
Hikari no Kagi: Linked Fates

"Betrayed by my own family, I stand amidst the storm, determined to uncover the truth and fight for justice. With darkness lurking and a destiny unknown, I must harness the power within me to face my siblings and a father who seeks ultimate control. As the rain pours and the battle begins, the fate of Saigo District hangs in the balance. Will I give in to the darkness or rise above it, forging a path of light and redemption? This is the story of betrayal, power, mystery and the fight for a better world." This is not everything!

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2 Chs

Chapter 1: Ocean Outlet

<p>*Falling rain sounds with waves, wind with thunder*''NO!! Why did they do this to me! ''How did this happen?''I HAVE BEEN LIED TO ALL THIS TIME!?!! I said, while using my legs to float in the cold ocean. ''AAAAGHHHHH'' *intense screaming while crying*. ''I will never trust anyone again after this''. I said! But then...<br/><br/>-1 year before the incident-<br/><br/>Izon..... IZON.!! You need to go! ''Your dad is waiting for you outside'' my mom said. It was my first day as an 15 year old. ''So exciting'' I said while having an sarcastic expression. ''Come on now, go to your dad Izon, he is waiting'' my mother says while walking down stairs to the living room. ''Did you pack everything? Did you forget something? You look sick Izon.. Did you sleep??'' My mother says while grabbing my shoulders with her soft and caring hands. I gave her answers that she wanted to hear. ''Yes mom, I am done packing, I think so.... Hhhaa!!'' I said. I didn't say anything about If I have been sleeping well. *gets flashback about me sitting on the roof watching the stars* Hhhaa!! Well mom can I go now!!'' Of course Izon, give me a hug'' she said. I was trying to dodge the hug, because I haven't showered. She would kill me If she would smell me.... ''Mom I love you!! I'll see you next week'' I said while rushing through the hall way to the door.<br/>''Izon come on hurry,'' My father says with an aggressive tone. ''Yeah.. yeahh Im on my way. ''So dad? Where are we going?'' I asked while walking beside him ''You will see, Its not fun or something so don't be excited, this could be your last trip If you don't behave!!''. I just know dad is bringing me to the training area that is called '' Saigo District. Although it isn't actually a training area. Many people just use this place for practice.<br/>Since the day that my siblings ran away from home I get visions. The visions are random, but they are absolutely accurate. Yesterday, I had a haunting vision of being in Saigo District, surrounded by big dark clouds and an overwhelming presence that sent shivers down my spine. I also heard myself speaking to an older man. <br/>*Vision*<br/>"Oh my, what a delightful surprise..."..... "So, tell me, what is this extraordinary proposition that has brought you both back into my presence?...."Now, Izon, do not take this the wrong way,"....<br/><br/>But this time the vision wasn't clear to me. I could not place it. It almost felt like my vision was in control by someone else.... <br/>*Present*<br/>Saigo District is an area 4 hours away from home, the place is one of the most dangerous places on earth. You can find different type of things there, from deadly, poisoned plants to people who master their KakuHa skills. It's a town where people live that are poor. They fight for their food and belongings. ''Did you ever train there yourself dad?'' I said. ''How did he know where we going?'' My dad thinks. ''Yes, I already have trained there, I was your age the moment I went there for the first time'' he said.<br/>(KakuHa) Power system. Explanation later on.<br/>"Dad, I have a question" I asked with fear in my throat. "Do you know why Isho and Tsuyo..." and before I could continue my sentence he hit me In the face. I looked at him with a confused expression. "Do not mention those names!" He said. After that moment the whole trip to Saigo District was silent. While we were running to our destination, I was brainstorming why my sister and brother ran away from home. Is It because they were mad at mom and dad, or was It because of me. It's already 5 years from that day..<br/>*gets flashback about that day*.<br/>"Izon, wake up" I need to tell you something''Me and Tsuyoi are going away from home for now. my brother Isho said.''What..tt..tt do you mean??'' I can't explain now, but we will meet up with you soon'' He said while Tsuyoi Is rushing through the door towards me ''Where are you going'' I said with an anxious voice. ''Come find us when you are awake, okay. You are capable of doing that.'' ''Bu..t....'' BAM!! before I could continue my sentence my sister punched me in my face and I fell asleep again. ''Let's go Isho, before mom and dad will notice that we are going'' My sister said with a hasty voice while I was falling asleep.<br/>The last thing that I smelled before she hit me was fire! How come?....<br/>"Present time"<br/>While running, I feel a strange presence, almost like a lurking monster. It seems to be watching us from the shadows. The air grows heavy, and a sense of unease crawls up my spine. I glance at my father, but he appears unaware of the eerie atmosphere. I decide to keep my suspicions to myself for now.<br/>As we reach Saigo District, a rundown area with the sound of distant clashes, it is a similar place to the awful neighborhood I live in. The streets are crowded with hardened individuals, their lives marked by struggle. I try my best to blend in and not draw attention to ourselves.<br/>We arrive at a quiet place on the outskirts of the district, located within a giant forest, which serves as our temporary residence. As we settle in the woods, I can't help but wonder why my father has brought me here. What is the purpose of this trip? And why has he been so secretive about it?<br/>My dad says that I should go outside on my own and discover the area. "Dad, do you want to discover this place with me?" I say. "No, I need to do something at Kyo's temple. You make sure to find out what kind of place this is." He suddenly disappears into thin air. ''I will just go on my own then, I think. As I walk through the crowded streets of Saigo I felt weird, I felt overwhelmed. And then the sky suddenly darkens, and an eerie stillness settles upon the atmosphere. It feels as if the world itself holds its breath, something significant is going to happen. I glance around, my senses on high alert, trying to make sense of the sudden change. Is it the same thing as before...?<br/>I keep feeling this presence, It's almost like it's a magnetic force pulling at the depths of my soul. As I lay my eyes upon this huge light coming from the sky. And then...<br/>'ISHO.... TSUYOI....''<br/>A surge of shock courses through me, momentarily rendering me speechless. My mind races, questioning the reality in front of me. Could it truly be them? The very same siblings that left me behind. A mix of disbelief and curiosity floods through my brain, creating a sensation that leaves me excited. How is it possible that they stand here, displaying such power and presence?<br/>"Oh my, what a delightful surprise..." I finally said something, my voice filled with a bit of surprise and a wave of excitement. Their majestic forms, suspended in mid-air, radiate an aura that sends shivers down my spine. It's as if they have become otherworldly beings, possessing a newfound strength that is beyond my own power. Their piercing gazes lock onto mine, expressing a strange sense of familiarity mixed with an unsettling unknown. But even in the face of this unexpected turn of events, I remain determined to maintain my composure and not reveal my deep-seated concerns or suspicions.<br/>"Now, Izon, do not take this the wrong way," Isho remarks, his voice tinged with a blend of seriousness and hidden bitterness, while Tsuyoi stands beside him in silent solidarity. "We're not here to challenge your authority or prove ourselves superior. We have a proposition, a proposal that transcends our past and pushes us towards a shared future."As he speaks, a storm of thoughts swirl inside me. Things are getting more complicated, and it's becoming harder to understand their true intentions. This unexpected meeting carries a greater meaning, a surprising moment that requires my complete focus.<br/>"Well, I'm listening," I respond, my voice carrying a carefully calculated tone, masking the chaotic storm of emotions that surge within me. "So, tell me, what is this extraordinary proposition that has brought you both back into my presence? While I may appear calm on the surface, inside me burns an intense curiosity and unwavering resolve to unveil the concealed intentions beneath their actions. For in this unexpected twist, I sense both opportunity and danger, a strange moment that could reshape our destinies forever....<br/>As Isho and Tsuyoi reveal their plan, a wave of unease washes over me. I sense there's more to their proposal than just something small. It bothers me that I can't see what they are trying to do.<br/>"Izon, you possess a power unlike any other, a power that can dismantle the truth about this world system.'' Isho says. ''Your power is connected to ours, so use it to help us bring down everyone that stands in our way in this pathetic world. '' Tsuyoi says.<br/>My siblings, are known as the most dangerous killers in the world, searching the profit in my powers for their own dark matter. <br/>In this crucial moment, the weight of my principles presses upon me. I refuse to become a killer, supporting a corrupt system that forces children to become killers by the age of sixteen. Guided by my belief in justice and yearning for a better world, this will not be my destiny. <br/>As the rain poured extremely hard, I stood my ground, facing my brother and sister. Tension filled the air, their words dripping with filth. I could sense the wicked intentions from their very beings.<br/>"I find your proposal intriguing'' I say with excitement. ''But I can't ignore the darkness that lurks within your intentions. What exactly are you planning?" I say with a smirk on my face. Why does Tsuyoi say something like that? She wasn't like this before.<br/>Isho's face twisted into a sinister grin. "Oh, Izon, you have no idea the power we hold," he hissed. "Together, we could unleash devastation upon this district and later on the whole world, rewriting its very existence."<br/>My heart sank as I realized the depths of their darkness. They intend to become not only mass murderers, inflicting pain and suffering upon the innocent residents of Saigo District, but they also want to cause chaos in the world. The realization shook me to my core, and my mind raced to find a way to stop them.<br/>"You've lost yourselves," I say, my voice trembling with a mix of fear and disbelief. "I won't stand by and let you carry out such heinous acts. There must be another way, a path that doesn't involve senseless destruction. Why would you do such thing anyway?" I say with an unease expression. <br/>Tsuyoi's eyes gleamed with a twisted excitement. "You underestimate the power that comes with embracing the darkness," she taunted. "But if you won't join us willingly, we'll be more than happy to show you just how insignificant your resistance is."<br/>My heart races as their true intentions become clear. My siblings, consumed by their own lust for power and darkness, are willing to unleash chaos and destruction upon innocent lives. The weight of the world's fate seems to rest upon my shoulders in this moment. I can end it here and now if I want to. But if I'm being honest, this isn't my problem. I could just go with them. But they don't deserve my presence.<br/>I couldn't let them succeed in their twisted plans. I have to find a way to stop them, to protect the lives of the people in Saigo District and beyond. The realization that my own flesh and blood have become part of darkness both saddens and angers me.<br/>As the rain pours harsh upon us, lightning illuminating the darkened sky, I stand strong in my shoes. "I won't be swayed by your corrupted ambitions," I declare, my voice laced with confidence. "There must be another path, a way to bring about change without causing harm to innocent lives."<br/>I look at Tsuyoi, my sister, whose eyes sparkle with a disturbing thrill. "Embracing darkness won't lead to true power," I say, my voice filled with conviction. "There's strength in unity, in working together for a brighter future. I won't let you ruin that vision with bloodshed." Why should I help you guys with killing people... WHO DID NOTHING WRONG DAMNIT!!!? I scream with rage.<br/>Isho, my brother, sneers in response. "You've always been naive, Izon," he mocks. "But we'll show you the true nature of power. Prepare to witness the might of our combined strength."<br/>The rain becomes intens, the thunder resonating like a battle cry. As I face my brother and sister, their gazes filled with excitement, I steel myself for what is to come. It's time to unveil the full extent of my own unique powers, to harness the strength within me and stand against the forces of darkness.<br/>With each passing second, the tension grows, the air heavy with anticipation. The fate of Saigo District hangs in the balance as the battle between light and darkness, between the ideals I hold dear and the twisted desires of my siblings, is about to unfold.<br/>And so, under the pouring rain and amidst the electric atmosphere, I stand ready to face my siblings, to protect the innocent, and to prove that true power lies not in the embrace of darkness, but in the strength of light.<br/>"Enough!" I shout, my voice cutting through the pounding rain. "I won't stand idly by and watch you destroy everything in your path. There has to be another way, a way to bring about change without causing pain and suffering. I won't let you tarnish our family's name with your twisted ambitions." I say with a aggressive voice. <br/>Tsuyoi's eyes narrow, a flicker of surprise crossing her face. "You always were the idealistic one, Izon," she sneers. "But your naivety will be your downfall. We have the power to reshape this world, to mold it into our image."<br/>I shake my head, my determination hardening. "No, your power is tainted by darkness. It blinds you to the true strength that lies within unity, compassion, and justice. I won't let you turn our backs on those values."<br/>Isho's grin widens, his voice full with rage. "We'll see just how insignificant your resistance is," he taunts, raising his hand to summon a surge of dark energy.<br/>But as he does, a instant pump of blood steams from within me, a armor of mist pushing back against the approaching darkness. It pulses a power I've never felt before, a power that seems to link with me.<br/>The rain takes on an bright glow, reflecting the battle between light and darkness that is about to unfold. The people in Saigo District have gathered, drawn by the intensity of our confrontation. Their faces reveal only fear. Expect for a group of three. I noticed that the group was staring the whole time. I felt their presence before my siblings got here. <br/>With a surge of energy, I step forward, my voice echoing with determination. "I won't let your dark KakuHa win," I declare. <br/>As I clash with my siblings, the air crackles with raw power. Each strike carries the weight of our conflicting ideals, the struggle between light and darkness. And then.. <br/>''CHILDREN STOP!!'' <br/>My dad showed up through thin air. ''AaGGHHHH...G... DADDDD....'' I moan in pain. He slams me through a building. I dash with speed right back to the street my siblings were. And they were gone. Only my dad remains... <br/>As I struggle to stand, my body aching from the impact, I stare at my father in disbelief. His presence here, his sudden intervention, raises even more questions in my mind. The rain continues to pour, washing away the blood and tears that mix with the dirt on the street.<br/>"Dad... Why?" I manage to gasp, my voice filled with pain and confusion. "Why did you attack me? And where did Isho and Tsuyoi go?"<br/>He looks at me with cold eyes, his expression unreadable. "I did what I had to do, Izon," he says, his voice lacks any warmth or love. "Izon, you are the key to unlocking a power that will grant me ultimate control," he says, his voice dripping with coldness. "Our family's future lies in using your abilities for my own gain. I won't allow you to stand in the way of my plans."<br/>A sense of betrayal washes over me, mingling with the physical pain. My own father, the one I looked up to, has turned against me. The weight of his words sinks deep into my soul, shaking my resolve. But I refuse to let it break me.<br/>"You may have your plans, Dad," I say, my voice trembling with determination. ''But why would you choose those plans instead of your own child.'' I say with confusion. ''Izon, your not more than an accident.'' <br/>His face contorts with anger, his grip tightening around a concealed weapon. "You foolish child," he says. "You have no idea what you're up against. You think you can defy me? You think you can stand against your own blood?"<br/>I take a step back, fear and defiance warring within me. The battle between us, once focused on my siblings and their dark ambitions, has now turned into a fight for my own survival. The realization hits me hard, pushing me to my limits.<br/>"I may not have all the answers," I say, my voice filled with newfound strength. ''But for me it's clear what's important. It's being on my own. Fighting for my own. Grow on my own!'' I DO NOT NEED YOU ANYMORE! First my siblings ran away, without any explanation. Now my own dad is distancing from me without explanation! '' YOU KNOW WHAT! GO FIND YOURSELF AN ANOTHER MISTAKE.'' I scream with pain in my throat. <br/>With those words, I summon the power within me, a surge of energy that radiates from my core. I gather my resolve, ready to face my father, to protect myself and the ideals I hold dear.<br/>The rain continues to fall, washing away the pain and doubt. The people of Saigo District, witnessing this clash of wills, watch in awe and anticipation. The fate of not only my family but also the district hangs in the balance.<br/>And so, under the stormy sky, I prepare to face my father, knowing that this battle will determine the course of my destiny. With every fiber of my being, I vow to stay true to myself, to fight for what is right, and to uncover the truth hidden beneath the layers of lies. <br/>As the rain washes away the remaining tears, I raise my gaze, locking eyes with my father. The storm rages on, echoing the rage within us, as we start of a final showdown....<br/>*Vision*<br/><br/>''I will never trust anyone again after this''.</p>