
Mysterious Invitation

It took Lu Zihao some time to persuade both Grandpa Lu and Long Jinjing that he was really fine. If it was only Long Jinjing, he would've been able to persuade her right away. Not this time though because the old man's overreaction was magnifying her worry for him. It was only when Grandpa Lu finally stopped insisting on taking Lu Zihao to the hospital that Long Jinjing also settled down a bit. Her worry for him didn't disappear though which made him feel good. 

"Oh right! Your dinner!" Then off she went running back to the kitchen.

The two men followed her panicky figure with their eyes.

"She's a good girl, that one," Grandpa Lu said in a not-so-booming voice in order to prevent Long Jinjing from hearing him. "Very different from Xiulan my girl but both of them are excellent young ladies with great heads for business. You did well in making her your girlfriend, my boy!"

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