the fight and silently count my lost, and watched my friends as the picked and drop their rich dicks