

Nu'ayma, a young woman deeply in love, finds herself caught between her heart and her father's strict demands. When her father plans to send her to a distant boarding school to prevent her from communicating with her lover, Nu'ayma's determination to be with the man she loves leads her to defy her family. Running away from home, Nu'ayma embarks on a series of thrilling adventures. She forms new friendships, and discovers hidden strengths within herself. Her experiences during her time away from home shape her character and deepen her resolve to pursue her love. Returning home after two years, Nu'ayma finds her father forcing her into an arranged marriage and he was more persistent than ever. Determined to claim her destiny, she and her mother hatch a daring plan to rewrite the unwritten chapter of her life. Together, they embark on a quest for love, freedom, and the courage to defy her father's wish.

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Bad news 2


Mubashir's pov

I got to the school, and I did some questioning with the students and teachers and I went to the lodge everyone kept pointing at, I met someone there and I showed her my sister's photo and she recognized her, she told me, she lived there for eight months, wow, just wow and all this while we didn't know, how would we when we didn't made an attempt to find her?m unfortunately for us she wasn't there anymore, and I was told the lady she was staying with, had died almost a month ago and my sister was spotted at the funeral in Ibadan. Sis don't go too far, I'll find you soon.


Annie's pov

and after her brother left we went to the principal along with our form teacher and the others, narrated our ordeal with him. he couldn't believe his ears, like how did she planned it all? her fees was received in her mom's name and someone represented her mom in the parent teacher's meeting and the principal was shocked I had lived in the corper's lodge all this while, he asked our form teacher to make an announcement that henceforth students have been banned from going there without the knowledge of the school management.

and Nu'ayma is no where to be found. will the school be held responsible or her parents?

possibly, both may feel guilty.

oh Nu'ayma, where are you?


mom's pov

another dead end? what will I do without her? my eldest son has promised to stay back until his sister is found, he sent his family back to London, so his wife would manage his business over there.

and Yaqub keeps blaming himself everyday that goes by, if only he had think first before acting, his selfishness wouldn't have taken the best of him, he failed being a friend and a brother to both of them. he was in deep regrets, he keeps apologizing to me saying he wish he could take time back.

Mom I failed my sister whom I should have protected, I failed a friend who love me like a brother, I'm bad person mom!

don't cry son! we all make mistakes in our life.

days has passed still nothing, everyone's thinking of one way or the other to bring her back home, for the first time her absence was felt in the house, sadness in the air.

I hope you come back soon, we are sorry for the pain we have caused you, we are sorry for not trying to understand your feelings! please my princess come back home!


Dad's pov

what kind of a father am I? how can I make this right? would my family ever forgive me if anything happens to my only daughter?

what was I thinking? I was more worried about what others would say than my daughter's safety and happiness. I prioritize my reputation than my own daughter how do I rectify my mistake?


Auntie's pov

I can't believe my niece went missing for almost a year and nobody told me anything, it's my husband's fault if he hadn't invited his nephew home, this wouldn't have happened.

it's all your fault!

how? according to her mom, the reason she came here in the first place was because he was here, instead of her going to London.

it's also Maria's fault if she had done her job well none of this would have happened!


Nu'ayma's pov

I really wish they have forgotten about me already and move on like I never existed, and they should be happy I left. I'm happy here, I don't feel lonely anymore I don't feel alone, I've made so much friends and have visited so many exciting places, have nice hangouts. everything is going smoothly and peaceful. I love it here my life is simple, lovely and comfortable.


musa's pov

I can't believe my dad set me up for an arranged marriage who does that in this age and time without a mutual understanding, how do I convince him that girl is not even close to what I want in a woman and how do I make him understand I only love one woman, my heart still beats for, please Nu'ayma come home soon.

I can't be forced into marriage not in this age, never..


two days left for the wedding, preparations everywhere.

and we the ladies attend the traditional henna ceremony and for the first time in my life I had some henna applied to my hands and feet. it looked so perfect and pretty, and when my dress was brought, I got so emotional, it was so beautiful and feels like it's my wedding.

My very first time witnessing a northern traditional wedding ceremony, it's so coooool.

a cow would be slaughtered, special delightful, sumptuous aromatic meals wasn't left out.

I think I should be a tourist some day to explore beautiful culture and local dishes.

hey Bad! what do you think about my henna?

whoa! Nu'ayma this is the prettiest I have seen in five years!

you are just trying to make me feel good!

I'm serious, my lady, can you give me the honor to place a beautiful kiss on your hand?

go away! you are crazy!

and with that I laughed and continued what I was doing.


Musa's pov

I am now working for my friend at his family's company, I didn't want to work for my family anymore, especially my experience in Dubai when Dad sent me there, I wanted to be a fully independent man, dad doesn't love the idea but I don't care, once I earn enough, I would move out of his house and have mine.

and now he's trying to set me up for a date, I wish something might just come up so I can have an excuse not to go on that date.

was still lost in my thoughts, when the phone rang and my boss wants to see me.


I was clear, when it's just you and I , don't call me boss, you are my friend man!

but I don't see anything wrong with it.

do you want to get fired?

of course not!

then do as I say, anyways I called you here to ask if you would be free this weekend.

I am totally free and this is just what I needed to escape a date , dad has set up.

are you sure you want to miss your date?

most certainly!

it's my brother's wedding on Saturday, I wanted you to accompany me to Kano for the wedding.

I am definitely coming with you.

I would book our flight and yes your accommodation and miscellaneous would be covered by me, you're my guest.

why do I have a feeling that there is something or someone calling me, something I have been yearning for but i can't get my head on it.

I called my dad telling him I have a business meeting to attend and the date should be shifted to another day, lucky for me he didn't argue. I just hope they all change their mind. I only want one woman and that's Nu'ayma Nabeel!