
Hero that everything sees

Hiro , un joven sin ningún talento especial, un día de la nada, muere y en el proceso, es invocado a otro mundo. Con el deber específico de proteger este mundo, de una amenaza Inminente que despierta cada mil años, con la capacidad de destruir todo lo visto y conocido por los habitantes de este mundo. Con la ayuda de sus compañeros, deberá adentrarse en lugares peligrosos, Como mazmorras, laberintos y enfrentarse a criaturas que nunca imaginó que existían. Con el fin de fortalecerse, para proteger a sus amigos y seres queridos siguiendo las enseñanzas de los dioses de este nuevo mundo, al que puede llamar su nuevo Hogar. ¿Será capaz el joven Hiro quien se vio obligado a participar en este conflicto capaz de erradicar el peligro que acecha en el mundo , y vivir en paz con sus seres queridos?

JSchanchez · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs



Hiro, a young man with no special talent, one day out of the blue, dies and in the process, is summoned to another world.

With the specific duty of protecting this world, from an Imminent threat that awakens every thousand years, with the ability to destroy everything seen and known by the inhabitants of this world.

With the help of his companions, he must enter dangerous places, such as dungeons, mazes and face creatures he never imagined existed.

In order to strengthen himself, to protect his friends and loved ones by following the teachings of the gods of this new world, which he can call his new Home.

Will the young Hiro who was forced to participate in this conflict be able to eradicate the danger that lurks in the world, and live in peace with his loved ones?


I was preparing to go to high school like every day, honestly it's too boring, the only thing that motivates me to continue is that this is my last year, although I'm worried about what I'm going to do from here on... I'm not going to give it more importance for today

-Bye son, be careful-

My mother says goodbye to me like every day

-She's fine mom, I'm a little late today, but don't worry about me-

I answer him, and head to the school.

On the way, I meet my best friend Kirito, a young man, cheerful and with an appearance that steals the eyes of all the girls.

-Hey Hiro, tell me, are you going to declare to Sakura-

Sakura is an exemplary girl of average height, with a great character and is kind.

She, like she always, is insistent with that

-Hey Kirito, are you crazy, it's obvious that I'm not going to do it, I have pride to defend, even if it's our last year-

I answer him, and we continue our journey.

After a few minutes, we arrived at the school and classes began.

The teacher gives us some instructions to do a job and approaches me... my only love since I started school.

-Hi Hiro, do you mind if we make a group this time?-

Sakura asks me casually, which leaves me baffled after all. I never dare to talk to her, yet I muster as much courage as I can to answer vaguely.

-ha… hello, how are you Sakura? Of course I'd like to work with you-

She smiled and my heart threatened to pound out of my chest, which worried me, after all I didn't want her to think I was weird.

-Tell me Hiro, do you like someone?-

She suddenly asks me, which caused me to choke on a piece of gum she had in my mouth.

-HEEEEE!!! Sakura why, you ask me that all of a sudden…? I mean it's very sudden

-Oh... sorry, Hiro didn't want to bother you-

Sakura answers kindly.

"This is very dangerous, my heart wants to get out, oh God, give me strength, let this time end quickly"

I say, in my mind as I try to hide a smile even though it comes out very forced.

- Hey Hiro, what do you think if we go for a walk after class? - My best friend Kirito proposes, the only thing I can think of is

"Thank you Kirito, you saved me, although I can swear that was not your intention, thank you anyway"

-Of course, I had nothing to do, and I wanted to go out today- I answer quickly

-Excuse me guys, could we join you with Naomi?-

Sakura said, Naomi is a girl from another class, you could say that she is as popular as Sakura, only she is more serious and she takes everything she does very seriously.

-Of course, what if I would love for you to join us -

Kirito answers, although to be honest I don't really agree with him, but he's fine.

"Of course I am Sakura, you and Naomi are very close right?" Sadly, I had to accept that they accompany us.

Although, I don't quite agree with the idea.

"So, do you arrange a way out without asking me, hey Sakura?" Naomi suddenly appeared pronouncing those words.

-What's the problem Naomi, it will only be Hiro, Kirito, you, and me-

Sakura kindly answers.

In the course of that conversation, the bell rings to change the class time.

-Okay guys, girls, we'll finish in the next class-

Says our teacher as he says goodbye.

-Okay guys, then I'll see you at the exit, I have things to do-

I say, as I leave the classroom

On the way to the roof, I stopped for a moment to reflect on whether it's a good idea to confess to Sakura. Maybe it's best not to, I decided and proceeded to lie down for a while.

It took a while until I received a Call from Kirito.

-*trin trin*…What if it happens Kirito, why are you calling me all of a sudden?-

Just when he was about to fall asleep

-Where are you, Hiro? There are three beautiful girls who are looking for you. It seems that a rumor has spread. Have you had any relationship with them...? -

-What do you mean Kirito? , Hey!..., I don't know who you're talking about-

-I mean if you have something with them?-

-No, that's just a false rumor, we'll talk later bye-

I hung up without notifying or extending the conversation more, to a what

Suddenly, some strange lights began to swirl in front of me, strange signs formed, whereupon I ran as fast as I could.

I ran all over the school, and out of it to the main street of the city, but without even noticing I ended up under a car.

-Oh… Truck-Kun I see so my ending will be so cliché… hell… this hurts, ah… I'm losing my consciousness, I hear some voices but they're a little blurry….-

-Someone, call an ambulance is going to die! –

Someone passing by yelled, however at this point my consciousness cut off-


Awake, lying in a bed, but it doesn't seem to be a hospital

– umm this is… new, what happened to me…

I sigh a little disoriented

-The last thing I remember is being run over...-

Almost immediately, some people enter the room.

-Welcome young man, allow me to introduce myself, I am Julius VI, the king of this Kingdom, my daughter Liz is with me, and the prime minister poncho -

The so-called king had an imposing appearance in a large golden robe and wore a crown on his head, while the minister was someone who appeared to be a warrior, the appearance of him told me that.

all i can say is

What the hell is going on here?

-Calm down, please, "hero" just woke up and was sleeping for two weeks -

Says the princess next to the King

She clearly highlighted that he was someone attentive and hardworking, at times his ambitions were highlighted, even so he seemed very reliable

-I understand... but explain to me what happened -

I ask hesitantly.

-First of all, let us check the state of his body-

Says the minister.

-Sure, I would appreciate it-

It's the only thing I can say about his intentions.

I try to get out of bed, but intense pain runs through my body, I was surprised, I put my feet on the ground and when I looked up in front of me, all my senses flew

-What the hell is happening here?! What has happened to my body?

It is the only thing I can say, after seeing a pair of horns protruding from my forehead so small that I could hide them with my hair, amethyst eyes that were never there, a tail and a pair of wings that I definitely did not have. before, on the other hand I can say that I have the body that I always dreamed of

I said in my mind, but it's time to come back to reality.

- Hero, are you alright?

Said the minister previously introduced as Poncho.

-Ah… yes, thanks, my new appearance took me by surprise-

I said jokingly.

-I'm glad you take it so well-

said the king

-First of all, I'll explain what happened to him, but first join us-

I got up and continued, but before that I asked a question, which should be obvious by now.

-Excuse me, am I in a different world than the one I was born in? Correct?... And another thing, I imagine, that this is another world where magic exists –

-Of course, everything you say is correct -

Liz replied.

-By the way, there is another thing that bothers me, what did you mean a moment ago with "Hero"-

I asked slightly excited.

-We will explain that later, first follow us-

To which I thought to myself "This is the dream of every young man, another world, besides a very beautiful girl, calls me a hero, although I hope they don't fool me like the protagonist, from a certain anime who carried a shield, haaa … What memories of when I watched anime, I will miss it."

I proceeded to follow them, through a corridor full of marble, a bit old-fashioned although I liked it, after a prolonged uncomfortable silence, we arrived at a beautiful room decorated with vases, which contained flowers that I had never seen in my life, the same thing happened with a map that was there, a few other paintings that left me entranced with their enormous beauty.

The king went up to the second floor and began to speak

-Allow me to introduce myself again, "Heroes" chosen by our guardian gods, my name is Julius VI King of Venetinova, the kingdom to which you were summoned, from your original world, if you wish to ask any question, and I know the answer to said question. , I will answer with the greatest sincerity that I can express towards you-

The king kindly said to which, a boy with the appearance of a bully- said why our bodies have changed so much?-Although, from what I can see from his external characteristics, he seems to be from a race of bears, I quickly analyzed .

The king replied, with a soft tone but that showed why he is a king - that is because, coming from another world, their appearances change to adapt to those of this world, in some cases, such as the hero who is next to them. to my daughter Liz, who became an amethyst demon, it happened because she died before the ritual was completed and only her soul came, she is here thanks to which the gods rebuilt her body – said the king to which I thanked.

"Now that I think about it, it is true that I died trying to escape from those extra"Nas lights"" I said analyzing my situation.

Another supposed hero, with a human aspect, asked - sorry King Julius, what are we supposed to do, or rather, why have we been summoned to this world -.

- Of course I will explain it, it happens that every thousand years, the king mavestia reincarnates to fill the world with blood and terror, but three hundred years before that event, his vassals awaken with the aim of conquering the world for their lord, he said hello which one too Thank you, it is valuable information.

Another responded, saying - that means, that our life expectancy is very long and that you want us to take care of those supposed vassals of the mavestia king, or am I wrong? - he said a bit rude at the end, although the king did not lend him attention to his attitude and continue.

-If it is as you say, in each of the Kingdoms of this world, heroes like you were summoned, although the number differs from the size of said Kingdom, in our case there are twenty-five of you -he said, observing us closely -for today you will rest, and you can ask all you want, but starting tomorrow, your training will begin get ready –

To which another asked, in a rude way - and what happens if we don't want to train? –

The king only answered - it's simple, they will be expelled from the castle and they will not receive the blessing, from the gods or curses in some cases, do not worry, if you receive a curse, since the curse only has the name -

- By the way, it is better that you form groups, you will decide how many you want to form them- said the kind and very pretty Liz.

With nothing else to do, I decided to approach a boy, with a dragonic appearance ""he asked me, who and what will be the race of that boy"" - Hello, does it bother you if we make a group, my name is Hiro - I introduced myself, the most kind that I could

He replied, in the same way - of course, you are the amethyst demon, who mentioned his majesty, that's not true, and my name is Goro, a pleasure-

- Hehehe, if it's me, it's also a pleasure Goro, I hope to work with Tigo- he emphasized that he was confused with the situation, even so, it is also noticeable that he can be trusted and that he is hard-working although a little confused.

- A moment later, I observed a group of three girls, very pretty although they are together is the least of it, what surprised me was that these girls have the appearance of the girl that a young modern manga reader wants to see.

The group of girls suddenly approached us- Hello, my pleasure, I'm Ichigo – a young woman with an analytical and confident appearance.

said the first, and the introductions continued

– I am icuno- A young woman who exuded confidence and proved to be a bit extroverted

said another, and the last of all -I'm k-kokoro it's a pleasure- she, for her part, seemed very introverted and also the smallest of the group.

- Hi, I'm Goro, and this is Hiro, a pleasure – Goro proceeded to introduce us.

"Would it bother them if the three of us joined their group" Ichigo asked.

"Of course not, in fact it would be excellent," I told them with a smile.

"Well, then it's decided, you already looked at his statistics, and what is his hero title" asked Icuno.

- I don't know, what do you mean by title of hero – Goro said surprised.

-V- the heroes will see, we are divided by classes for example, I am the heroine of the twin blades, and my abilities revolve around that name- I explain, surprisingly well since I understood every last word that Kokoro uttered.

- I already understood, no I haven't gone yet, after all I woke up very recently- I answered sincerely - and you Ichigo what title did they give you, and you too, I asked excitedly - besides Goro, you already know your title?

- no, I also woke up recently.

- My title, is a great squire – Icuno said, and Ichigo immediately responded – and mine is a great elemental mage- ""Umm from what I can see, they are a well complemented group"" I said taking an internal note.

- Well, then let's go, we'll guide you, I want to know what the power of my allies is.

And so, we went to the statistics room, or something like that they call it.

"Well, I'll explain how it works, first try to feel a flow of internal energy, and try to make it flow into your hand, like this" Ichigo explained to us, the best he could, but with this I'm sure that teaching is not his strong .

- something like that- said Goro - yes exactly - icuno congratulated him.

Not having anything else to do, I tried it too, and it's not as easy as it seems, but I did it.

"Well, once you've done this, let that energy flow on this stone tombstone" Ichigo said again.

"Okay, I'll go first," Goro said.

Then, his stats and his title ""armor master"" appeared.

-Wow, that's interesting Goro, well it's my turn- I said and proceeded to place my hand.

Instantly, my title "Lord of Divine Eyes and Great Apprentice" appeared.

Does anyone know what he means by that title sostrange? Also my stats are very low like life: 200 strength: 450 mana: 10000 well at least that evens things out a bit and intelligence: infinite.

- What strange statistics you have there, what do you think if we try them, in the training camp- Kokoro proposed.

- well then I'll try to use my visual skills - I said and then pronounced - VISUAL ACTIVATION- suddenly my eyes changed first a total white, then red with an horn, so it continued until changing to three horns, then changed from one strange figure to another and finally various purple tones like rainbows.

- Hey, what was that- Goro said surprised, to which I replied – this is what I can use for now, there are still more eyes to unlock, or so my ability to appreciate says – I told them.

"That's interesting, Kokoro fights against Hiro" Icuno said.

"Yes, please, Kokoro, I want to test these eyes," I said pleadingly.

-Okay - Kokoro said and proceeded to summon some pretty knives - Well let's start he said.

- Okay, VISUAL ACTIVATION AGREED – I said, and my eyes changed again.

Kokoro, moved away from me and prepared to attack "this is strange, I can follow all his movements and also, his mana flow this reminds me of a certain anime so I will use the same name for my eyes, or at least some of them." them" I mentally decided.

- Okay, I'll try to copy your skills then - I said which surprised everyone.

Kokoro quickly approached, making use of a speed up ability.

Quickly, I imitated his mana flow and countered it, and gathered my mana, in my fist, and before landing the blow, Ichigo stopped us and ended the practice.

"What the hell was that Hiro, you imitated Kokoro's ability" she told me surprised.

"I imitated his mana flow, using my eyes" I said worriedly.

- Well it doesn't matter, that means you can imitate the attacks of others and make them yours, that will be useful for now, let's go to the dining room, it's time for dinner - Icuno said.

After eating, we all retired to our avitations. .

"Okay now that I'm alone, I'll check my stats,


Eyes that see everything and copy everything


instant acceleration

Ok, that last one is the one used by kokoro, I see that this will be very useful in the future, I have also leveled up ""

Once this was done, I decided to be the strongest of all, and to conquer Ichigo and Kokoro.

