
Heroic Gems

Choukanzu lives in a world where magical abilities hold immense power. When he hears the legend of four heroic gems that grant their wielder unimaginable power, he sets his sights on becoming the one to gather all of them. With his heart set on becoming a knight, Choukanzu sees this as the ultimate challenge to prove his worthiness. However, the task seems impossible and the journey to obtain these gems is full of danger and obstacles. Can Choukanzu overcome the odds and fulfill his destiny? Follow him on his quest for power and glory in this tale of magic and bravery.

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The Hero #7

The monster got closer and closer, Choukanzu didn't know what to do, he quickly realised that the monster was blind, Choukanzu stood still, he held his breath while the monster walked right beside him.

The monster was behind him at this point, Choukanzu had a chance to flee. Choukanzu wasn't sure if he should run, as this was the first time he was about to fight a real monster, although he knew he couldn't beat it.

Choukanzu took a small step, he looked behind and the monster didn't seem to notice, he took another one, then another one. He was scared to make the slightest sound.

Just as he was about to make his escape, everything came to a halt when he accidentally stepped on a leaf, the leaf made a crunching sound. The sudden sound caught Choukanzu's attention, and he couldn't help but have a quick glance at the monster.

The monster heard, the monster growled, Choukanzu was done for, at that brief moment Choukanzu made the run for it. The monster quickly started to chase Choukanzu.

Despite Choukanzu's agility, he didn't know if he could even out run the monster, as it looked and had the abilities of a wolf.

Choukanzu ran for his life, he couldn't beat the monster nor he could outrun it.

'If I don't win this battle, I'm dead.' Thought Choukanzu.

The monster was inches away from reaching Choukanzu. At that moment, all he thought about was beating Kazuko. If he died there, he would never become stronger than Kazuko ever.

The monster was about strike Choukanzu with its sharp claws, although, Choukanzu's dodging ability and sense of movement never fails him.

Choukanzu was able to dodge the attack, he quickly dashed to his left, narrowly avoiding the strike, after dodging it, he remained stationary, took a fighting stance, lit his hands on fire, and stuck the monster from behind.

The fire spread in the air all around, the monster didn't see that coming (as it was blind), and wasn't able to avoid it.

The monster seemed to be hurt, it growled, baring its teeth. It instantly turned as fast as possible and struck its claws, Choukanzu was able to dodge it again, dashing backwards.

The monster sprinted in Choukanzu's direction, firing multiple strikes with its claws, while Choukanzu dodged each and every one of them perfectly.

Despite his impressive dodging skills, Choukanzu was yet to train his stamina. One mistake could lead to his demise. The monster continued to strike with incredible speed, but Choukanzu remained focused.

One strike is all it was going to take for the monster to eliminate Choukanzu from face of the planet. The monster started striking even faster than before, their movements were unbeatable.

In a moment of opportunity, Choukanzu spotted an opening and landed a powerful punch to the monster's stomach, using all of his strength. His training over the past two weeks had paid off in this crucial moment.

The training in the past to weeks paid off, as the monster got knocked off its feet. Choukanzu felt as he was able to walk away victorious. But the monster was able to stand back up.

It was just as if nothing happened. It continuted to strike its claws.

The dodging continued, but this time Choukanzu was fueled not by fear, but by anger.. A sensation he had never experienced before in battle. His eyes blazed with an intensity that matched the energy emanating from the monster, and he felt it deep within his being. Nothing else mattered in that moment - not the sweat pouring down his face, nor the burning ache in his muscles.

Choukanzu found multiple open spots where he could strike, so he took every chance he had. As the dodging and striking continued, Choukanzu landed multiple punches on the monster, suddenly, the monster stopped.

Choukanzu was confused, why did it stop.

The monster growled as it was snarling, baring teeth. Choukanzu was speechless, he was terrified. Its muscles began to twitch and bulge with incredible power, undergoing rapid hypertrophy that made it even more terrifying to behold.

Choukanzu could feel the menacing power of this monster. The monster slashed its claws, the strike was so fast. Choukanzu was able to dash backwards before it made contact.

If the claws of the monster were to touch Choukanzu, he would start to bleed in an instant.

Choukanzu took a deep breath, both the monster and Choukanzu were standing still. The attack didn't seem to even touch Choukanzu.

Choukanzu took slowly took a fighting stance, he looked at his hand, slowly, he placed his hand on his forehead. It was warm, he slowly took his hand off.

When he looked at it again, it was full of blood. Despite the attack not even touching Choukanzu, he was bleeding. Was he late to dodge the attack? Is the monster using some kind of ability which Choukanzu wasn't aware of?

Choukanzu slowly backed off, the distance between the two was quite far.

Choukanzu aimed his hand towards the monster, he charged his fire attack towards him. Choukanzu was mad, the angriest he had even been, despite not showing any emotions but a straight face.

The monster sprinted towards him, Choukanzu placed all of his energy into this one attack, if he fails to stun the monster, the probablity of his fate is instant death.

The fire beam launched towards the monster, the monster had felt the attack coming towards it.

The fierce monster quickly raised its arms in a defensive blocking stance, bracing itself for the incoming attack, as the fire beam made contact, the monster seemed to get hurt but in the slightest.

The monster was caught off guard by Choukanzu's swift and audacious move. Completely focused on the task at hand, Choukanzu dashed forwards through his attack, as he drew upon the lessons learned from his previous battle with Kazuko, mirroring his move with lightning-fast reflexes that left the monster struggling to keep up. In that critical moment, Choukanzu channeled all his strength and willpower, determined to emerge victorious against all odds.

Choukanzu thrusted his fist towards the face of the monster. He used every bit of power he could use. The monster was sent flying backwards. The impact of the punch was evident on the face of the monster.

His training finally paid off.

The monster was laying on the ground for a few seconds, all hope lost when he got back on his feet.

The feeling the monster gave was even more menacing. A punch that strong should have ended that battle. Choukanzu was tired already, was he going to lose after all that?

Choukanzu took a fighting stance for what seemed to be the final time.

The monster charged at Choukanzu, the dodging continued. When Choukanzu threw his right fist towards the monster, blood splattered all around. Choukanzu let his guard down.

The monster claws had scratched Choukanzu's right arm, the scratch on his arm was so huge, Choukanzu dodged backwards.

At that moment, he realised, he wasn't going to be able to survive the battle. It was the end for him.

The monster kept charging at him, and Choukanzu kept dodging. Every time Choukanzu would go in for a punch, the monster countered his attack.

Choukanzu was full dripping blood from all around his body, his legs couldn't keep up. He placed every thing into one last attack, he thrusted his fist and was able to land it. The monster fell back down, and so did Choukanzu.

He wasn't able to stand anymore, he was losing blood really fast. "Life was great" He said, the monster stood back up and slowly walked towards Choukanzu.

All hope seemed lost, but in that moment, a hero Choukanzu needed arrived, "You aren't dead yet are you? Don't worry, I'll end this."

Choukanzu recognized this voice. Mister Penguin came walking from behind him, he stood next to him, even though Choukanzu was sitting on the ground, Mister Penguin was just as tall as Choukanzu. Mister Penguin smiled before walking towards the monster, "No wait! You'll die! Run-" the Penguin stopped Choukanzu from talking, "Don't worry, I can defeat him." The Penguin's expression changed from a smile to a smirk.

As he walked towards the monster, a blue light glared from all around him. It was some kind of aura, the light was so bright Choukanzu couldn't but block the light with his left hand.

As the light faded, Choukanzu witnessed a startling transformation. The adorable little penguin he had seen moments before became something altogether different - a creature of terror and awe. It possessed an impressive physique, with bulging muscles that spoke of immense strength. Yet, its lack of eyes lent it an unsettling quality, while its sharp teeth and long tongue conveyed a sense of danger.

The creature's all-black form blended seamlessly into the shadows, adding to its mystique and making it seem almost ethereal. Its claws were razor-sharp, glinting menacingly in the darkness. This was no mere monster; it was a shadowy figure of raw power and primal fear.

After that, Choukanzu seemed to lose consciousness.