A normal guy was randomly chosen to transmigrate to another world. He ended up in the world of Boku no Hero Academia with powers from the Warframe game for the amusement of powerful deities. -- Disclaimer: Everything from MHA, Warframe and other stuff I might use that are not mine belong to their respective owners.
Sounds of explosions, gunshots and other fx were coming out of the headphones I was wearing.
After a few seconds a female voice was heard.
???: Good job Tenno! Another successful mission.
Aster: Wow that was too easy! My thicc girl Hildryn is annoying to get but damn it was worth it!
I said excitedly as my warframe entered a spaceship. After the loading screen I started building a forma in the foundry and closed the game for the day.
Aster: That was a nice session! Now to check if the new episode of MHA came out.
As I stood up and stretched, my vision begun to darken.
Aster: What the-
Before I could even finish my sentence I lost consciousness.
When I opened my eyes I was greeted with the view of a clean room. In front of me was a desk and behind it a very expensive looking black armchair. Everything in this room was arranged like someone with extreme OCD is in charge of this...office? I guess.
"What the hell? Where am I and how did I get here?"
Suddenly a burst of light flashed in front of me making me close my eyes.
???: You seem calm enough. Good for you! Some people panic and throw a fit.
A strong but kind male voice was heard.
I opened my eyes and saw a middle-aged man with a nicely trimmed beard wearing a white suit.
Surprised and suppressing my "manly" reflex to scream I answered.
Aster: Well I calm down faster than most but there's something else.
???: And correct you are my boy! This place is built with a calming effect since that will help things proceed smoother.
"What is he talking about? Is the air mixed with something?"
???: Hahahaha of course not!
He let out a hearty laughter.
"He can read my mind?"
???: Yes but please wait. Hear me out first and then you can ask questions. First, this is not Earth. Second, no you didn't die of a heart attack or got hit by a truck. It's unbelievable how many people ask me this question.
He mumbled about something being unbelievable but I couldn't hear it.
???: Third, you were randomly selected to be transmigrated. And to make things more fun, it's going to be a place of not exactly your choosing but close. Since you came here from the game/anime lottery, the parameters of that transmigration will be your favourite game and anime.
"Is he being serious right now?"
???: I assure you that I am. Now where was I? Ah yes! So, to save time, we have already checked that your favourite anime is MHA and your favourite game is Warframe. You just have to choose to be transmigrated to A) The Warframe universe with powers from MHA or B) The MHA universe with Warframe powers?
I was at a loss for words but quickly calmed down.
"Man this calming effect is really nice"
Aster: Ok, first thing's first! Since I was selected from a lottery I won't ask the question of why me. Now please tell me, do I have a mission to complete or something or am I free to do whatever I want? Can I return back to my world? What will happen to my cat? Who will feed her?
I asked half worried half excited. I mean transmigration is cool right?
He gave me a kind of smile that a grandpa gives his eager grandson.
???: You don't exactly have a mission but the beings that make this whole thing possible will watch you for entertainment. But fear not, your privacy will (mostly) be respected. After some achievements you will be able to come back if you want to but you could also move to other worlds. And don't worry about your cat, she will be fine.
Aster: Um...alright, cool! So about the choice, I don't really like the sound of option A. The warframe universe is too dangerous with all the factions and the infestation. Not to mention the Stalker and the other hunters. Especially with how unreliable some quirks are. So that leaves me with option B.
???: Excellent choice young man! Is there anything else you would like ask?
Aster: You said there were other, right? Where did they end up?
???: There was a guy that liked Farmville and Attack on Titan. Weird combination but who am I to judge? There was even a girl that ended up in the world of goblin slayer.
Aster: I guess I'm lucky with my choices.
I scratch my head while thinking.
"I should ask about my powers and-"
???: Ah! Sorry I can't reveal anything else about your powers and where you'll go, that will spoil the surprise.
Aster: Stop reading my mind!!
I almost shouted.
???: Hahaha forgive me, force of habit.
I released a sigh.
Aster: Fine, I don't want to ask anything else...Let's just get this over with.
I said while feeling sleepy for some reason.
???: Oh it seems we're running out of time.
Right now I could barely keep my eyes open.
???: Before I forget, my name is Janus and I will also be watching you. Good luck in your new world young man!
That was the last thing I heard before passing out again.