
Chapter 1


The breeze of the air here in Switzerland is touching my skin while I'm looking at the beautiful sea with beautiful trees on its side, having a vacation here in Switzerland is on my list, and I'm happy that I'm finally here. The Blue sky is so refreshing, the people here are so kind, and it looks like no problem can take their smile on their lips.

I was happy looking at the beautiful place when I suddenly heard the beautiful music that touched my soul and heart. The music gives warmth, and it provides calm in my heart. I started to search where the sounds came from; I left where I stood and began following the sounds of the beautiful music I was hearing.

When the music I was hearing was so near to me, I found it too crowded a place. I frowned my forehead in my curiosity why there are so many people gathering in one place, and they like they're watching something that they are happy watching it. I walked fast to see what was happening when I suddenly tripped on the grassy ground, and when I looked in in the crowded place, I saw all of them watching me. They were all staring at me when I saw someone walk by me, but his face was blurred. I couldn't even see him, and when he nearly came to my position, he suddenly disappeared in front of me.

"Oh my gosh! What's happening?" I was so confused about what was happening when the clear sky became pitch black, and I was sitting on the ground starting to collapse.


I rushed, sitting up on my bed because my dream gave a shiver to my spine. After all, it feels so real. I frown my forehead while thinking, what's that dream all about.

"Who was that man whose face is blurred? I don't get it? Why do I always dream this for almost a week? Is that a sign that I should visit Switzerland? But why is there a man in my dream? It's so confusing?" I said to myself because this dream keeps bugging my nice sleep, for Pete's sake.

This dream keeps bugging in my mind, and now I dream this again. I'm sure that it will ruin my whole day because it will keep playing in my head.

"Maybe this dream will stop if I go to Switzerland. There were so many beautiful places there that I could paint." as I excitedly said before getting up in my bed to do my morning routine.

I don't know the meaning of that dream, and I think before that maybe it has a meaning behind those scenes I see in my dream. I don't know if this is a good message, but seriously, it bothers me a lot.

I'm Aliana Sophia Miller, the only daughter of the wealthiest architect here in New York City. My father listed in Forbes magazine as the top five billionaires and he gain many clients that want him to design their mansion and buildings. My mother was a doctor, director of the hospital she's working in, the owner of that hospital trust my mother to handle the hospital and all staff.

I already finished my college course, which is architectural, but honestly, I want to graduate with a Bachelor of Fine Arts because I love to paint so much. Painting is my passion. I want to travel to different places to see the beauty of the world and paint them. But, even though my parents support what I like, they give me time to enjoy my passion before I start to do what they want. My father wants me to be his successor in Architectural, he wants me to be like him, and even I doesn't like it, and it's not my passion; still, I need to do what they want for me, even it means I need to let go my love in painting.

For now, they support me in traveling and to do my passion, and if they tell me to stop, I need to follow them. And while my parents still support me, I already plan what place I want to go to enjoy painting their beautiful spot. And Switzerland that has been in my dream for a week, is my last destination, but I think I should go there first to able my weird dream stop, right?

Anyway, it's embarrassing to say, but I'm a hopeless romantic kind of a woman. You see, a hopeless romantic is someone who continues to believe in love, no matter the struggles they might have experienced in the past. And I think when I fall in love with a man, and he hurt me, I would still believe in a happily ever after that brought by love.

Maybe it's a crazy thing to say but, that's what I see if you fall in love. Falling in love doesn't mean you will always be happy, no trials, no pain. It would be best if you experienced the pain at first to have happiness at the end. I don't have a relationship right now because I'm focusing on my passion before I do my parent's wants, but if destiny brought me to the man, and my heart would fall for him, I would gladly take it.

After I finished my morning routine, I left my room to see my parents. I barely see them in the morning because they always go to their prior business, so sometimes in the morning, I eat alone, and I'm hoping that they are still here so I can talk to them about my plans.

I was hopping while taking the hallway when I met the butler of our house, Mr. Clinton. He's an age ma, but my father trusts him a lot, and I am too. He's like a grandfather for me because I don't have grandparents that I grew up with; after all, they are already in heaven, both sides of my mother and father.

"Good morning Mr. Clinton." I greeted him with the sweetest smile of mine.

Mr. Clinton stops in front of me, bowing his head with the respect that sometimes, I don't want him to do that to me. He's remarkable for me, so I want him to treat me as his grandchildren.

"Good morning Lady Aliana. I was going to wake you up for breakfast."

"I get up early, Mr. Clinton, so you won't be hard to wake me up. Anyway, is mom and dad still here?" I asked him about my parents so I could quickly come down to have a meal with them.

"I'm sorry, lady Aliana but your parents already left early this morning. They did not even take their meal before leaving. Your mom has a staff meeting in the hospital while your father needs to go to the sites to supervise the construction."

"But Engineer Peterson can supervise the site, right? Why dad needs to go there?" I said with a confused tone.

"You knew your father. He doesn't want to trust his works to an engineer without him supervising. Let's go in the dining, Lady Aliana. Your breakfast was ready."

I was a bit lonely thinking that my parents were too busy with their work and couldn't even give me time to eat with them. This kind of routine without them always happens, me eating alone and my parents are busy. This mansion we have is too big for me, especially since they barely stay here to be with me. Being the only daughter is too hard, but mom doesn't want to give birth to another baby because she doesn't want to sacrifice her position. They always think about their jobs and their role not to get down or something, and it's somewhat sad for me.

"Can you join me in my breakfast, Mr. Clinton? It's lonely to eat alone, besides I want to tell you about the plans I want to do right now, you know, about me traveling to find a good place and view to paint. I'm planning to go to Switzerland first." as I happily announced to him my plans.

"But Lady Aliana…"

"Please." I pleaded to him cutely so he couldn't refuse my favor.

When my parents are busy, Mr. Clinton has always joined me in my breakfast or at dinner. He told me so much about his family, but suddenly he stopped eating with me, and I know my mother and father stopped him from joining me again in my meal.

"Mom and Dad will not know this, just only this one, Mr. Clinton, please." I pleaded again when he smiled at me and bowed his head again.

"It was my pleasure to join you in your breakfast Lady Aliana. Seeing you makes me lessen the longing that I have for my granddaughter." he agreed to my request, which makes me smile even more.

"Thank you, Mr. Clinton!"

"So, what about the travel that you mention, Lady Aliana? Do you have a plan to go already?" he asked me as both of us walked together in the hallway, telling him my plans.

My parents are always busy, but I am blessed to have Mr. Clinton, whom I see as my grandfather.