
Chapter 19: A dream

Ayla held her stomach and breathed heavily. It was feeling painful from all the retching. The housekeeper returned and looked at her worriedly. 

"Miss, shall I help you back inside?" She asked while looking at Ayla sympathetically. 

"No. Is there a mat or something I can lie on out here?" Ayla thought for a while before she asked. She was feeling hot all over and needed fresh air. She knew she wouldn't be able to sleep, considering the pain she was undergoing, that's why she decided to relax outside. She was confused as to why she was vomiting when she had not taken anything she didn't like earlier. 

She watched as the housekeeper placed the woollen mat on the lush green grass under a tree curiously.

"All done." The housekeeper looked at Ayla and said with a smile.

"Thank you. " Ayla said before she sat on the mat carefully. She didn't want to aggravate the wounds again.

"Mm. I'll go now. If you need anything, just ask me, okay?" The housekeeper smiled gently at her and said.

"Okay." Ayla said and lay down. She instantly hissed in pain. Her face turned ghastly pale the next moment.

"Miss, are you really okay?" The housekeeper who was about to head to the house was shocked the moment she heard her gasp. She couldn't help but turn back to take a look.

"Yes, I am, don't worry, it's just a terrible feeling after I vomited earlier." Ayla looked at the housekeeper and smiled at the housekeeper in a reassuring manner.

"Then, do you need to drink something?" The housekeeper asked again. Maybe that could help her clean her stomach?

"No, I'll just rest for now." Ayla shook her head at her and lay on the fluffy mat they had prepared for her. 

After making sure that she really was okay, the housekeeper left and went to continue with chores in the house.

Watching her as she worried for her, Ayla finally felt a trace of warmth. It had been a long time since she felt that way. Ever since her mother died, she only had herself. She even had a feeling that she would never find any warmth in this world anymore. However, what was with the events that have been manifesting themselves in her life the past few days? Were the stars about to line in her favour this time? She hoped that was the case. However, she put her expectations at zero. She had always been disappointed ,after all.

After watching the housekeeper leave, Ayla carefully lay on the mat on her stomach. At least, the wounds on her front didn't hurt as much as the ones on her back did. She watched as the trees swayed in the wind as though they were dancing to a symphony and smiled. It had been so long since she felt so relaxed. She allowed herself to relish in such a rare moment. She didn't know when she would have such a moment again.

Ayla had just planned to relax. However, she didn't even know when she slept off. She had a dream. In her dream, she was being bullied by some people. She was wallowing in pain and desperation. She was sure she was going to die that day as the torments were too much for her to handle on that particular day. She was happy somewhere in her heart. At least she would be away from the sufferings she had been undergoing in this world, right? Moreover, she would finally meet her mom and feel the warmth she had been craving, right? However, just as she was plunging deeper into the darkness, she saw her hand being gripped by a huge one. It was as though the person didn't want her to leave. Who was it? Curious, Ayla turned to look and was shocked to find a tall man with a perfect physique gripping her hand firmly. His face was blurred, so she couldn't see his face clearly even though she was curious to know. Who was the man? And why did he not want her to leave? 

As she was still contemplating, a flower from the tree she was sleeping under fell on her, which startled her awake. She looked around and frowned a bit. She had heard someone tap on her. Who was it? As she sat up, a flower fell from her right shoulder and landed right beside her. She instantly understood what had happened it turned out that she had been woken up by a flower? Her lips twitched at that discovery. Was she that sensitive nowadays?

In the house, the house cell phone rang, and the housekeeper went to pick it up.

"Hello, sir." She greeted respectfully. 

"Mm. How's she?" Hayden didn't beat around the Bush. There was only one person who would make him worried. That person was Ayla now that she was under his wing and protection. As a guardian, he had to make sure he was doing his job right. 

"She's fine, sir." The housekeeper paused to think before she answered. She was conflicted. Should she tell him that Ayla was feeling sick in the stomach because of how she vomited earlier? She decided against it. After all, Ayla had adamantly told her that she was fine.

"What's she doing now?" Hayden tapped on the table in his office on campus and asked. If it wasn't for the fact that there was one more lesson left for him to teach, he would have left the school premises already. He only wanted to take care of Ayla, so until she got better. 

"She's resting in the shade outside." The housekeeper craned her neck to look at the situation outside before reporting back. 

"Okay. Make sure she has her meals and meds on time." Hayden instructed and hung up before picking up his teaching materials and heading to class.

The housekeeper also placed the phone aside and went to serve Ayla her meal. She had seen her sitting on the mat, and she figured it would be better if she had the food outside. She didn't want her to struggle once again while walking back to the house. The process was very painful, after all.

"Miss, I brought you lunch and the medicine. " The housekeeper approached Ayla with a tray of food and said with a smile.

As if on cue, Ayla's stomach grumbled, which made her wish she could dig a hole and hide herself in it. 

"Just on time, huh?" The housekeeper teased. Damn, why was this girl so cute? She made people want to love and pamper just with her timid experience. 

"Alright, here, have it before it gets cold." Mrs. Anne stopped teasing her and helped her serve food. She only left after seeing Ayla begin eating. 

Ayla didn't understand why her stomach would decide to embarrass her at such a critical time. She had been used to staying hungry. Why would her stomach begin protesting now that she was at someone else's place. 

However, Ayla couldn't lie. She was at least happy. Away from her bullies and work. Speaking of work, how was she going to explain herself to the HR manager? Were they even going to listen to her explanation? After all, she was sure she had already left a bad impression by being absent on the first day she was supposed to report to work. 

Anyway, she would cross that bridge when the time came. 

She decided to enjoy herself while it lasted. After all, it was a rare occurrence. She had to grab onto the only opportunity. She was still mulling over that when her phone rang, instantly jolting her out of her thoughts.

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