

Nu'ayma, a young woman deeply in love, finds herself caught between her heart and her father's strict demands. When her father plans to send her to a distant boarding school to prevent her from communicating with her lover, Nu'ayma's determination to be with the man she loves leads her to defy her family. Running away from home, Nu'ayma embarks on a series of thrilling adventures. She forms new friendships, and discovers hidden strengths within herself. Her experiences during her time away from home shape her character and deepen her resolve to pursue her love. Returning home after two years, Nu'ayma finds her father forcing her into an arranged marriage and he was more persistent than ever. Determined to claim her destiny, she and her mother hatch a daring plan to rewrite the unwritten chapter of her life. Together, they embark on a quest for love, freedom, and the courage to defy her father's wish.

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dear auntie

And my aunt will always be a drama queen for life, poor husband he's trying honestly. after the conversation he followed her to the kitchen and I could still here them. and my aunt broke the silence

like uncle like nephew!

let the lady speak for herself mí señora!

And I refuse, big time!

I'd call both of them out and ask them if they like each other

don't you dare!

Nu'ayma come check my nephew out.

before I could say a word, my dear auntie, came with a rush and took me off, saying she brought some exciting, stunning outfits for me from the boutique, she gave her husband some stare, what a drama queen and a witch in disguise.


Buenos Dias mí señora!

morning Maria

dormiste Bien?

y.e.a.h I did, how bout you?

mhmm I did too

and she smiled at me

El desayuno esta listo!

no es muy temprano?

mi Madame says breakfast by 7, no lateness

and I checked my time it's already 7am..

she dislikes coming late to the table, I better hurry up and save myself some scolding. I guess I have to postpone my shower and take breakfast first.

I got to the table say good morning one after the other, I was about greeting my boyfriend but my aunt cut me off saying,"you don't have to greet my husband's nephew," phew! anyways I turned to my cousins the twins weren't looking so good.

por que ustedes dos se ven tan, palidos y descontentos esta mañana?

the twins are always like that in the morning, the queen wakes them up too early every day.

so mi señora durmio usted bien anoche?

before I could respond to my uncle's question my dear auntie answered abruptly.

if she didn't sleep well, will you see her looking so beautiful and active this morning? unlike your nephew.

oh auntie, c'mon! I slept well though I'm a little tired and exhausted due to jet lag. gracias uncle!

all this while my prince charming just fixed his gaze upon me, looking into his eyes I can tell he has a lot of words to say, including complimenting his woman for looking so beautiful in the morning, but my aunt is here so, I think we'd pass.

Que hubo senór!

sorry I don't understand Spanish

and before I could say something else my aunt came in again, like can't I talk to my boyfriend in peace?

how will you understand Spanish when you're not smart, she was here seven years ago and still hasn't forgotten how to speak Spanish.

Don't be mean, this is his first time here and had barely spend two months so it's normal, if my nephew still hasn't understand the language, some people was here for five years before they could say a word in Spanish.

and this time my aunt bang the table scaring her kids, I won't take this from you honey!

But aunt he's intelligent, brilliant, smart and hardworking!

Nu'ayma Nabeel! how did you know? you just met him yesterday.

well it's written all over him!

when did you became a psychologist?

maybe I'm just gifted in seeing traits and potentials in people. and just like that there was silence in the air, finally one can eat breakfast in peace.


Dec 26


Dear diary

My prince charming is right in front of me but I can't hold him, laugh with him, talk to him or even smile at him, there's so much to talk about. love is in the air but I can't feel it, can't stop blinking my eyes whenever I look into his, I wonder when we will have an opportunity to catch up, I miss him so much even when he's right beside me, I know he feels same too.


Dear niece, I'm off to my boutique, would you want to tag along? I promise you, I've made lots of upgrades, you would love it there.

I'm sorry dear auntie, as much as I wanna come along, I have to rest cause of this jet lag trying to sink everything in.

anyways take this advice from me, don't give him any attention, be the classy girl we are known to be! I know what my husband is planning alright?

yes Madame? and then she turned and looked at me and said I'm sounding like her housekeeper. did I just got advised not to talk to my boyfriend? wow

and she asked me to keep an eye on her kids, then I reminded her of their outing with their dad and she stopped in her track.

does that mean, it will be just you and him?

of course not! Maria is around too

it's her day off niece! just come with me!

just the moment I've been praying for, I convinced her I'd be in my room all day with the door locked and she made me swore, I'll be in my room all day just as I mentioned

I just have to play along and finally she left, what a relief we'd have at least six hours for ourselves before the family gets back.

and I couldn't find Musa anywhere, where could he be now that we're supposed to be having our moments together it's now or never, who knows if such opportunity will arise again. just as I was lost in my thoughts I felt someone's touch on my waist, I got startled but then I perceived his fragrance and I turned around and gave my most charming smile.

let's get out of here!

to where? what are you up to me love?

it's a surprise, just follow my lead baby!

and he whistled to hail a taxi, all I did was watch him closely and feel delighted

a donde vas a ir?

princess what is he saying?

he's asking us 'where are you going"

Oh, tell him it's Jardin botanico


cu anto tiempo lleva a Jardin botanico?

not up to an hour señora

and my prince charming was puzzled and asked what I asked him, told him I asked how long the drive would be so we'd able to beat time and get back home before the others do.

it was a nice and comfortable drive and finally we got to our destination it was a beautiful, peaceful and quite garden filled with nature's most beautiful flowers and plants.

Bien venido a Jardin botanico!

my love what are they saying although they are smiling at us

"welcome to botanical garden!"

Gracias! two thousand six hundred cop for two tickets

we entered the garden and it was amazing, how did he know what I'd love. and besides I didn't remember telling him about my love for nature.

hey stop thinking and let's explore that's why we're here baby!

and it's such a beautiful feeling, being In a beautiful place, sharing beautiful moments with my prince charming, I love how he looks at me, how he smiles, and the energy of taking lots of pictures to save the moment. I love everything about him, he's so perfect!

and he left me to go get some refreshments for us.

he was gone for awhile and when he came back, he was asking me for the meaning of some words a lady said to him "Que es un horizote hermoso"

it means "what a beautiful horizon!"

and he was awe about how good I understand Spanish even though it has been quite long I left here but then I've been practicing with some app as I have interest in the language and we had so much fun until I checked the time and found out we have to make it in an hour or we'd be bursted and that was how our fun day ended.